





"Glebahhh gleb gleb! (Masters got me working!)" A voice called out.

"Glebahhh gleb gleb! (Masters got me working!)" A chorus of voices emulated.

"Glarrrbleh! Guyet Gbleh! (All damn day!)"

"Glarrrbleh! Guyet Gbleh! (All damn day!)"

"Glebahhh gleb gleb! (Masters got me working!)" 

"Glebahhh gleb gleb! (Masters got me working!)" 

"Glarrrrrblet glar ble! (For no pay!)" 

"Glarrrrrblet glar ble! (For no pay!)" 

"Gbletttt glar gle gle! (Working to the bone!)" 

"Gbletttt glar gle gle! (Working to the bone!)" 

"Gyblattt gle blar glba! (To get Master paid!)"

"Gyblattt gle blar glba! (To get Master paid!)"



"Am I a slave owner?"

"No! You're a Dungeon Master!"


"Yes, Master?"

"Am I a slave owner?"

"Looks like it to me."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Azuma sighed, staring at the crowd of [Worker Goblin]'s as they swung their pickaxes, singing a song as they worked.

"They're not slaves! They like working!" Aphrodite said indignantly to this left. The goddess was still wearing a toga that did a poor job of hiding her bimbo-y body.

"Then why are they singing like that?" Azuma asked, watching as Gobby sang another gurgle of words, the rest soon following his lead.

"...They want to be musicians?" Aphrodite said, sounding doubtful of her own words.

"They're also working without pay." Ravel said helpfully from his right, "Definitely slaves."

"They're goblins! They don't have a use for money!" Aphrodite responded.

"Good work, fellas!" Azuma yelled from behind, eliciting a cheer from the goblin crowd as they started mining with renewed vigor. Azuma turned to Ravel, "How is the scouting team doing?"

"The second squad will be returning shortly, Master!" Ravel said, nodding at him. The blonde-haired girl wore a different suit than she'd arrived in, but you wouldn't know it from looking at her. She fit the look of a secretary perfectly.

Two days had passed since Azuma was summoned to this new world, and they'd been largely uneventful. He had used the majority of his points on his abilities and Ravel, so he'd been forced to take a slow approach. After learning about the shop mechanic, Azuma promptly used all his points to summon [Worker Goblin]'s and ordered them to expand the dungeon to the east. That's where the trio was standing now - at the end of a long mining tunnel that stretched roughly a hundred feet away from the main room. The ceiling was lined with Glowy Ore, allowing the goblins to see as they worked. 

Glowy Ore was the only ore the goblins had stumbled upon so far in their construction, but Aphrodite hadn't been lying about them being common. The goblins had found roughly 50 gemstones so far, and they sold for a decent amount of points depending on the size. The tunnel was rather smooth, as Azuma had quickly realized he could spam sell all the random rocks and pebbles that came from the goblins mining.

"Gerrbleh!" Speaking of Glowy Ore, Gobby ripped one out of the rocky wall in front of him, turning around and bypassing the crowd of goblins as he held it up to Azuma. The gem was decently sized, being roughly a foot in diameter. 

"Good work, Gobby," Azuma said, taking the gem as the small goblin saluted at him. As the first goblin summoned, Gobby had gotten a headstart over the others and became the leader of the "Goblin Mining Squadron." He had leveled up naturally to level 3 as he mined, gapping the other goblins, as only two of them had recently leveled up to level 2. 



Would you like to sell [Glowy Ore]?

Price: 25 Points

Successfully sold [Glowy Ore] for 25 Points!


"Yes, Master?" Ravel responded, looking up at him.

"Summon two more worker goblins," He ordered, and the blonde-haired girl nodded in confirmation. She raised her hand, seemingly tapping the air, and a moment later two more goblins appeared.

"Find a place to start mining, and get to work," Ravel ordered, "Bring any ores you find directly to me. Other than that, listen to Gobby."

The two newly summoned Goblins saluted and turned around, marching over to the others.

Azuma's starting strategy had been simple - just do what you'd always do at the start of a simulator game: Find a way to make money and expand that method exponentially. Azuma had purchased 23 more [Worker Goblin]'s with his remaining points from the tutorial, and then set them and Gobby to work. They weren't the quickest miners, being the lowest costing [Worker Unit], so Azuma had spent most of the previous day just planning and experimenting while they mined. As they found ores, Azuma sold them, and then spent the points on more goblins. More goblins meant faster mining, which meant more ores, which correlated to more points, which led to more goblins. Through this method, Azuma had grown the goblin mining squad to just over 200 men strong. 

Along with the goblin mining squad, Azuma had also purchased two sets of 10 [Goblin]'s - the normal ones, not the miners. He'd sent them down the tunnel toward the Monster Realm with the order to return back if they came across any monsters or openings in the cave. The first squad had expanded his map a fair bit - the short line extending from the main square room becoming triple in size - before they'd reached a fork in the road. The long tunnel broke into two paths, so Azuma created a second squad. The straight line on the map quickly turned into a Y-shape as the two squads went opposite ways, and the second one had started returning recently. Their half of the Y led into a wider square, letting Azuma know that they had reached an opening in the tunnel system.

"Why don't you ever summon anything but goblins?" Aphrodite asked as the two goblin workers fell in between the other goblins, swinging their pickaxes into the wall.

"They're cheap," Ravel answered for him, "Until we map out the area around the dungeon, it would be unwise to use expensive units."

Ravel had proven to be a good choice as a Dungeon Attendant over the past two days, as the short girl was remarkably intelligent and dutiful. She followed all of Azuma's orders efficiently, but her real worth came from her adaptability. Anybody could follow orders, but Ravel built and expanded upon them instead of constantly going back to Azuma for approval. On top of that, Ravel's access to the large funds of the Phenex Clan allowed for the goblins to be fed without the need for hunting monsters. This was especially necessary, as the scouting goblins had only encountered a few monsters despite scouting for the entirety of the previous day.

Aphrodite did a good job placing the dungeon away from danger, but she did a little bit too good of a job. If we didn't have access to food from the DxD world, we would all be starving.

"Why?" Aphrodite asked, the still-tiny goddess floating forward a bit to peek around Azuma at her.

"Because they're expendable," Azuma spoke up this time, "I know you said the monsters around the dungeon are weak, but I don't have a reference for how weak that is. Sending a high-costing unit might be quicker, but it'll also be a greater loss if they die while exploring, or even while mining. For all we know, there could be a massive cavern nearby. If a goblin digs into it and falls, then it's only a loss of 5 points. If I summoned a [Kobold Miner] and they did the same, then it's the same as losing 7 goblins."

"Oh, so they're like guinea pigs!" Aphrodite said, and Azuma nodded as he turned around.

"Yup. I'll start buying some better units when I have more points to spare."

The experimenting the last two days had taught Azuma a lot of things - mainly about the shop system. He'd ventured out into the world of DxD again with Ravel as a bodyguard and attempted to sell everything he could find. Through that he had discovered two requirements: He had to be able to physically hold the item in his hand, and he had to have some type of ownership over it. 

The 'ownership' aspect was still rather unknown to him. He could sell things that he didn't technically own - like random rocks and leaves - but couldn't sell anything that someone else owned. He and Ravel had journeyed into Kuoh Town and gone to a restaurant to test this, resulting in Azuma not being able to sell any of the plates or cups, though he had been able to sell the food itself after he bought it. He'd also tried to sell an animal that he found in the forest but hadn't been able to.

I can sell living things as long as I own them, like Gobby, but not just anything I touch.

In hindsight, it was stupid for him to even consider trying to sell a random living creature, but he had to at least try. If it had worked, then he could've essentially won any battle by just touching his opponent and selling them.

Azuma turned away from the army of goblins miners as he headed back down the tunnel, walking into the main cave room as Ravel and Aphrodite followed behind him. The square room looked much different from before, courtesy of Ravel. The girl had been distraught about spending so much time in a dreary cave, so she'd done a lot of decorating. Curtains hung over the three tunnels extending from the room - one where the goblins were mining, one into the Monster Realm, and one into the DxD world - and blue wallpaper lined the once stone-colored gray walls. The floor was also smoothed out, as she used a combination of goblin labor and her flame magic to smooth it out.

In the center of the room was the couch, looking far different from before. As a member of the Phenex Clan, Ravel had no shortage of money and had gone out to buy actual furniture. The once rugged and uneven stone couch was now a luxurious leather one, with a coffee table sitting in front of it. A TV hung on the wall - it wasn't connected to electricity, but it seemed that Devil TVs didn't need to, as it worked anyway. A King bed lay behind the couch, pressed into the only unmined wall to the west. A fridge and sink stood to the side of the bed.

Unfortunately, the conversion rate from Yen to Points was rather pitiful. While Ravel had access to near-infinite amounts of Yen, trying to convert said Yen to points was very inefficient. Roughly 100 Million Yen was equivalent to 1 Point - meaning that even if Azuma sold the entirety of the Phenex family's fortune, his Point return would likely only be in the thousands.

Granted, I don't actually know how deep their pockets are, but I'm not eager to bankrupt her family. The Yen itself is much more useful than some decent amount of points.

"Are you leaving soon, Ravel?" Azuma asked the girl, and she nodded sadly at his words.

"Yes, sorry Master. I can't sleep here yet," Ravel said as she looked at the bed, looking overly distraught that she couldn't sleep in the same room as him yet. 

"It's fine," Azuma waved dismissively, "It'll only be for a few weeks."

Ravel had been forced to return to the underworld when the sun started to set in order to keep her family satisfied. They had no issue with the girl disappearing every day, as it wasn't uncommon for devil children, especially those of the 72 pillars, to spend their days away from home having fun in the underworld's many cities or even visiting the human world. However, she was adamant that they would become suspicious if she was gone for multiple days at a time.

"What's the ETA on the Phenex Tears?" Azuma asked as the girl prepared herself to return home.

Upon finding out about the shop system, Azuma's first idea was to try selling Phenex Tears. He was sure they'd sell for a lot, given their near-instant healing of practically any injury, and the Phenex clan had a monopoly over them.

"I think it'll be about a week until the next batch is ready, Master," Ravel responded, "They're in very high demand, so I can't take any without a good reason. I've requested for some to be set aside."

Unfortunately for Azuma, Phenex Tears weren't actually just tears from a member of the Phenex Clan, so Azuma couldn't just ask Ravel to cut an onion. To be made they required intense focus, an empty mind, and an absurd amount of energy. Ravel might've been a High-class Devil, but she didn't have enough energy to make them casually, and she had never tried making one before. She estimated that the energy backlash would leave her near-useless around the dungeon for a few days, and Azuma weighed that losing his attendant for the next couple of days for one bottle of Phenex Tears wasn't worth it. He could just wait the week and get a whole batch.

"The scouting team should be back in roughly two hours, Master. Should I remain here until they arrive?" Ravel said, looking up at him questioningly, "I'll be arriving home a bit later than usual, but it should be fine."

"Just head back, there's not much more to help with today," Azuma said dismissively, sitting down on the couch for a moment, "I'm just going to train a bit more than head to sleep anyway. I'll handle their return."

"Yes, Master," Ravel nodded, a red magic circle appearing under her as she snapped her fingers, "I'll be back right when the sun rises, Master!"

"Oh, yeah," Azuma said, holding up a hand to stop her from leaving, "Bring a couple of beds with you tomorrow. Small ones. Also, if you have any especially expensive jewelry, bring that too."

"May I ask why, Master?" The girl asked with a tilted head.

"The beds are for the goblins," Azuma clarified, "They'll be more productive with a good night's sleep. I doubt the floor is very comfortable. I'll try selling the jewelry, though I doubt it'll be any different."

The goblins had been being worked to the bone the last two days - which wasn't even Azuma's doing. It was Gobby's. Letting the small goblin be in charge of the mining team was both a great and terrible idea. Great, because they were widely efficient. Terrible, because the small goblin was obsessed with his work. The small army of pickaxe-wielding goblins slept in the cave they were mining, not taking any breaks except to eat.

As for the jewelry - Azuma had unfortunately found out that most items from the DxD realm were rather underpriced. While a Glowy Orb sold for 25 Points, a massive diamond Ravel had brought only sold for 10. The system seemed to heavily favor items from the Monster Realm, but Azuma was hoping he could find a mineral or type of item from the DxD realm that sold for at least a decent amount. After he figured that out, he could use some of Ravel's limitless funds to buy a shit ton and sell them.

"Ah, good idea, Master!" The girl said brightly with a nod, "I'll bring enough for all of them. I'll see you in the morning, Master! Bye, Aphrodite!"

"Bye Ravel!" Aphrodite said with a smile.

"See ya," Azuma said lazily, stretching his arms as he prepared himself to train again. He stood up off of the couch, walked over, and grabbed a small glowy ore that he'd been using to train with. He cocked his arm back, throwing it across the room.

"[Time Dilation]" Azuma said the name of the ability for dramatic effect, but he didn't really need to speak to activate it. It was like an extension of himself - he could activate it just by feeling it.

The glowy ore flew across the room, then seemingly skipped forward as it disappeared from its trajectory in the air and appeared an inch from the wall, slamming into it. Azuma had been testing his ability over the last two days and had quickly realized just how useful it was. It was very versatile overall, but the combative aspects of it were amazing. Azuma could use it to either make himself, or an object, faster or to make his opponent slower. He could even make specific parts of a person or object faster or slower, leading to Azuma thinking of multiple creative uses for the ability.

"Turtle," Azuma hollered, speaking to the only other unit he had summoned. Azuma walked over to the tunnel that led into the Monster Realm, pushing aside the curtains to see a large turtle standing on two legs in front of it. Azuma had summoned the [Turtle Guard] to block the entrance in case any monsters showed up, doubling as both a guard and an alarm to notify Azuma of attackers. However, as no monsters had shown up yet, his main use had been as a punching bag.

"Let me use your shell," Azuma ordered, and the roughly 4-foot-tall standing green turtle nodded, turning around and showing the back of his hard shell to Azuma. That was the quick version, as in reality it took the turtle nearly two entire minutes to fully turn around, moving absurdly slow. Azuma shifted his body, getting into a fighting stand as he jabbed his fist forward, slamming into the turtle's shell.

[Punch] training started!

[12,570/25,000] Until Milestone!

The training system was pretty simple: Complete an action enough times, and you'll gain a stat boost. As you do more of one thing, it becomes harder to reach the next milestone and get the stat boost. 


Azuma idly looked over at his stats as he slammed his fists into the turtle's rock-hard shell.

[Azuma Kaito]

[Dungeon Master]

Dungeon Rank: F (2,115 D-Value)

Level: 3 (220/500)

HP: 650/650

MP: 900/900

STR: 22

AGI: 11

END: 8

INT: 21

CHA: 5

LUK: 5



Abilities: [Time Dilation], [Health Container]

Dungeon Boosts: None

Points: 9

Through his minor amount of training over the past two days, Azuma had reached the stats equivalent of a decently-weak low-class devil, or a two-winged angel/fallen angel.

Still don't know what a dungeon boost is, or how the level up the dungeon and get better units. It can't mean rank up, right?

Azuma continued idly punching the turtle shell as the curtains behind him opened up, allowing Aphrodite to float into the room.

"Your form is awful," She said blandly, watching him train on the turtle shell, "And I'm not comparing you to some of the Gods or Demi-gods I've seen. I think you're worse than the average low-class devil."

"Yo, chill. I've never fought a day in my life. Did you think I was just gonna show up and suddenly be an expert martial artist?" Azuma deadpanned as he continued sloppily jabbing at the shell, "I'm considering getting one of the Phenex's trainers to train me, but I was holding back until the dungeon leveled up. Hopefully that's soon, but I don't know because someone forgot."

When Azuma had asked Ravel about getting someone from the Phenex clan to train him in hand-to-hand combat, Aphrodite had chimed in that he would unlock a 'trainer' unit section when his dungeon reached level 2. Of course, to the surprise of no one, the bimbo goddess had no clue on how to level up the dungeon.

"Hey! I do remember! It's, um, by buying more units! Or, maybe it was defeating monsters?" Aphrodite hummed as she put a finger on her cheek, "Maybe it's based on how many other dungeons you conquered? N-No! It's based on your level! That was it! Wait, maybe that wasn't…"

I'll just continue trying shit until it works. 

The urge to just get a Phenex Clan trainer was high, but Aphrodite was strangely insistent that buying a trainer unit was better. Considering that the airhead goddess never seemed certain about anything, Azuma was inclined to trust her just this once time.

"Yeah, yeah," Azuma hummed dismissively as he continued training. Time started to fly by as he idly made conversation with Aphrodite until the goblin unit on his map started closing in. 

[19,269/25,000] Until Milestone!

Good enough for now. I'll finish it off after talking with the goblins.

"Glblarrr!" A throaty nose rang down the dim tunnel as a collection of goblins headed towards him. They stopped in place, lining up as they snapped into a salute.

"Welcome back, scouting squad!" Azuma said, returning the salute lazily, "There's only nine of you. One of you didn't die, right? I didn't get a notification…"

A goblin stepped forward from the line, opening his mouth, "Gblehh yar gablrh gleh!"

The goblin looked at him expectedly, as if his job was complete.

"...You know sign language?" Azuma asked blandly, not understanding a word the goblin said. The goblin nodded, his hands flashing into a series of symbols.

"Ok, stop, I don't actually know sign language," Azuma sighed, "Why the fuck does a goblin know sign language? Just, like, act it out." 

The goblin nodded again. He looked back at the line of goblins, pointing at them and them holding up his palms. He held up all his fingers, then dropped one down so only nine fingers were raised.

"Yeah, I get that," Azuma nodded, "There were ten, and now there's nine."

The goblin nodded excitedly, pointing to his chest and then back into the dark tunnel behind you.

"He's alive, but he's back in the tunnel," Azuma communicated, the goblin nodding in response. The goblin then pointed to the turtle standing guard at the door, and then into the tunnel again.

"Oh! I know this one!" Aphrodite butted in excitedly, "He got kidnapped! Kidnapped by a family of giant turtles, and we need to go on a quest to save him!"

"No," Azuma corrected, "He means that the other goblin is guarding something."

The little goblin pointed at Azuma and nodded rapidly as Aphrodite deflated. Then he held his hand out, raising both his hands and pointing forward. He wrapped both his fingers around and then connected them - drawing a circle in the air.

"A ball?" Azuma questioned with a tilted head, and the goblin shook his head quickly.

"Oh! A slime! It's a slime!" Aphrodite said, pointing excitedly at the goblin. She deflated again as the goblin shook his head. 

"Oh, you mean the opening," Azuma realized, "You walked into an open cavern, and the goblin is guarding it."

The goblin nodded rapidly, then stepped forward and pointed up the sole Glowy Ore wedged into the ceiling as it illuminated the turtle's guard post.

"Glowing! No, Glowy Ore! Um, um, the sun! There's a sun! A sun in the cave! Wait, no, no, a giant finger! A giant finger pointing at the sun!" Aphrodite shouted, playing the world's worst game of charades as the goblin continued jutting his finger at the Glowy Ore.

"The cave has a bunch of ores, and the goblin stayed behind to guard it?" Azuma figured out as the goblin pointed at him and nodded excitedly. Aphrodite deflated again, pouting at Azuma as he 3-0'd her in charades.

These guys are actually kinda smart. Only kinda. Leaving one goblin behind isn't gonna do shit. They're literal shitter mobs.

"Alright, it's time for you to shine, Aphrodite!" Azuma said, turning to Aphrodite and looking at her with a dead-serious look in his eye, "Mission: Saving Private Goblin! As my most trusted unit, you're the only one I can entrust to this essential mission, Aphrodite! Go, save Private Goblin and bring back the ores!"

Aphrodite perked up, staring with stars in her eyes as Azuma gave her a mission. Her hand flung up, slapping and jiggling her large breasts in her excitement as she gave a salute, "Y-Yes! Leave it to me, Master!"

The small goddess turned away, shooting down the dark tunnel with a speed Azuma didn't know her fairy-like wings could carry her.

"How long do you think it'll take her to realize she's not a worker unit and can't mine the ores?" Azuma asked, glancing down at the goblin he'd been playing charades with. The goblin raised his hand, holding up 10 fingers.

"10 seconds? You have too much faith," Azuma deadpanned, and the goblin hurriedly shook his head, pointing his finger up and then holding up his fingers again, "Oh, 10 minutes. Yeah, that's probably about right. I'll say 15."

Azuma hummed, turning back to the turtle as he gestured for him to turn his shell at him, "You guys did well, Goblin Scouting Squad #2! Go get some rest! Just remember, no sitting on the couch or bed. Those are human onl- well, I guess human and devil on-, well, I guess human and devil and bimbo goddess only. There's water in the fridge. Oh, and Ravel bought some more juice boxes for you guys."

The small line of goblins hurried past him, heading into the furnished room as they headed for their juice boxes. Azuma turned back to the turtle, idly jabbing his fists into it as he waited for the goddess's return. Apparently, both he and the goblin had too high of expectations, as it was nearly 30 minutes before Aphrodite returned.

"AZUMAAAAAAA!" Aphrodite yelled, flying up to him in a panic, "Azuma! I found the cave, but I can't get the ores! These little hands are too small to pull them out of the wall."

Azuma stared at the goddess disbelievingly as she panicked.

I kinda feel bad now. I didn't think she'd actually go all the way there. How did a literal goddess not pick up on a bit of trolling?

"Aph," Azuma said, using his nickname for her as he spoke placatingly, "It's fine. We'll just head there tomorrow with Ravel and some worker units."

"B-But what about Gobert?! He's all alone down there!" She said, waving her hands at him.

Gobert? Isn't that a basketball player?

"...Did you name the goblin guarding the place Gobert?" He asked incredulously.

"...He looked like a Gobert," She said, blushing slightly.

"Whatever. Gobert will be fine until tomorrow. If he dies before we get there, then he dies a Hero," Azuma hummed, going back to punching the turtle shell.

"Oh! A Heroes death! There would be nothing more honorable! Gobert would love that!" She said, nodding with a wistful look on her face. 

Whatever you say.

Azuma continued sending jabs into the turtle's shell for the next hour a notification finally appeared.

[Punch] Training Milestone Reached!

+1 STR!


[0/50,000] Until Milestone!

"Damn this shit takes forever," Azuma groaned, stopping his training as he stared at the milestone, "All that for one strength. Whatever, I'll do kicking next. Then pushups. Then get some running in. But that's tomorrow's problem."

Azuma turned away, walking back into the curtains, "Good work, sturdy turtle! See ya tomorrow!"

The turtle saluted in response, walking over and standing guard at the door again. Azuma stretched as he walked back into the room, tearing his shirt off as he flopped onto the giant bed. Around the TV was the squad of goblins, all sitting on the floor as they drank juice boxes and stared up at the TV.

"We need to get a shower in here," Azuma hummed as he sunk into the bed.

"The system keeps us clean," Aphrodite said, landing on his chest, "It casts [Auto-Clean] on us at midnight every day. Whoever made it thought about this. Can you imagine how terrible it would smell in some of the deeper floor dungeons if it didn't?"

"Yeah, I'm not complaining about that, but a shower would still be nice," He hummed, looking up as he stared blatantly at the huge melons on the goddess's chest, "Can I make you bigger somehow?"

"Yeah! Every time your dungeon ranks up, you can summon me with more power," She responded, tilting her head as she looked at him, "Why?"

"I wanna sleep on those," He responded bluntly as he stared at her tits.

Aphrodite's face turned red as she looked away, her hands folding over her breasts, "S-So forward…"

"You're the Goddess of Love," He deadpanned at her.

"I-I'm still a virgin!" 

"Yeah, yeah. This pillow is decent, but your tits would be better," Azuma hummed as he laid his head back into the high-quality pillow Ravel had brought. He closed his eyes, sleep starting to consume him after his busy day, "Yo, goblins! Don't stay up too late. We're going to get the ores tomorrow!"

"Gbleh!" A chorus of affirmations came in return. Azuma felt Aphrodite shift on his chest, laying down as she got comfortable. As the TV quietly played in the background to a group of goblins, the human Dungeon Master and Goddess of Love silently fell asleep.


AN: So, kind of an info/set-up chapter. This was originally only the first half of a chapter, but I've decided that I wanna update this story more than once every seven hundred years. Surprisingly (not), it takes a lot of time to write 10K word chapters when you're also trying to update a bunch of other stories frequently.

SO! Instead of once a month publicly, I'll be updating this story probably 2-3 times a month. On top of that, I'll be updating it twice as much at Patreon.com/Koyon , so that'll constantly have more chapters available to read ahead. The next chapter is already up on there!

Future chapters will also have more action - this one was kinda a 'chapter 1 part 2' of explaining more about the Dungeon system, as well as the dynamic within the dungeon.

Also, no specific day it'll be updated. I've realized I kinda don't like following a schedule, so I'm going to start getting away from that with all my stories, and just upload the chapters whenever they're done.

Thank you for reading!