

"You're leaving something out." Izzy finally says to me after a few moments of silence coming from her.

"She nearly killed Garmr too, he would have died if not for mine and Ayana's skill at healing." I reply to Izzy still feeling like my reactions to Gar almost dying were justified.

"Why don't you keep telling me about your past." Izzy finally says to me, as the point on the bottom of her staff grazes my side as Izzy impales a much larger Shax demon that I didn't notice with it.

"You're welcome." Izzy says to me with a bit of sass.

"I would have been fine." I reply to Izzy, my voice coming out defensive, as I swipe forward with my Katana slicing one Shax demon in half, that was above Izzy and about to stab her in the back with its stinger I smirked at Izzy before turning back around.

'Jesus…how long is this gonna go on?' I wonder in my head as we finally enter a large atrium where this massive Shax demon was connected to this fleshy tunnel that is pumping out eggs.

"I'll continue to tell you about my past later but I think we have a bigger issue at the moment…" I reply to Izzy and hear her make a sound of agreement.

"Stay back, I'll handle this…" I say to Isabelle who scoffs as I run at full speed towards the Queen Shax demon, prepared to drive my swords through it's head, only for a massive poisonous stinger to impale me through my abdomen and through my stomach.

"Fuck!" I shout in anger as I feel poison rage through my veins while Izzy lets out a shriek of rage and loss.

"You think that's gonna stop me, you overgrown scorpion?" I snarl in question as the Shax demon tries to whip it's tail and fling me away but I swipe my swords together, slicing the stinger off of the limb and drop to the floor with said stinger still lodged inside of me.

A primal snarl/roar reverberates in my chest and leaves my throat as the change washes over my face and I charge the Shax Queen once more; its massive pincers move at speeds that match my current speed and bat away my swords.

A laughing growl leaves my throat, "MORE GIMME MORE ! ! !" I shout in pure enjoyment at fighting something that could equal my siblings in strength and speed, and then I see Izzy coming up on my left and using her whip to wrap around one of the claws giving me an opening, letting my sword sink into it's head, making it explode into black ask and yellow/orange embers.

"Vidar!" Izzy shouts and runs to me as my knees give out, with the loss of an opponent my attention zeros in on the fact that my gut and blood are sizzling like an acid or base is eating me, from inside out as my body tries to heal itself.

I hear the bear metallic clink as the stinger still lodged inside of me is ripped out of me by Izzy and thrown away.

"Vidar, what do I do?" Izzy asks me in a panicked voice, I feel surprised that my gut wasn't healing completely with the stinger removed.

"Let me die." I whisper as I feel at peace for the first time since Lagertha started to become an introvert/hermit.

"Don't say that." Izzy growls at me softly in anger, as she cradles my head against her chest and pulls out a dagger and cuts into her wrist and up her forearm.

"Blood will help you right?" Izzy asks me as she shoves her bleeding wrist against my lips and as much as I want to let go and pass on her blood sings to me…it's like the most potent and addictive drug…designed just for me and I find myself sucking on Izzy's wrist before biting into her for more blood.

The sensation of being eaten by an acid eases but the damage to my body is taking time to heal, I can sense the energies inside the poison and I start to absorb the demonic energies helping my body heal.

"It's not enough…" Izzy whispers softly and her voice is like music in my ears as I feel like I'm getting high from the demonic energy from the poison in my body that I'm siphoning.

"I hope this works…you asshole." Izzy mutters and curses at me as I see her Steele in her hands and feel the flesh near my collar bone sizzle as the Steele burns a trail in my flesh, and I feel a deep soothing warmth running through me accompanying Izzy's blood.

Struggling to pull my lips and fangs away from Izzy's wrist as I drunkenly bring my hand up to wipe away the tears sliding down her cheeks. 

"Don't cry for me…I'm not worth it." I whisper softly while feeling a deep pain in my heart at seeing Izzy crying over me. 

"IZZY ! ! !" I hear shouts from down the tunnel from where we came. 

"You have to go, your brothers are here." I whisper softly as I drunkenly exit Isabelle's embrace, my world spinning and I nearly fall over but Izzy is there to catch me. 

"Oh no, you're not getting away that easily." I hear Izzy growl as she throws my arm over her shoulders and wraps her arms around my middle and guides me into a subway system I black out and comes back to multiple times before finally fully regaining consciousness and find myself lying on a plush bed with dozens of pillows with Izzy sitting on the bed beside me, wiping sweat from my forehead with a cool towel. 

"Heh, coulda bought me dinner before stripping me naked and getting me into bed." I joke softly while feeling an uncomfortable thrill run through me.

"I've fed you enough of my blood to count as a date and more so shut up and let me take care of you, you idiot." Izzy replies back to me with a little smirk playing on her lips, before her expression turns into a mix of anger and exasperation.

'Thank her you dumbass and stop being a depressed fucking edgelord…you're being pampered by a beautiful woman…who for some reason cares about your dumbass.' I yell at myself in my head.

"Thank you, Izzy…" I thank Izzy in a soft and insecure voice.

"Oh, I'm IZZY again and not Miss Lightwood?" Izzy asks me with more than a little bit of snark and hurt in her voice.

"You've always been Izzy…I just…" I mutter softly as Izzy glares at me.

"Now that you're awake you can finish telling me about yourself…and count it as an apology for telling me to let you die, and to thank me for saving you." Izzy says to me while continuing to glare at me making my lips start to twitch and I struggle not to smile at her.