Two temporal manipulators or Chronokinietics, one male aged 14 and the other female aged 15-200, attain the status of Supervillain as they try to find a way to live with each other through time.
We drive on into the city proper in silence. We've long since stepped out of Invincibill's acknowledged territory and now we cruise the clean asphalts of the administrative district.
They say criminals often return to the scene of their crime, it must be true because here I am again. We've zoomed past the scene but I am in the vicinity. The road leading in is blocked as swift repairs are being carried out.
The Mayor is at it again, quick to send in the city's environmental to clean up any mess. One of the reasons the denizens keep voting him in each election, that and everyone knows best not to compete.
Well, there has been some competition, but a week later the poor man who had no idea what he was going up against announced he was dropping out of the race, and he did so with a grin on his face.