
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasía
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93 Chs

Sold!; More alloys?;

"Again? When did he raise them the first time?" you ask? He did that when even before he started selling, initially the price was around 10kg "A" crystals per set.

And, since now he had an opportunity...

- Only two sets left! Dont forget that the next batch may never come! Be one of the few owners of such a unique piece of art as my armor! Only 20kg 100% pure "A" crystals and it's yours -- he raised them again!

That, however, didn't make people who heard it that happy...

- But it was 15kg yesterday!

- Not just yesterday, i was here an hour ago and he was selling it for 15kg!

Well, even if they complained... so what? Would that change anything? Nope.

After only just an hour he sold both of the sets he had left, gaining a "B" rank mana-increasing potion and 23kg of "A" crystals!

That was almost double of what he initially though he would get from selling it!

Lady luck, however, thought different and made arrangments for Kerren!

Alas, he didn't want to stop there...

- Listen, people! -- he announced loudly -- I will have a few more sets of that awesome armor in just a week or so, you can start taking loans!

He will make more to milk those students dry! If they were willing to buy those scraps for such a price... why not sell it?

After all, it didn't cost him anything to make at all! Even if he were to fail every second craft he would still profit tremendously!

One set of armor required around 2kg worth of ores to make, giving him 18kg of pure profit!

Not only that, Kerren would have more experince at making armor, he could start selling swords too!

Well... it also had it's downsides... That business wont last for long, people will revese-ingeneer that alloy and will just produce their own pieces of armor...

Thus, he has to be quick! After counting his crystals he immediately walked towards the closest trade department.

It was a type of a place where one could buy anything!.. As long as they had crystals, that is...

He didn't forget to call the guildsmater to announce his success and ask for more of old ores, and some new ones that were more expensive.

KB1 was good for beginners as it provided ample defence, but you know what's better? KB2!... Well, yeah, what did you except him to make?

He wont be revealing anything great for quite a while. After all if he were to do so he would risk his life!

Who knows which goblin smelled gold and wanted to kill him to know his secret? Those alloys were unknown to the world after all, he couldn't show too much...

His own artefacts, weapons and armor, however? He could easily make them from the best materials he had. KB alloy wasn't one of them.

First of all, Kerren didn't need heavy armor or a sword, second - they were too crude and couldn't be used with Kerren's style.

Whatever is made with that alloy had really bad mana conductivity, doesn't matter how great the mage is it wont listen to his orders.

Thus, buffing his sword was impossible, and that was the only reason Kerren would use a sword in this life.

Why, you might ask? Because he's a mage! If he ever needs one he can just conjure it! Well, he wouldn't refuse a great sword, of course, he alredy has one of great quality...

But Kerren had other plans for it. He would make a gauntlet out of it! Of course, just the sword wont be enough to make it, since he only needs some of the metals in it... Fine, just one.

It's Aleh! According to the list of the best metals it was on the 7th place, it had insane mana-conductivity and held its place due to that.

Defences it provided were shallow, but that was worth it. It was primarily used as a subsidiary material on weapons or parts of some great constructs.

Kerren didn't know why such a material was used to make such a low-grade sword but he was grateful that lady luck has given it to him.

Sadly, the amount of it inside of this sword was enough to make even a single finger for that gauntlet he wanted, moreover, he needed a decent amount of other ores to make it good!

After thinking about it, Kerren decided to spend 90% of his crystals on ores. He needed those for practice and to make even more crystals.

Now, he had enough for 15 attempts of KB1 sets and 4 attempts of KB2 sets, the latter would be low "A" grade if he succeded, allowing him to crank up the price even more.

What about KB3? It was a different level and couldn't be given to the world. The higher the number the higher the properties would be, and since KB had low mana conductivity... KB3 could block physical attack almost completely! To a certain extent, of course...

How high was it? KB3 armor would be A rank, not "A" rank... If such an armor was presented to the world it would cause chaos. It was too insane even for Kerren.

That didn't apply to KB2, so he still wanted to make some.

He also bought some more ores to experiment on another alloys he knew, he didn't have any experience making those... he wasn't even sure it had properties he thinks they have, since he made them when he was in purgatory...

Still, he had to try getting those, they would be useful in making mana-conductive artefacts that would help mages cast spells or could even lower the mana cost of said spells.

-* Those would sell really well.. -- was what Kerren thought about making them

Of course, that was only planned, he wasn't sure it'll work at all.

For now, he focused on making more armor...