Two temporal manipulators or Chronokinietics, one male aged 14 and the other female aged 15-200, attain the status of Supervillain as they try to find a way to live with each other through time.
Across the street is an empty lot, nothing but space, broken up blocks, snow and men with hard hats walking about the place. It's dark out so their work is dimly lit by the few street lights and floodlights they have. It seems like whatever construction they've got planned here is yet to start. Unlike the other places we've been to, this one doesn't even have any heavy equipment on site.
I take a large bite out of my shawarma and look away, back to the TV, there's nothing fun on.
Nothing suspicious so far, no sign of gang presence either. But then there wouldn't be, this is Uptown afterall and what would Vertigo's dirty boys be doing here? Well, that's what I'm hoping to find out.
Taking another peek out the window, I find nothing has changed since the last glance and sigh. The unhealthy meals and bouncing from place to place, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be.
Then again, I didn't think I'd be bouncing around this long.