
Chapter 124

      Antonio paced back and forth in his room, it was so unusual for his wife to ignore him, right now he regretted why he let her out of his sight. It was dangerous leaving her all alone, and even more dangerous if she was far from his protection. He was troubled, it would be great if she just picks her calls rather than scaring him like this.

         He placed his hands in his pocket thinking of an easy way out of this mess. He knew the Stan's we're up to something, at least that's what his guts tell him. They're angered so they'd do anything to hurt his wife and son, but if they do they'd regret it forever. Antonio's greatest fear was the incident of the past repeating itself again. He just cannot go through that suffering over again.

         The knock on his door distracted him from his thought and he went ahead to check who it was or rather who they were. "Daddy, it's dinner and mummy time we want to talk with her." Jojo and Jasmine ran to their father making sure not to upset him as they talked. Antonio wished he knew the right response to give them, he thought he could go a month or two without his wife, he thought he could distract himself with work, but it seems like none of that was working for him.

         None of the distractions was working, what he felt for Bella was almost like an obsession from the first day he saw her. He claimed her that night even if he had thought she was the other woman, her humbleness gave her out, he knew she was different but thought Lilo had just decided to change. Nature brought the best gift to him in an unimaginable way, the hope of life to his dead world.

         He felt blessed having her around, having her next to him, she understood his kind of person, she understood who he is and what he's capable of. She made him experience love again, in a way he's never felt before. He loved that woman more than she thinks he does.

       "You won't be talking to mummy tonight, you'd talk to her tomorrow." Antonio turned to his daughters as he took them down the stairs and to the dining room. He watched them eat cheerfully even if he never touched his food, rather just kept drinking mildly. Beneath his smiles to them was worry, the worry was only evident to just the butler who stood not too far from them. The man was worried for his boss as much as he was for his madam.



        "What are you talking about Tina? I thought we were friends?" Bella asked astonished by her supposed best friend's confession. All these while she thought she was lucky to have found true friends online, little did she know she was just an object for revenge. She wondered how it was so easy for a poor girl like herself to mingle with a rich model and photographer.

         "I'm so sorry Bella please forgive me." "I don't want to talk to you, please." Bella cut her off staring out her window without another word. The betrayal she was going through, the pain of just figuring out about her parents not being her parents, everything consumed her that she felt her baby churn making her yelp in pain.

         "What is it Bella, are you okay?" Tina asked holding her friend's arm which was removed instantly, but her screams didn't reduce. "Take us to a hospital quickly," Tina ordered the chauffeur who quickly took a right turn aiming for the nearest hospital. 

          An hour later the doctor came with a report, "She's been stressed out lately which is not good for either her or the baby. From now on make sure she avoids stress and focuses on safe delivery. She's almost due." The doctor said to Tina to which she nodded. She suddenly regretted why she had to bring up the betrayal talk at this point, maybe she would have waited before saying those things.

          "Stupid Tina." She cursed inwardly smacking her forehead. "Can I see her now?" "Of course, you can." At the doctors' words Tina found her way to Bella's ward only to see her friend sleeping calmly for the first time since they arrived in the city. She took the opportunity to snatch Bella's phone from her, there is only one person that can calm her down again and that's Antonio.

         "Sweet, I've been trying to reach you since yesterday." She heard Antonio's worried voice from the other end. "This is Tina Bella's friend, she's been admitted to a hospital, I need you in this country immediately before your wife does any more stupid things." She said.



         "We got it, it's time to work, get the jet ready were leaving," Mark ordered...