
Explosive Showdown

"It's not like you losers were hard to find, either," Brainwave blabbed, before casting her arm around to gesture at all of the destruction she had caused in a single blast, "And guys, this is just the beg-"

I was tired of listening to her brag about how easy it had been to take us out.

I flexed my palm and built up a charge of power in my gauntlet, flipped onto my back, and unleashed a full-powered blast from the primary emitter.

Brainwave was fast though, impossibly fast, and in the split second before my power blast ploughed into her she had created some kind of elemental electric bomb to shield her and counteract the effects of my attack.

The two electrical forces collided and exploded outward in a shower of sparks. It didn't damage her, but it did enough to allow myself and the rest of Hypogean a few precious seconds to scramble to our feet and get some space from the villain.