
Chapter 113

  "Antonio!" Viviana called as she walked in with a subtle smile on her lips. She stared at the couple on the couch, it irritated her the way Antonio wrapped his arms around the girl protectively as he hugged her so tightly.

   "Grandma!" JoJo and Jasmine went in to hug her. Both girls were jovial in nature that's why they treated everyone as family. Though Viviana was their grandma, they were not that close to her since Viviana rarely had the time to play with children. "What brings you here mother?" He addressed her as that since he was now used to calling her that.

   Viviana smiled at her son in laws nice gesture, "please take a seat!" She sat so elegantly glaring silently at Bella. If Antonio still addressed her as mother it meant he hasn't found out about the truth yet. She smiled.

   "I have something important to discuss with you Antonio. I know I should have said this a long time ago but I had to play along since my daughter begged me to stay silent!" Even if Antonio was now aware of the truth, Bella's heart skipped a bit.

   "What are you talking about?" Her words suddenly turned interesting to the man that he had to send his daughters back to their room. 

  Viviana knew it was time to take matters to her own hands since Benson has refused to help his only daughter. She would make sure Benson regrets his actions after everything is settled.

  Bella's grip on Antonio tightened a bit and he met her gaze, "Are you alright love?" She nodded a yes for an answer for Viviana to continue with her talks. "The woman with you Antonio is not my daughter, she's an imposter!" Vivi declared glaring at Bella.

   "Her real name is Bella, she's a hired whore paid by my daughter Lilo to render services to you!" She continued. The couple didn't utter a word as they both stared at her. "We should send her back to where she came from before she causes anymore damages cause I can see she's caused a lot harm already!" She continued.

   "I think that's enough Aunty, I already know all the stories you're telling, and Bella's not a hired whore, she's my wife not your daughter!" Antonio declared to see the shocked expression from Viviana's face.

   "No she's not your wife, she's not in your classes of women....!" "And how do you know my classes of women. Like I said, this woman sitted next to me is my wife and there's nothing anyone can do about it!" Her words irritated him more than anything.

   No one had the right to decide who he get's married to, or who he doesn't. If fate in it's crazy way brought Bella to him, he was not going to let her go that easily. Not now, not ever.

   "You.. You thief!" She pointed at Bella screaming like a mad beast like she was about to fight with her. "You will pay darely for this humiliation you caused today. He's not yours and will never be yours!" Edmund took the lady out of the mansion and stayed out till her chauffeur drove away.