
Chapter Thirty-Two

Rey smiles widely at me, his hands crossed behind his back he approaches once again, "Looks like you've got your answer lad."

Looking up at him I figure… "Yes, I do. I'll get your package but just keep in mind what I said earlier."

His smile doesn't leave as he recalls, "You mean the supposed fact that you could end my life within an instant? Ah. I wouldn't dare to forget such important details."

I feel a bit mocked but I don't bother to say a thing. I'll bite back once my hopes aren't riding on him.

"So, what's ne-"

"Rey!" a familiar voice screams, cutting me off entirely. "Vern!"

At the sound of my name I turn, and as I do my eyes fall on the huffing, dripping Rex standing in the doorway with determination or confusion burning in his eyes.

"Are you… okay?" I have to ask because frankly he looks like a mess.

I hear Rey sigh behind me and walk over to Rex, "You should rest. Don't worry about anything, I've got it han-"

"Handle!? Of course you do. You're Rey and I'm Rex, useless Rex. That's what you all think of me isn't it?"

This is so awkward.

I try not to look him in the eye as truthfully, he stopped being useful to me the moment he introduced me to Rey.

Rey tries to get a hold of him but he shoves his hand away and proceeds to yell, "I don't need your help, Rey. I'll show you I'm worth more than this, I'll carry my own fucking weight without you looking over my shoulder."

I'm quite at a loss with Rex. I'm not sure if he's angry that Rey is helping him or that Rey is sidelining him from the job he has said he doesn't want to do.

He could still be in shock.

Given the blastif electricity that shit him back several feet out a glass panel, I'm sure it's the case here.

"Rex I'm sure you're tired, maybe you should go lay down." I say, in my most soothing voice, one reserved for when I'm begging Paige for forgiveness.

Rex stares at me, mouth hanging open like he'd just heard the most shocking news.

And then, in complete deadpan, he says, "No."

"No, I won't go lay down Vern. I'm coming with you."

"I'm sorry what?"

He doesn't stop, "Yeah, I'm coming with you, you have a job to do right? I heard from outside. Picking up a package? I can fucking do that." he says this glaring over at Rey.

Rey is surprisingly startled at his cousin's proclamations, "What? No. You can't go with him. It's dangerous."

Are you fucking kidding me?

"It's so dangerous you wouldn't send your cousin to do it but you'd send me over with a shit grin in your face?" I find myself exclaiming in outrage.

Before he comes up with a response I grab Rex's arm and pull him toward me. "Guess we're fucking going on this mission together, Rex. I won't be expendable."

Rey glares heatedly at me and looks to Rex, he's just about to say something when the door swings open and there's Austin standing in the doorway, keys dangling from his raised hand.

He looks across our faces and seems to choose not to get involved as he simply breathes and says, "Got the keys out, everything is ready boss."

Rey seems to deflate at this but he takes a deep breath, eyes fixed on Rex, "Do what you want then, Austin take them down south please."

At this Austin looks a bit lost. "Down south as in down south or…"

Rey doesn't bother elaboration right now and says, "I'll send you the outsider's contact."

I realize that Austin has been excluded for the most of this. Strange given Austin is his lieutenant, but I don't worry about that. Instead I worry about Rex who's beside me and shivering.

I'm already starting to regret this.

Sure I don't want to be expendable but I also don't want to be the guy who drags a puppy onto a freeway.

I feel Rey's glare on me and I turn to him, before anything can come to me to say he speaks.

"I'm sure you're strong enough to ensure the survival of both yourself and your chosen companion… Austin won't be coming down to help you on this either."


It hurts and a part of me wants to beg for Austin's reliable aid but rather than that I bite back,"Right, of course he is, not expendable like me or Rex is he."

"Okay that's enough, I don't want to be dragged into whatever bullshit you three have going on here." Austin suddenly exclaims a tinge of frustration clear in his voice.

"Now let's get going." he sighs, "According to this this is the best time to go to the south border, less patrols, our outsider will be waiting."

That said I get moving, Rex following closely behind.

This has to be the most disadvantaged I'll ever be.

The south border. Outsiders. The suppressors. It's beginning to feel like I'm moving a bit too fast for my boots.

But I suppose, if Invincibill is my goal, it's more than likely he'll send me on far tougher errands. I'm just not sure what those look like yet.

But this, for Paige… it should be worth it.