
Chapter 83

  Jasmine got up at midnight only to wake her sister up. When everyone ate dinner, she had stubbornly refused saying she was not hungry cause her new mummy scolded her. Bella had asked Antonio to leave the girl to reflect on her behaviour so it would not be repeated next time.

That is the way she was brought up by her parents. She was always spanked when she does something wrong or grounded for her folly attitude which she didn't remember repeating ever again.

JoJo and Jasmine sneaked into the kitchen to fetch a bowl of icecream from the fridge and some cakes. But Jasmine insisted they carried milk too after they succeeded in stealing the cake and icecream.

"Jas no, this one's enough!" JoJo called but her sister didn't listen and went ahead to climb the stool they prepared bravely when she fell off. "Ah..!" She yelped in pain holding her butt. At her cries JoJo didn't wait to see what was wrong as she rushed to her parents room to call them.

Her little hands struggled to reach the door knob, when she couldn't she kept on hitting the door till Antonio got up. On knowing who it was, "Daddy daddy Jasmine's dead!" At her screams Antonio rushed to their room, to not find Jasmine in there.

"JoJo where's your sister?" He asked with grave face. "In the kitchen!" The little girl couldn't stop crying as she pointed to the kitchen. Antonio felt his world crumbled when she called him.

What could they be doing out by midnight? He didn't know how he would take it if anything happens to his daughters or anyone he loved again. He ran into the kitchen, on getting there, he saw his red haired daughter, crying and licking an ice cream with Edmund beside her.

Edmund got out to fetch water from the fridge as usual when he heard scream and small cries. He saw his little Miss JoJo rush out of the kitchen with her tiny legs to the direction of her father's room and he knew they must have done something bad.

On getting to the kitchen, he saw another JoJo on the floor holding her legs, her subs were silent that wouldn't go far. He picked her up and placed her on the stool, dishing the ice cream into the bowl to make her stop her subs which worked.

And just then, his boss walked in with grave expression. The look on Antonio's face was priceless, "Jas!" JoJo exclaimed as she hugged her sister. Antonio went in to hug the two girls. He was sure JoJo would make him have heart attack one day. 

"What's going on here?" Bella's voice was heard from the entrance of the kitchen and the two girls went in to hug her, leaving Antonio behind. She cleaned her sleepy eyes with the back of her hands with a yawn to look at the kids hugging her.

To Antonio, they loved his wife better. To Bella, something was definitely up and to the girls they were trying so hard to hide the the evil they have just done.

They didn't want to be caught by their mother, cause she would be so furious if she finds out they were stealing food from the fridge.