
The World Beyond The Lens

Who would have ever thought that Angga, a corporate content creator, found another world filled with more intelligent species besides humans. The world was totally different from what he knew about the fantasy world, referred to popular fiction movies he was familiar with since no one can kill each other and compete in video making instead. Since it’s his expertise back in his world, Angga ventures to another world while exploiting his skills well with Clara, a fierce lioness warrior, by his side, and Tafnekha, a bewitching sorcerer, vying for his affection. He will use this chance to gather as many materials as possible to make amazing content back in his world. If you have access to another world, what kind of content are you going to make? A dragon race? A magical battle? Or just a plain relaxing adventuring video? The possibilities are endless. It's also featured in Royal Road and Scribble Hub. [cover by: @TheProjectAR on Twitter, you can check all his other works there.] =0= Any donation will be much appreciated on this link: https://ko-fi.com/lumi0283

lazylumi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Chapter 14 - Clara Project: The Contest

Now that Angga was committed to helping Clara achieve her goal while collecting more and more footage for himself, he frequently visited Canau for now. Usually, he went after work and during the weekend. He also wanted to know to what extent Clara knows about creating content.

They usually discussed what kind of content Clara wanted to make at the Resources Guild's building on the long table near the window so they could enjoy the warm sunlight coming through the glasses. Aleid was also there and brought them a warm tea that was pleasant to have.

"I was interested in the concept that you two can come up with. So, don't mind me. I'll just observe things here," said the sheep guy.

But when Aleid was going to watch, he remembered that there were some documents he needed to review, so he quickly went away.

"Haha, Aleid really got his hands full. I'm not capable enough like him so he can manage everything that this guild needs."

"Why do you think you're incapable?" asked Angga while he was reviewing some of the other videos and their statistics.

"I'm not diligent enough like him and probably will miss out on many things."

She grinned. But this one isn't her usual bright one. Angga tilted his head to look at her face properly.

"Yeah, you may be right. You don't seem the type who is good with documents."

"Hey! I don't expect you to agree with me right away!" Clara protested.

"Neither do I. I'm certain I'll lose half of the documents entrusted to me if I were assigned to that kind of work," he smiled wide and chuckled.

"Eh? So you're actually stupid, Angga?"

"I'm not," he snorted, "my point is, you don't have to be good at organizing documents since you're doing well at making a video. One should focus on what they can do and enjoy most. To be successful in life doesn't have to be only one way through."

Clara took a few seconds to process what Angga said and nodded determinedly. "I agree! That's why we should make this video go big!"

"Well said!"

With the new unfolding determination, Angga and Clara went on their way to pursue the chance to make a viral video.

Angga proposed the first idea for their content, which is to introduce some interesting spots around Canau while interviewing the citizens in response to the said spots using the live stream feature. For example, in a nice place to eat with its distinct delicious food, Angga and Clara asked the opinion of other customers of the cafe. It's also an opportunity to train Clara to talk in front of the camera since she has no concept of being a show host.

At first, the lion girl didn't know what to talk about when she interviewed someone and often asked Angga behind the camera what else to ask about. Still, she slowly getting a hang of it after a few experiences of being a host. It's something to be expected, but Clara's progress made Angga smile while he took her footage.

"We've got this magic wand store that claims to have a complete collection of the wands that will ultimately aid many adventurers. As a spellcaster, what do you think about their stocks?" asked Clara towards another Satwa person resembling a cat.

"I have to say that they are living their reputation well. Any kind of magic wand with various rarity can be found here. But it'll be better if they lower their prices a bit, or give a big discount for the wands with high rarity. Nowadays, our adventure budget is getting thinner, you see," complained the cat girl with her unique, exaggerated cry.

"Aaah, of course. I can totally understand you! I've heard from a friend that sometimes the bounty quest will pay less than usual due to the shortage of the monster's population."

"Riiight! So it'll help if the store lowers their wand's price, just like the other stores."

And the light conversation goes on and on. Sooner or later, it'll be natural for Clara to talk leisurely in front of the camera.

They've progressed slowly but promising. The series' live streams accumulated around 300 golds worth of Support and were still counting since Clara got better of it. It'll be in no time that they'll hit the 500 gold mark. The lion girl was jumping around when she heard the news from the Town Hall regarding her video's accumulated Support.

"I never heard this kind of amount originated from my own video. It's amazing, Angga!"

"And they said the view and the Supports are also increasing. It's a good sign, they said."

"Who said?"

"Nevermind. Let's just focus on our project now. Good work for today, Clara."

"Thank you so much, Angga! Let's have fun tomorrow as well, and be careful on the way back home!"

Angga's mood has been improving lately to the degree that it positively affected his daily work. Perhaps he was slowly having fun, too, while helping Clara while still focusing on her goal. He couldn't wait to think what else he would discover tomorrow while covering another exciting place in this town.

So he hummed while walking home from the Resource Guild's building and was stopped by someone pretty tall and muscular to the point that Angga couldn't see any other way to get through him.

He raised his head to see the face of the said someone.

"Greetings. Are you the famed Angga people were talking about?" asked the tall figure with his heavy and intimidating voice.

Angga felt the tremendous power of listening to his question alone. He hasn't encountered it in his life before, and there's no right answer to what he must do. Even people around him were trying to keep their distance even though they were clearly curious about the tall figure since the said person was pretty tall compared to others, even with another race or compared with Clara.

"Yes. I am Angga. Is there something I can help?" He tried hard to compose his world carefully so as not to shake.

"So it's you're the main cause of my daughter not going to hunt anymore. Yet, she dwells on that stupid guild and wastes her time further."

"Your daughter?"

"It's Clara. I am Alcibiades, her father."

So, he was Clara's father? Angga immediately understood the resemblance of the person before him to the girl he knew. His strong muscles and abs, tall figure to the point that Angga couldn't grasp his face well because it was horrifying to look at while he looked down upon, and his likeness with a lion from his world came from his hair.

Is it because of Angga that her daughter invested most of his time to make a splendid video? No. He didn't think so. What drove Clara to pursue the chance to make a viral video was that she liked to do that.

"In my defense, sir Alc–if you don't mind me calling you that–I've known Clara and Aleid for a while and confirmed that they're already involved with the Resources Guild to make video content before I meet them for the first time. Hence, you should ask her about it."

"I'm aware that my daughter joined the guild all by her own intention in the first place. But, what comes after your arrival at this town is the problem."


"The sole problem is who made her fall down into this evil scheme of the Overseer is YOU!"

He shouted and roared with intense, hostile intent. If it's not by the Overseer's rules, Alc killed Angga swiftly. And that strong roar definitely made Angga shrink in an instant.

"A fool plans to totally invest in a new system introduced by a foreign object that came out of nowhere. Indeed, the Overseer stopped the war between us and demons, which lasted for many years. But, to abandon our destiny and pursue a foolhardy thing is foolishness!"

Angga thought that no matter what Alc complained about Clara, nothing would change if he did not say it to Clara herself. Now, how to escape–

"Papa! What are you doing here?!"


She hastily got between his father and Angga and stared back, trying to cover the human guy since pretty much he didn't understand everything. It's her problem and her father's, so there was no need to involve any other party, be it Angga or the Resources Guild.

"What are you doing here, Papa? I told you before that I won't go back no matter what."

"Listen to me carefully, Clara. Papa knows that having a hobby is good for anyone. But, when it takes too much time and makes someone forget what they have to do, then it's a bad influence." His tone softened a bit when Alc talked with his daughter.

"What do you mean it's a bad influence, Papa? I told you countless times that I really want to be a full-fledged video creator! You see my progress, don't you? And now, I'm on the way to making a really big one."

Angga never saw this side of Clara, who was seemingly always bright and cheerful with her usual grin as if everything would go well when she was around and enjoyable. But this time, it was not it. She's legit annoyed with his father's presence.

"You're coming from a hunter family, Clara. It's our duty and destiny to keep hunting and give our best to society that way. When I look at it, our huntings are more fruitful compared to your video's results." Alc was still trying to convince his daughter.

"With all due respect, Papa, you've come here frequently to ask me to go back to hunt. I'm still standing by what I've said: I'm bad at it, I didn't like it, and making a video is my calling. Now, I ask you to go home and not cause further trouble."

Alc grunted and shook his head slowly. "What has become you, my dear daughter? I know what's best for you. That's it. I'm taking you home. You're still young, so you don't know what you're saying. This is final."

What unfolded before Angga was a scene where a father figure pulled her daughter's arm and forced her to follow him back home. Clara was obviously trying to break free. Yet, the muscles on Alc's body showed that Clara's struggle was pointless. Perhaps even Satwa people can't deny their parents who were superior physically. It did not specifically threaten Clara's life just by dragging her somewhere so Alc's arm was not turned into dust.

And that bothered Angga the most.

It flashed before his eyes what had driven him to this point, which caused Angga to hold a camera and dedicate his time to making any content to get by. What he experienced is almost similar to what happened with Clara and her father.

Someone dear to Angga looked at him with strong disbelief as if looking at a moving absurdity, entirely doubtful of his life choice. Ironically, someone close to him could also hurt him in the worst way possible.

Since he didn't want to remember that kind of memory anymore, he approached the quarreling family and held Alc's burly hand to stop him from dragging Clara.

"Stop right there, sir. You're making a scene in front of the public. Also, I ask you to have empathy for your own daughter," said Angga firmly.

Alc looked at him with disgust while Clara gasped, not expecting what Angga would do. And then, the burly father quickly slapped Angga at an inhumane speed.

"Angga!" Clara shrieked. 

Alc tried to hit Angga with all his might, and it looked like he had killed the weak human guy straight. But when Clara looked into it thoroughly, her father's arm was turned into dust while Angga maintained a stern gaze towards Alc, but his hand wasn't moving.

"...take off your hand, please. I'm aware that we have something to talk about," asked Alc in his heavy tone. 

Since he was asking politely straight after trying to punch him to death, Angga pulled his hand back, and Alc did the same thing, freeing his daughter from his grasp.

"That's true. It's something we have to discuss," Angga adjusted his clothes to look tidy, "I assume that you, Clara's father, are asking her to go back following your path of hunter?"

Alc listened to Angga with his hands folded to his chest. "That's right. Because our path is always to hunt our prey."

"And you, Clara. You're going to be a famous video creator no matter what, aren't you?"

"Of course, Angga! I really like to make a video, and that's something that won't change soon."

Angga nodded slightly. It's something that Clara chose herself, and it was a choice that had to be respected.

"I understand. Then, I've got something to propose to solve this matter together, though I don't know if it's doable in this world or not. So, what about a contest in which whoever can gather the most resources, then the losing party absolutely has to listen to what the winning party has to say?"

Alc and Clara were stunned by Angga's proposal. Yes, a contest is totally doable in this place since this world won't allow direct confrontation that leads someone to hurt badly and get killed. Also, Angga's idea is quite fair in showcasing each party's abilities—Alc with his hunting prowess and Clara with her strong determination. Of course, both agreed with Angga's proposal since it was the chance to show their point to each other.

"A flawless proposal, tiny guy. I can show both of you my utmost abilities. You'll witness that being a hunter is our way to life, Clara. The winner will be mine, and you have to listen to my words."

"Right back at you, Papa. I'll also open your mind so you'll know that to live our life is not decided with one way only!"

The father and the daughter fiercely stared at each other's gaze. The crowds also knew that one would have a contest, so people were flocking to see. A mermaid wearing a Town Hall uniform was floating inside her water bubble to see how the argument turned out finally came out from the watching masses to greet the contestant.

"My, my. To have a proper contest that truly binds the contestants, you need a referee to oversee how the contest goes. So, here I am, present amongst all of you."

"W-Who are you?" Angga gasped.

"I am Nixie from Town Hall, and I'll be the referee for this contest."

I must say that this story has started to enter the main heroine’s arc, Clara.

I wonder if the reader is also looking forward to the interaction between Clara and Angga. I hope you all do.

lazylumicreators' thoughts