
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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27 Chs

[The Dance of Ice and Fire]

This is a special chapter, so don't be surprised if it is longer than the other ones. :3





They just went home to grab something. Why did this happen? I couldn't understand. I don't want to. I don't want to accept the fact that my eyes are laid upon the corpses of my family. Strength failed to keep my feet standing and I fall onto my knees.

'What am I going to do now? Mom, Dad, Sis. You all left me alone in this world. I can't... I can't go on like this.'

I couldn't hold back my tears at all. My family had always been my guiding light. I don't talk much, so I rarely did have a companion which I could tell my honest thoughts to except my family. They were my foundation. My solid ground and the reason I managed to be where I am today.

But now they're gone.

My chest hurts. I want to scream my frustration at the top of my lungs. I want to blame whatever I can for this situation. To blame the world for doing this to me. For taking my family. I wanted to ask someone why, why did this happen?

Yes, I did get this stupid fucking magic or whatever, but for what?! I don't have any reason to use it anymore. Not when the people I want to protect are gone already. There is not much in living when the people you want to live with are gone.

Right now, it is more a reason to die.


I wonder just how fucked up this situation is. How cruel can the world be to a single soul to let her experience the feeling of being left alone while everyone is laughing and smiling inside the academy?

It hurts me to see her like that, kneeling at the corpses of her family member who used to care and give a smile to her face. The family which she relied on the most was taken from her just like that.

'What a fucked up world this is.'

With slow steps, I casually approach her. I don't know why, my feet just move by themselves. I haven't had a conversation with her even once when we were in the academy. How will I hope to console her in her situation right now?

But I felt like she needed someone. Somebody to blame, cry, ask, whatever it is that could help her. She needed a person by her side to keep her sane, and I felt if I didn't go now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

"Who's there?!"

I didn't even take five steps when she had already noticed me. Perhaps she sensed my mana since I really do not hide it, anyway. However, that was my intention as well. Hiding would just worsen the situation and maybe create enmity.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

Recognizing me, she went straight to the point and asked me the reason why I approached her. I also didn't know why, so I struggled to come up with a reply.

"...I offer you my condolences."

That was all I could say. There were no words of comfort that could lessen the pain that she was feeling right now. No "It'll be okay.", no "Don't cry.", she doesn't need consolation but time. Time to think for herself.

She didn't reply and just turned to face the bodies of her deceased love ones.

"Say, do you think there's a way to bring them back to life?"

"Hard to say, but with this mana thing going on, there's pretty much nothing impossible. It may take years, decades or even a century but I believe that a thing such as revival would be available."

"Hehehe, a century? I can't wait that long."

She tried to whisper, but unfortunately my hearing had been enhanced by mana already, so it was easy for me to hear her.

"Like I said, it's hard to say. However, the chances of it happening would be higher if we—you—try to find a way rather than just waiting for the impossible to happen."

After hearing that, she finally turned around to face. Her pretty face had long since been blemished by her tears. Her eyes were a bit red, the result of her nonstop crying.

"Why are you even here? If you have any nefarious thoughts, then I suggest you scram out of my sights already."

"Cold as usual. No, even colder today. I understand but if you think I'm doing this because I li- admire you, then you would be terribly wrong."

"Then what?! What have you come here for?"

"To be frank with you, I also don't know. I could have just watched you there while you take your own life."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You think I can't see that little piece of blade you're hiding in your right waist?"

Yes. There was another reason why I approached her. Even in the most dire circumstances, I wouldn't normally bother her. However, upon seeing her in that state while holding a knife. My thoughts went out of hand, and I moved out of concern for her safety.

"Killing yourself won't fix the problem, Samanta."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me! You don't understand what I'm going through!"

"You're right. I don't know a shit about what you're going through. It is not I who lost my family. However, that doesn't mean I can't understand your pain."

"No, no, no! You don't know! My family is the only reason why I keep moving, why I keep pushing forward. They are my motivation and my reason. It's because of them that I can be who I am today. If they're not here, I'm not complete."

"Then what the fuck are we supposed to do then?!"

'Hah, why am I so agitated?'

Unbeknownst to my consciousness, I began to raise my voice. I wasn't mad at her by any means. I just...felt like my words were not going through that thick head of hers.

"Do you think that it's just you who lost a family? Do you think that it's just you who are feeling like they don't want to live anymore? Everybody has been affected by this new change, not only you.

However, it is you who managed to survive. Despite the odds that you could have died, you survived in the end! Is that not worth living for?! Do you think that your family would want you to waste your life like that?"

At this point, tears have begun to fall from her eyes again. Tears that caused me agonizing pain. I would rather fight that mantis again than feel this feeling right now.

"I can't...not without them."

'I'm sorry.'

"If you are still determined to die after all that... Come."

I released all the mana I could muster. The energy was so strong that the surrounding broken parts of the house were blown away by the force. However, none of those managed to be noticed by me. All I was thinking is how I can help her.

"Let me kill you."

(Let me carry that sin.)



'So powerful... Just how much mana does this guy have?'

For the first time in my life, I felt a sensation where I felt powerless. Like I was in front of a god, waiting to be judged for my sins. I thought that my newfound powers were powerful in this world, at least powerful enough to let me do as I please.

However, that isn't always the case. Even when you think that you are at the top, there is still something to look up at.

'Just give a break, will you?'

I'm tired. I want to rest. I want to sleep and when I wake up, see my family again. Let this be just a long dream of mine. A fragment of my imagination.

Please don't let this be reality.

With each step that he took, my whole being shuddered. Is this how it feels like when the grim reaper comes after you? I'm afraid. I don't know what to do. Fight back? How? I can't hope to fight against that monster.

I couldn't do anything except watch him get close to me. It's like I was frozen in place, unable to even move an inch. His arm retracted as if he was about to throw a punch. Pure mana gathered at the tip of his fist, mana strong enough to pulverize me.

"Goodbye, Samanta."

'Ah, I'm dead.'




"You motherfucker, you didn't even die from that?"

My attack barely missed Samanta's face by a hair. It's not like I was really trying to kill her, but I just needed for a distraction to attack. Yes, attack. I noticed it earlier when I released all my mana, but there was something hidden behind her underneath the ground.

And I was right.


A giant centipede suddenly emerged from the ground. It was about seventy meters long and ten meters tall with a dark violet shell. Judging by how it remained hidden and was waiting for an opportunity to attack us, I could only presume that it also has some form of basic intelligence.

The centipede quickly rushed after me, and I was forced to dodge to the side. Fortunately, though, the centipede was not that agile compared to the mantis. However, its shell is too tough that my previous attack didn't break it.

'Does it have some sort of resistance to mana? Let's test it out.'


The centipede was suddenly lit aflame, but after a few seconds, the flames were also extinguished, and I could see that it barely did any damage to it. Having supported my conjecture, I tried for a more normal way of fighting. With my fist.

Swiftly maneuvering, I leapt off the ground and ride onto the centipede's back. It was a fun moment, like I was riding some kind of shaky rollercoaster. I coated my fist with a layer of pure mana, and punched.



'It worked! Wha-'

I didn't even have a moment to celebrate for the success of my attack when I was forced to get off its back. After all, it was about to burrow itself to the ground again.

'Where will you pop out next?'

I waited cautiously for a signal of emersion, however, after waiting for a few seconds, it didn't come up to attack me.

'Did it run? No. I can't let something as dangerous as that getaway.'

I was about to attack the ground to force the centipede to reveal itself when suddenly it emerged behind me. It turns out that I wasn't it wasn't aiming for me all along.

'Damn It.'

Its target was Samanta.



'What the hell was that?'

Just when I thought I was dead, a giant centipede suddenly came out of the ground. How did I not manage to sense a creature of that size hiding underneath me? I was careless.

The centipede that emerged was rushing towards me. I could dodge in time but, I don't want to. I have something to protect behind me. This broken house is all I have left in this world.

I won't move even if I die.


Suddenly, I saw his figure again. His left sleeve was swaying all over the place. That was when I notice it.

'His left arm is gone?'

He stood there, in front of a giant centipede, enough to demolish even a whole village. Is he an idiot? Does he want to die?


The centipede's head directly hit his crossed arms, and he was sent flying by the impact. However, the centipede's shell on its head also had several cracks in it.


With a loud explosion, he suddenly charged onto the centipede and hit it with a barrage of punches. It was certainly doing damage, however, I can see that it's not enough to kill the thing.

'Amazing. He can go toe-to-toe with a monster like that?'

Meanwhile, here I am frozen on my feet while I watched somebody else risk his life for me. Was I this type of person before? To rely on others? No, right? Think, Samanta. Why did you try so hard to improve yourself? Wasn't it so that you don't have to rely on others?

'I don't know.'

(I know.)

'I just wanted to excel at something.'

(I didn't want to let my family down.)

'I wanted to have a high-paying job, so I focused on my studies.'

(I didn't want to be helpless in the future.)

'I just want to be happy.'

(I just want to be happy.)

"Freeze. | Aurora."


'Tsk! It's too slippery. I can't get a proper hit.'

The size of the centipede was not the problem, it was the flexibility of its body. It's hard for me to land a solid blow to it because it keeps crawling up and down.

'I need something to stop its movement... is there anything?'

I scanned my surroundings, but all there I could find were broken houses and trees. Those won't be enough to halt the giant centipede. Just when I thought all hope was lost.

'Huh, did it suddenly got cold?'

"Freeze. Aurora."

The centipede was suddenly encased in ice. The whole body of it from head to tail. I was both surprised and amazed. I quickly looked over to the side and saw Samanta raised her hand.

'Heh, that's why I fell in l-'


The block of ice suddenly began to crack. It seems that it wasn't sufficient to kill the centipede completely. However, it did buy me time. Quickly jumping, I punched the centipede directly on its head.


The centipede and screamed in pain and was about to burrow underground again. However, we were prepared.


"I know!"

Thus began the dance of ice and fire.


Ray quickly jumped to the side of the centipede and hit it with a solid uppercut. It was so strong that it even lift sent the centipede upwards for a bit.

Because Samanta's attacks were not strong enough to pierce its shell, she opted for a support position. Her mission was to halt the centipede's movement so that Ray can land a proper, killing blow.

Ray, on the other hand, had a more simple job. His mission was to fight the centipede, and keep its attention away from Samanta. It was the best strategy, as his fighting style is more suited in close combat.

The two of them were harmonious, dancing in unison with the tune of destruction. They each cover for each other, and attacked with impeccable timing and coordination.

Truly a divine combination.


The centipede's shell was all cracked already, to the point that even Samanta's attacks were beginning to affect it. This was the signal that the fight was about to end.

Swiftly moving, they each moved to their assigned position, though they didn't plan it. It was as if they could read each other's mind without needing to talk to the other party.

"Mom, Dad, Sis. Watch me, okay?"

With Ray by the head and Samanta by the tail, the two of them both launched their finishing attack.

"Burn to ashes! | Perish in the cold!"

"Muspelheim! | Niflheim!"



"I won't thank you."

"There's no need to."

I spoke as I sat down. I'm tired. Fighting that centipede took almost all of my strength. Though, I'm sure I couldn't beat it without her help.

'Hmm? What is this?'

In the side of my eye, I caught a piece of paper hidden underneath the rubbles. The paper was all torn, but the contents were still readable.

"Sam. This is for you."

"What is it?"



This is mother here. I know you're confused about what happened as well. But believe me, dear, I am as confused as you are. Given as how smart you are, you should know the situation by now. Monsters suddenly appeared, and they are out there trying to kill us. We will do our best to survive, so you do too, okay? We'll come find you, or you'll come find us. It's one of the two. I just hope that—

Hello, Mic. This is papa. I just want to let you know that we love you all so much. Oh, and your sister also sends her regards. Remember what I said, okay? No man, until you finish your studies! Hahaha, anyway I'll keep it short. Survive, my daughter, no matter what it takes. You're a strong girl, and I know it.

We'll be with you always.


I watched her as she bawled her eyes out while reading the letter that her family left behind. I have already dug them a grave and gave them a proper burial.

I don't have anything but respect for them. They were a wonderful parent, even in death. Once again, I was reminded of how powerless I really am. In the end, a hero can never save everyone.


Samanta passed out while reading the letter. She was already exhausted from our previous fight, so the letter served as the trigger of her exhaustion. She needs rest.

I wanted to carry her to the academy, but with only a single arm available, it was too difficult. So, I just let her rest on the floor. Our fight took a bit longer than expected and so did night time bite already.

I sat there, watching over the surroundings, contemplating the things that had just happened while being basked in the moonlight. It was a rollercoaster of events. But in the end, we managed to be okay.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

Truly an exhausting day.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.