
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasía
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93 Chs

Permit; Mosquitoes;

As Kerren stood infront of it he was approached by a guard or whoever he was, Kerren didn't know or cared enough to check.

- Greetings. What is your purpose here? -- he said weirdly.

- Nothing much, i just want to go inside. -- he didn't bother looking at him.

- Okay, show me your permit and u're free to go in. -- he smiled as if he was the nicest guy ever!

- Permit? -- Kerren scratched his head as he looked at the guy, he was average in all field, even his mana wasn't that big of a deal -- Well, you see, i dont have, but since i need to get inside... would you mind giving me one? -- he asked nicely.

- Uhh... -- he too scratched his head as if he was mirroring Kerren -- Well, you see, i cant just give you a permit?... But! I can arrange one my people to test you if you are capable enough to go inside! -- he said enthusiastically -- The test itself is simple, just show that u're strong enough and that'll be all. -- he smiled as he said it all.

- If i wreck you right here right now would that count? -- Kerren smailed as he said!

- I think that would be impossible -- he was all smiles! -- If you can beat me i will actually give you a permanent grant to this dungeon, as i'm it's overseer. -- he never stopped smiling... this guy...

- Oh, but you just said that you cant just give me one, yet some random people who aren't worth a damn have it... -- he made a complicated expression -- Does that mean you lied to me?.. Eh... you know what? -- he swung his hand and a mana-wave flew straight at the guy! -- I think i dont need your permission after all. -- he didn't bother to look at him as the guy was lying on the floor at a nearby wall!

Seconds later the entrance to the dungeon was blocked by an automatic defense system that was triggered by an observing personnel!

- Hey! -- Kerren said loudly -- He said if i beat him i get a permanent permit to enter this dungeon! -- he wasn't lying though.

A voice sounded, seemingly from a speaker somewhere in the room.

- You attacked the overseer, remain on the place and dont defend if you dont want to get hurt -- it sounded really agressive.

What do you think happened next? A bunch of nobodies came in and surrounded Kerren! What a joke! He could beat those without spending even 3% of his mana!

He, however, didn't have enough time to think about wether or not he should do that as...

- Let him in, i really did say that -- a voice came from a guy who tried to attack the wall with his body!

- But... Sire, he attacked you out of the blue! -- one the men who ran in said.

- So what? He beat me in less than a second, what the hell will you be able to do? He's at least an "A" rank! -- he revelaed to the men!

- Huh!? -- some of the people suddenly cried out!

They didn't expect that this person was an "A" rank! Who was it!? Some prodigy from a rich family!? Also... How old was he?! He looked like a kid and already was at "A" rank!? What bullcrap talent is that!?

- You guys dont know me? Oh damn, i think i need to move around some more -- Kerren lazily said. -- my name is Kerren, nice to meet y'all and please, remember my face so next time i do something you wont spew bullcrap like "Surrender now or we'll make you pay! Wawawa!!!" -- he made a funny face and changed his voice at the end.

It made all who saw it feel kinda strange... his behavior was... Strange, to say the least. Were they actually supposed to know his name or something?...

- Wait! U're that guy who awakened at 16 and has no background whatsoever! -- one of the guards who observed the situation said.

- Huh? That's him? I thought he was taller... -- one of the female guards suddenly added...

- Okay, have a good time, i'm going in. Make a permit for me or whatever so next time i come here i dont have to cripple all of you. -- he lazily added as he already was halfway to the entrance. -- Mind opening it for me though? -- he looked at the camera on the wall.

In a second it really did open! What magical thing power was! People will just do whatever you want them to do!


Some time later Kerren was inside a dungeon. He was at the very entrance that was a base of sorts.

It had medical staff running around in case some of the students got hurt or anything bad happened. Clearly those lived in that dungeon.

Kerren didn't bother staying around as he slowly walked towards the approximate center of the dungeon he calculated when he was here the first time.


He didn't spot any goblins or whatever monsters this dungeon had as he purposely let some of his mana leak out to scare them off.

This, however, led to him being attacked my mosquitoes!

-* Wait... I didn't know they're here at all?... -- he suddenly realised another mistake of his!

His spell had even more flaws than he previously thought! The problem he had previously was fixed, and now he could see dead or sleeping or whatever bodies that were in the range of his spell...

But he couldn't see mosquitoes!? How is that possible? He could see bugs and other things such as animated plants, but not mosquitoes?...

Thus, he came to a conclusion that they were somewhat special! If the dungeon itself was their only habitat it was entirely possible that those were the key to completing the first challenge!

As such Kerren tried to catch some to study them. However, he soon found out that none of his methods worked! They could pass directly though his shields or barrier he created with mana!

-* What bullcrap ability is that!? -- he couldn't believe what he saw! Such a thing was impossible unless they were illusion, but they did bite him...

Kerren spent a long time studying what worked and what didn't. Soon, he came to a conclusion - those were phantoms! They could pass through whatever they wanted!

-* That doesn't explain why my spell doesn't work on them though -- it really didn't! His spell DID allow him to notice phantoms... Those mosquitoes definitely had something to do with the challenge!