

Power Stone goals

320 = 1 extra chapter

666 = 2 extra chapter

999 = 3 extra chapters

normal release 1-3 chapters a week depending on how much I'm able to type.

Well we hit 320 so here's an extra chapter.

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I find Bekah's dress on the ground and when I look up again Bekah is leaning her back against a tree with her hands behind her back. 

"You're not a very good hunter brother." Bekah teases as she bolts but I'm faster and I tackle her to the ground pinning her smaller body underneath mine my cock ragging hard from the sight of her beautiful exposed body that I can see perfectly in the dark.  

"B-brother." Bekah whimpers as I growl and sink my fangs into her neck and slide my cock into her creamy grooling slit. 

'OHH-VALKYRIE ! ! !' I moan loudly in my head as Bekah's blood is like lightning running through my taste buds and throat giving me so much energy, and that's when I truly feel it…it feels like I'm on a hot sandy beach during a 140°F height day….and in my chest near my sternum it feels like a mini sun is inside of me filling me with an unending feeling of warmth and power.

"OHH-ALL-FATHER ! ! !" I hear Bekah cry out, snapping me out of my introspection.

A moan slips from my lips at the same time Bekah grunts the sensation of being inside of her feeling of ridge and bump in acute detail. 

"Vidarrr." Bekah hisses and whimpers, while I bottom out it inside of her the head of my cock pressing against her cervix making me grunt at the impact with the firm wall that only has a slight amount of give to it.


Sliding my hands up along Bekah's body laying some attention to Bekah's sizable breasts that have actually become fuller, and firmer. 

I pull my fangs out of Bekah's neck and continue my hand journey up Bekah's body wrapping my hands around the back of her neck giving a soft squeeze that makes Bekah's inner walls tighten up around my girth. 

"Vidarrr…ahh-haa yes…it feels so much better than before." Bekah expresses as I release her neck and run my hands along her shoulders, down her arms to her hands that were gouging into the earth, I slip my hands over her hands and interlock our fingers together fully putting my weight on top of Bekah's soft body, licking, kissing and sucking on her neck as I pound into her.

"Oh…husband…sister you both look so beautiful…like that…" I hear Lagertha gaspingly whisper from behind me and the wet shlkicking of Lagertha playing with herself admiring us, Lagertha's voice is like a trigger for Bekah and I as we're pushed over the edge into a massive climax that makes my dick ache as my world goes white.

As I come down from the high caused by my intense orgasm, I feel Lagertha lay down on top of me, her hands running all over my body making me groan at the intensity of her touch.

As I come down from the high caused by my intense orgasm, I feel Lagertha lay down on top of me, her hands running all over my body making me groan at the intensity of her touch. 

"Girls as much as I would love to continue making love to both of you like this…I believe we need to return home…I have a bad feeling." I groan even as Lagertha starts rolling her hips keeping her hands on mine which ends up making me gently move within Bekah.

"I know…well enough to trust your feelings my husband…even as reluctant as I am to do so at this moment." Lagertha sighs in resigned understanding.

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The three of us return to the village just as the sky starts to turn Amarillo colored with the rising sun and I spot a Phoenix in full animal form flying through the sky.

"Hurry girls, get in the Longhouse!" I say with urgency in my voice, that gets both girls actually running towards the door just as we get to my Hall's door a ray of sunlight hits Bekah searing her skin but doing nothing to me as we slip inside only to be confronted by a growling Garmr.

"Gar." I call out softly to my pup, who walks towards us cautiously, his fur standing on end and his hackles raised. 

"Garmr, it's me Papa…" I whisper softly, feeling a knife in my heart at Garmr's aggressive stance towards me. 

Gar scents the air and stops growling before cautiously padding forward as I kneel down and extend my hand towards him. 

Gar stops a few centimeters away from my hand and sniffs, before licking my hand and then jumping on me and licking my face as he flops down on my body, his tail whipping back and forth rapidly like a Labrador puppy. 

"You little stinker." I giggle exasperatedly as I ruffle Garmr's thick fur around his neck, as Gar licks my face and my hair. 

"B-brother, Garmr…I have to talk to your Papa." Bekah says while struggling not to burst out into giggles, only to become the target of Gar's affection. 

"Gar noooo!" Bekah cries out as he tackles her to the floor and gives her the same puppy love treatment he gave me as Lagertha pulls me to my feet. 

"Your intuition has been proven correct again, my Husband." Lagertha mutters as she looks contemplating towards the hide-covered windows, "The sun sears our flesh husband…husband,  that ring you took from that leader of the wolves…could you create something like that…that will protect us from the sun?" Lagertha humms more to herself before turning to me and looking to me with hopeful eyes.  

"I believe I can…might need your opinion on a few things…I know you're not a witch but you've picked up a few things over the years and might have insights that will help me in my endeavors." I reply to Lagertha who nods and smiles at me in a mixture of placating happiness.   

"Okay Garmr, get off!" Bekah commands Gar firmly, making him whimper and reluctantly move away from Bekah with his ears down flat and his tail limp as he looks at Lagertha expectantly. 

 "No." Lagertha tells Gar firmly as she crosses her arms over her naked chest, hiding her beautiful breasts from my view.   

Even though Lagertha isn't a witch and Bekah is only just starting to come into her hexa abilities the three of us are able to put our heads together and reverse engineer the magic of the moon ring and work the spell to create the first daylight ring that works perfectly.

"Brother, why do I have to take the spell to mother and father?" Bekah pentuantly whines as I jot down the spell down in my grimoire, and take a piece of parchment and hold my hand over my grimoire and said piece of parchment copying the spell and handing it to Bekah who is pouting at me in a very effective mixture of provocative and cute.

I smile at Bekah, lean in and give her a deep kiss where our tongues explore each other's well explored mouths, "Bekah they need you, I love you now go get one of your spare dresses on and return home." I say to Bekah in a way of goodbye, while giving her a look and a smack on her big round rear, that promised a reward for completing her task in a timely fashion.

Once Bekah is gone Lagertha takes me by the hand, walks me over to the hearth and pushes me down into my throne like chair in front of the hearth where sometimes I just like to sit and watch the flames dance.

"I am going to need a…Daylight ring as well my Husband…but first I need your seed inside me." Lagertha says to me huskily with lust hazed eyes.

Lagertha and I were on the floor. My throne had put up a worthy effort but couldn't withstand Lagertha's excited riding the way my things and cock did.

"Vidar, do you wish to leave them here while we carry…off on our own?" Lagertha asks me as she lays on top of my face between her soft mounds.

"Mmm, not quite yet. I want to see Esther dead first." I hum my reply making Lagertha's slight breasts jiggle from the vibrations caused by my voice.