
Chapter 13

Bella left the room to the lounge. She still felt like she was dreaming, "I need to leave this house immediately!" She said.

She slept in another room that night, making sure she locked her door tightly.


Bella woke up the next morning, getting off the bed slowly as she yawned using her hands to clean her hazy eyes. She walked into the bathroom to take her bath, that was when she realized she had nothing to wear. She couldn't wear her old clothes, it had sweat on it.

She tied her towel and walked out of the bathroom, once she was done bathing, to the room she thought was the closet only to be astonished by what she saw. She finally wore a white shorts, a white polo and a pink slipper's. She let her hair down spraying some cologne on her body.

She tried looking for her phone but couldn't find it anywhere, that was when she realized she lost her phone when that man kidnapped her last night. "It could be in his room!" She thought to herself, but how was she supposed to face that man now? Not after everything that happened last night.

*Knock* There was a knock on the door which broke her off her daze. Bella quickly opened the door to see the handsome figure in front of her. "Good morning" Antonio said looking at her outfit. "Good morning!" She replied coyly as her cheeks flushed red.

"Breakfast is ready!" He said cautiously trying not to scare her. After last night's event, Antonio decided not to force her into having sex with him anymore. He was going to patiently wait for her to come around. This part of Lilo (Bella) intrigued something in him, he never once thought he could see her vulnerable state, since she's always had an audacious attitude.

Especially when it came to him, just few weeks ago she threatened him and last night she was scared.

Bella wondered why this man had to come by himself to invite her for breakfast, he could just send his butler. "Okay!" She said as she followed him downstairs. They got to the dinning room, it was a massive beautiful room with a diamond chandelier placed directly above the center of the table. Breakfast was scrumptious, Bella ate to her satisfaction.

"Where would you like to go today Lilo?" Antonio asked to break the silent. "Home!" Was her short reply. "Home?" Antonio gave a cluttered expression. "Listen, like I said before, I don't know who you are or why you kidnapped me in the first place. Whatever misunderstanding we had before, can you let it go and just let me go home?" She said sternly.

Antonio's face darkened, "Did you hit your head on something Lilo?" He asked coldly. Bella shivered from his dark expression which was so intimidating right now.

"Master Antonio, Blake is here to see you!" Edmund's words broke him off his glare and his face became normal again. "Send him in!" He said to the butler. "Whatever game you're playing Lilo stop it cause it's getting really irritating!" Antonio said.

"Mr Willan!" Blake said as he walked in, and that was when reality dawned on Bella. This man, yes this man who kidnapped her last night is 'Antonio Willan'.