
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasía
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93 Chs

Awkward; Mystery;

-* There's no way she's going to bother me again... -- Kerren thought with somewhat fearful tone.

As he was leaving he pretended that he didn't notice her at all, but alas...

- Oh, it's you! What a surprise! Do you also like reading, like i do? -- Yusaya asked with a wide smile.

It looked horrible. Not because she was ugly or anything, it's because it was the most obvious "Didn't mean to meet you but here were are!" he ever saw in his life!

Sadly, he couldn't just tell her to f*kk off since, well... he wasn't Kerren right now? Why would he?

- O-oh! Hello... Are y... following me?

Kerren mumbled so she could barely understand what he just said. It was another trick of his, to he as awkward as possible!

- Huh? Sorry, what? -- she asked with visible confusion on her face.

- ...Following me?..

Kerren continued to mumble.

- Oh, no! Haha -- she moved a little after saying that -- I just happened to wait for my friend here, that's all! -- another phrase she said with a smile.

- But i saw you standing here for... 30 minutes or so...

Kerren added with a confused voice, as if he couldn't really get what's wrong but still talked.

- Oh... Well, i told you i was waiting for a friend? Maybe he's late, haha!

After some more going back and forth this awful conversation ended. Kerren couldn't understand what was going on it her mind as it was his most awkward conversation in a long while.

He didn't too much about it but she felt that it was strange that she became so awkward all of a sudden. She talked like a somewhat normal person before, so what exactly changed in that time?

However, he didn't think too much about her, he still focused on improving his own spells.

All in all there's nothing else he could do. He already had a plan and he just had to follow it.

What the plan was? Well, simple enough, improve his spells as much as he possibly can with the help of those books, then solve the dungeon mystery and boom, we're done here! Run away somewhere far, change identity once again and live a happy... oh, wait, continue improving, of course!

As such, what else could he do? He cant raid, cant participate in some questionable activities that would attract attention to him, he cant even go inside the dungeon to investigate!

But, as he was going all over his plan once more, he found something really strange... If he remembered correctly, right after that guy who solved the mission in this dungeon did so... the world changed somehow...

He couldn't understand why he didn't mind it at first, but as he thought more about it... it did feel strange.

From his judgement... Why did humanity advance so much in only 30 or so years? It would be normal if something big happened, but... nothing really did?

He tried to connect pieces of the puzzle he had in his head but couldn't do so as he lacked information about the whole thing.

He didn't have any evidence or anything he could stitch together... It's just that he had a strange feeling like he forgot something really important about this dungeon...

Then, he realized what it was... Not long after the first floor of this dungeon was "completed" the world changed! He suddenly remember why he couldn't remember what it was exactly!

It's because he wasn't even awakened at the time! In reality, he awakened because it was conquered! The amount of mana in the world started increasing, allowing more people to awaken!

He was one of them, he didn't really follow all those awakened people and what they did before he became one of them!

But... Why did it increase? Maybe it was just a concidence? Of course not, Kerren immediately threw away that thought. How in the world could that be a coincidence?

First of all - Yusaya, he didn't remember her from his past life! There were no such person at all! Knowing how strong she is at her age... She would've been at least S rank...

Second - she was a good-looking and a strong girl, he would've known about her since... Well, he liked girls?... And... to follow them, yeah.

Third - she knew that this dungeon has a secret!

So, those three pieces together... She is the reason behind that change! She then left the university seemingly disappearing from the world! However, she didn't appear even when humanity needed it the most, in one of the apocalyptic eruptions that happened!

She was too suspicious from the start, unique book given away so easily, those special eyes of her... Those two things were already too strong, but her skill in sword? Kerren could see that she was a true master, yet for some reason too weak to be one!

How is that possible for one person to have so much strange things about him? It's fine if it's Kerren himself, he reincarnated after all, but she?..

Whatever it was Kerren now knew that whatever she's after in this dungeon... that thing could change the world!

Thus, he needed to have it no matter what! It's not like he didn't want to steal it before, but now he had a proper reason to do that!

Of course, it's easier said than done, but who cares? Kerren would improve tremendously in no-time and will just forcefully kill everything in that dungeon if needed!

He doesn't have enough power to do that, of course, but planting a few hundred mana-bomb all around the dungeon and then detonating them all at once would surely do the thing.

Was it risky? Of course! If he did such a thing he would meet a lot of strong people as soon as he emerged back into the real world... If not for the method to escape in a different place...

It wasn't a bluff when Kerren told the guildmaster that he had such a method, in reality, of course, he simply died, but who cares? The method is real, it's just that he didn't use it, but could.

Thus, Kerren began his preparation. He planned everything to the last minute detail. Of course, he was aware that none his plans worked... yet. Eventually they will, so why stop using them?

Of course, doing such a thing was basically suicide... but he had several lives anyway, why bother?

However, he still wasn't sure about one thing... What exactly was Yusaya after? What was so important and powerful?

On one hand, it didn't seem like it was a godly artefact that would make a god out of a random hobo, yet the amount of mana increased after the first floor was cleared...

On the other hand... what could attract such a power that could give away a unique book like it's nothing?

Whatever it was Kerren decided that's it's not the time to think about it. He will do so only after getting it.