

We were silent for a while after that.

The mood had turned sombre, I supposed looking back on the past had a way of doing that to the mood.

I struggled to figure out a new way to guide the conversation, though I wasn't entirely sure why it was up to me to do something like that.

I glanced at Greave to try and discern how he felt after unloading everything about his moment. He seemed fine, but was he really or did he just have an exceptionally good poker face?

I honestly wasn't sure, but he looked as normal and as relaxed as you could be when carrying three shopping bags that looked exceptionally heavy.

"So, what did you buy, anyway?" I asked, still looking at the array of heavily stacked bags.

"Ah, just some stuff for my box, you know how it is," He said, "I picked up this piece of art I really liked the look of, though I'll have to find a frame at some point. There was a statue, apparently from some horror movie in the old world. Just a bunch of stuff like that, really."