

"Ahhh!" I yell out as I'm knocked to the floor again, because I can't get Vidar off my brain. I keep wondering if he's okay, if he's found a place to stay, and that is how Jace and Alec keep putting me on my ass during training. 

"What's up with you today Iz?" Jace asks with his stupid cocky smirk on his face. 

"It's a guy…Izzy always gets like this when she likes someone." Alec answers him and I feel the urge to kick them both in the balls as I take their pro-offered hands and they lift me to my feet. 

"I do not Alec, don't start Jace." I say to Alec and then turn to glare at Jace which makes him throw up his hands in an I surrender gesture. 

"Totally a guy…and with the way Iz, is blushing it's an older guy." Jace snickers and narrowly dodges my punch directed to his face but my foot catches him in his balls and I fight back the urge to giggle as he makes that "oh shit" face.  

"Iz, what the hell?" Jace asks as he cradles his crotch with both hands. 

"Oops." I reply to him and notice Alec reflexively flinching while looking at Jace and feel a bit bad about kicking Jace in the nuts. 

"So who is this guy Iz? You don't get violent over teasing unless you're actually into the guy" Jace starts and Alec finishes. 

"It's not even like that, we only met last night…" I try to defend myself but both of my brothers are smirking at me knowingly. 

"I hate you both." I groan as I massage my forehead. 

"Come on Izzy you got us interested now." Jace continues to snicker as Alec smirks and nods. 

"Haa, his name is Vidar…he's…" I find myself saying and struggling to come up with an appropriate description of Vidar…

"This is serious…" I hear Jace whisper to Alec as I zone out a bit as I think about Vidar's blue gray eyes…and long silky white hair that's partially braided. 

'By the angel…they're never going to stop.' I internally groan as I glare at the two who are smirking at each other.

"Come on Iz, spill." Jace smirks at me as he slings his arm over my shoulder, and tries to pull me along to the bar area.

"Haa, fine." I finally sigh in defeat as Alec silently piles on.

"He's a little bit older than us, he's a warrior…his torso covered in scars…don't even start I only saw him with his shirt off nothing else…but he definitely fills out his pants…and he's soo handsome he's got these steel blue eyes that are so expressive, a smile…that makes my heart flutter, he's tall six feet plus…his hair is white blonde." I found myself gushing over Vidar like he's my first crush.

"Oh…sis you got it bad." Alec suddenly jokes and playfully punches my shoulder.

'I do.' I find myself agreeing with his statement in my head, 'But maybe that's not so bad even if he is a Vampire…a Vampire with a heartbeat that can walk in the sun.' I feel myself becoming more and more curious about how Vidar became what he is… 'I really wish I didn't fall asleep when he got to that point…I think when I fell asleep he was telling me about how he resurrected his little brother after he was killed by werewolves.' I continue to think in my mind as Jace hands be a drink.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Dahlia paces back and forth in worry and anticipation, as she peeks into the Prison World Vidar was sent to…only to find that he isn't in the prison world and the Prison World does not exist anymore the spirits tell her that they can't track him wherever he went is beyond their capabilities to reach...even if they combined their might with her's.

'Freya is inconsolable…she's acting out…she even ran off to meet her "family" in New Orleans.' I sigh as I look into a puddle of water to see the area where Vidar's prison world should be but instead there is only void.

'Interesting…' I hum in my mind and almost give into the urge to investigate this strange occurrence.

"Show me Freya." Dahlia mutters as she runs her finger through the water to show Freya attending a Yule party.

"Why must you turn rebellious now…now I will have to punish you for being disobedient, hmm maybe I should punish you by forcing you into a prison of your precious family's conception like they did to your brother." I sigh as I continue to watch Freya, keeping Freya from going to Vidar might have been a mistake.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"Haa." I sigh as I pull away from Cindy's wrist while playing some helicopter game on her iPhone 5S.

'Its funny that playing on a smartphone...is like riding a bike.' I joke in my head as I decide wearing a silk robe isn't as fun as it was.

"Go buy me some clothes and one of these Cindy." I command the young woman who is insistently rubbing her thighs together as they become a damp mess from her shear arousal, the scent of her pussy thick in the air…but I feel little to no desire towards her, even as she wears a set of sexy violet and black lingerie.

"Yes Master Vidar." Cindy replies to me and I smirk at her subservience to me.

"Good girl, if you perform your task well, I'll reward you…" I promise Cindy in an uncommitted manner while I toss her phone beside her and get up to take a shower as I kinda got the snail trail treatment from the young woman.

'Its nice being back in a modern society…truly hot water…real in door plumbing…haa, such a nice pressure shower.' I say in my head while I enter the shower sighing internally as I enjoy the feeling of hot water hammering against my skin.

'I wonder if I should even bother trying to return home…besides Freya all that place holds for me is pain and the past…Hope…and Freya are truly the only reasons to return…and Hope may not even exist because of me and my presence…even if I did keep my distance as much as possible with my siblings so they could be their own people.' I continue to think things are getting lost in my mind, the shower water never growing cold and I only get pulled out of my thoughts when a naked Cindy tries entering the shower.

"I've returned Master, can I have my reward now?" Cindy asks me, "Not yet I need to see your work before you can receive a reward." I reply to her and grab her face gently.

"Go get dressed and wait for me." I compel Cindy and once she's gone I massage the bridge of my nose as flashbacks to the absolute carnage and destruction I caused plays in my head.

"Haa, I'm really a petulant and petty little shit…probably would have been fine if it wasn't for that curse…nah I would have snapped at some point…the destruction probably would have been worse…I did start the revolutionary war though…so I guess that's a plus." I sigh as I shut off the water and step out of the shower and use telekinesis to remove the water from my body.

probably won't be any updates for a bit, allergies are kicking my ass and making it hard to breath let alone write/type.

Shane_Towncreators' thoughts