
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasía
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93 Chs

Fool; Restless;

He calmly walked towards the entrance as the girl was circling around him, Kerren did not bother answering whatever Yusaya was saying.

She had many questions, at first she tried to ask about what he said earlier, about seeing her naked.

Then, when she understood she wont be getting an answer she redirected the "conversation" somewhere else.

However, she didn't get any answers to her other questions either.

Kerren didn't want to talk right now as he was currently trying to remember if he knew about those secret rooms.

Maybe some reports in the news he read? Maybe someone mentioned it in their interviews? Anything would be useful as it was his first time hearing about it!

Sadly, he couldn't remember anything of use. He did, however, remembered a clue. Secret rooms in dungeons were usually in S class dungeons, there were cases on them appeared in lower leveled ones, but those were so rare that Kerren only remembered one.

However, when one started raiding S class dungeons he would need to watch around, as those were somewhat frequent there, aproximately one in ten dungeons had those.

They didn't contain much useful things or anything, usually it was just a clue or an item that would help conquering the dungeon.

However, if it's so - why were there no news about it in his previous life?

If such a room was found, the previous guy who Yusaya used as a scapegoat would've written about it in his biography... But he didn't.

That could mean two things.

First - they did find it, but Yusaya forbid him from talking about it, which was fair and could've happened, since she wasn't exactly a good character either, considering her secrecy in that matter.

Second, which was what Kerren feared - he changed something, so this time she did find it, unlike his previous life. That was also possible since the dungeon was "opened" after a few years, not now.

And since those rooms usually had clues or direct methods of completing the dungeon - why did that take her so long?

As he was wondering about it he finally arrived to the entrance. Yusaya was still near him, asking him seemingly infinite questions none of which he answered.

So, he decided to continue pretending.

- Oh, Yusaya! U're quite fast! So, wanna enter it now?

He said with a wide smile, as if she wasn't walking with him all this time.

- What do you even mean by?.. -- she paused for a second -- You know what? Whatever, let's enter, i'll explain it to you then.

She then entered the dungeon without even waiting for him, as if she was offended by his behaviour.

Whatever it was - Kerren wouldn't care. They both wanted to use each other, so why considering any feelings between them?


As they both entered Yusaya immediately ran in a seemingly random direction. Kerren followed without a second thought.

After a few kilometers she finally stopped, looking back at Kerren who seemingly wasn't tired at all, which was strange to her.

- Did you do any training since the last time? You seem like a new person!

She said as she examined him, seemingly he was exactly the same as he was a few months ago, but he wasn't tired? Why is that?

- Hm? Not really, why do you ask? -- he didn't understand the question, did he get taller or something? maybe even more handsome?

- No, nothing. -- she turned her head back -- See that tree? It's the entrance. Place your hand on this branch -- she pointed at one.

- That easy? Wow, so hidden. Aren't you trying to make me look like a fool?

He couldn't help but to pretend. After all those secret rooms weren't known to people and it would look strange if he listened to her without asking questions.

They were somewhat close, yeah, but not to the extent of blindly trusting each other with whatever things.

- Stop pretending, cant you feel that it's special? It has more mana inside of it than this whole forest!

Now that she said it, Kerren used one of his spells to check it out but... he couldn't see anything.

- Yeah, so what? Maybe some random archmage pissed on it or something. Did you even enter it before?

It was a gamble. Kerren couldn't see anything wrong with this branch, that could only mean that an insight skill was needed, which Kerren didn't really have at the moment...

- You dont have an insight skill, do you?.. -- Yusaya gazed at him with a dissapointed look in her eyes.

- I dont.

In response kerren could only smile like a moron. Why would he hide it?

- I'll give you one when we get back... Now, repeat after me

She then proceeded to touch a different branch on this tree, which made her dissapear immediately!

It didn't shock Kerren, what did shock him is that even this branch didn't have any mana from his perspective!

More than that, it was as normal as a branch could be! So, what does that mean? It wasn't a barrier, it wasn't something made by other humans at all! It really was something created along with the dungeon!

Why such a thought? Well, it's because barriers and other things that were made by someone else, like, for example, that barrier that hid the facility in Kerren's previous life, all of them had a trace of mana around them!

Kerren could see those with his spells even though he didn't have a skill needed to do so, it was due to his knowledge and insight.

However, things that were meant to be found only by those with skill necessary could only be found by using certain skill or possesing certain items.

That whole thing felt somewhat strange to Kerren, as he felt that there were two different things going on...

First of all, why could he not feel mana inside of that branch? Was it hidden by some high leveled spell or something? That wasn't the case as whatever the spell was Kerren was sure that he'll get a response, but he didn't.

Second, why could he see things that required other people to use an insight skill? What did that even mean as a whole? Could he also use skills that he didn't posses? No, he couldn't, so why did it only apply to certain things?

And third, most important one - why the hell is the thing inside of him restless!? As soon as he came closer to this "entrace" it started flying around his body!

Of course, it's not like it was hard for it to do so, since Kerren's whole body was nothing but mana and that thing, but it usually just sat at one place and moved only when he did.

Now, however, it seemed like it was mad!

-* Well, whatever it is i hope you wont break my body, i still need it.

He thought before finally touching the branch.