
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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27 Chs



An individual with whom one spends a lot or time or with whom one travels. 

It is someone who serves as a friend or partner in something.

A companion will never abandon somebody even in thick or thin. He or she will always be there in times of need.

A true companion is found but not sought.

Do you have a companion?


"You can smell my mana? Come on, don't joke around. I'm not even a fighter how can you smell my mana?"

I made sure to restrain as much mana as I can whenever I go inside the academy. I don't want anyone, especially the Elementors, to notice the absurd amount of mana that I have. It would limit my freedom, and that's the last thing I want.

"Before she left, Angel briefed me about a lot of things. One of the thing that she mentioned was how she healed you. A single stab wound would need at least three healing sessions before it could fully close, but your nearly ripped in half torso was healed in just the same amount of therapy."

I messed up. Because I wanted to recover quickly, I used my mana to speed up the healing process of my injury. Angel must have noticed that as well and noted how fast the wound healed. 

"You don't have to hide your strength, Ray. We need it more than anything right now."

Ramielle pleaded me to tell the truth. Although she has some evidence, it seems like she's also not fully certain about the matter. I wondered what would she achieve by trying to pry open my secret?

"I really am not hiding anything. I do have mana, but it's so miniscule that it's almost negligible. I doubt I can even kill an ordinary monster let alone that rumored mantis."

"Fine. If your still trying to hide it then I won't pressure you anymore."

"Thank you, but I'm not really hid-"


A sudden blade of wind appeared in front of me that nearly cut my head if I didn't dodge in time. I could see Ramielle's hand in a slashing position; the attack was from her.

"Miel! What was that for?! I nearly died!"

'Is this woman crazy?'

For a second, I caught a glimpse of the bear I killed earlier. That guy also used an attack like that, something that gave me a lot of trouble.

"That reflexes... I knew it. You've fought a monster before, right?"

"What are you saying now?"

Ramielle now doesn't feel like her usual self. Before, she used to be a lively and ecstatic lady, always laughing out loud. She won't do something like suddenly attack a friend of her. I guess, like Samanta, she also changed because of the world.

"A quick reaction like that can only be performed in a life or death situation when someone is brimming with adrenaline. However, not only did you see an attack that swift, but you also managed to dodge it. Tell me, just how many monsters have you killed now?"

'This woman... she's serious.'

"Fine. I did kill a monster alright, but it was not a powerful one. Hell, I believe that it was the weakest out of the bunch."

"I already know that. What I want to know is if it was you who killed the mantis?"

"It's n-"


While we were talking, the ground suddenly began to quake and rumble. The shaking was so powerful that the old rooms in the academy fell and broke down.

"What was that?"



A loud roar along with a sudden wave of mana made Ramielle and I stand in our toes. We disregarded the previous conversation and prepared for a confrontation against a powerful beast.

"Ray. You tell everyone inside to hide. I'll go observe first."

"Got it. Be careful."

Moving like the wind, Ramielle quickly left the academy to find out what caused that earthquake earlier. I rushed inside the academy to inform the civilians there to hide, and it the worst case, prepare themselves to escape.

After that, I rushed outside to follow Ramielle, and see for myself just how powerful will my enemy be. I scattered my mana and soon sensed Ramielle's. She was inside the forest following the road to Viesyu. She was hidden on a tree branch, quietly observing the being.

"What is it?"


Ramielle beckoned for me to be quiet, so I had no choice but to climb with her and look for myself. 

'What the fuck is that?'

A giant dog with three heads and six legs was feasting on a bunch of monster flesh in the heart of the forest. It was bright red, with some patches of black on its furs. Teeth that were big enough to chew a car, and a tail that can whip an entire house into ruins.

It strongly resembled Cerberus, the guardian of the third circle of hell. The abomination of a hell spawn, and although it was just taking its lunch, its mana was constantly radiating, causing the surrounding temperature to heat up.

'It probably has the affinity of fire... this might be tough.'

As I had no time to experiment again, I couldn't try to use another element. The only element that I can currently wield is fire, and it wouldn't be much effective against this beast. If only I could wield the element of water, the fight will be easier.

'How the fuck did I not notice this beast nesting here?'

I clearly took this path just yesterday, but I didn't encounter this behemoth. Did it just get here today? If so, how did the Viesyu expedition team not sense this guy? Its mana is absurd. I don't think I can beat it by myself.

"Miel, what do we do? Should we run?"

I asked Ramielle what her plan was. If her decision was to fight, then I will fight with her, but if she was wise, then she would pick to not bother the guy. It seems to be just eating and has no intention of attacking the academy. It would be better to wait for backup before engaging this motherfucker.

"No. We can't run. Look, he's about to finish eating those monsters. When he does, where do you think he will head?"

"The academy..."

Monsters have a higher sense, especially when it comes to finding prey. They can sense which area has a lot of population, and would head there to have a feast. The same probably goes for this guy.

"But we'll die if we fight it."

"Then we die, but our deaths will be the reason everyone can live."

'It looks like she has decided.'

I respect her decision. It's admirable that a girl like her can say such noble words. Not everyone can perform an act of self sacrifice, let alone a young girl like her. I truly have wonderful friends.

'She's wonderful, indeed.'

"Haaaa... got it. I want you to head to Karisa right now. Find Samanta and tell her about the situation."

"Huh?! What about you?"

"I'll hold this fucker down. Don't worry, I won't let anyone die, not even myself."


"No buts. I trust you. Go."

Although she was reluctant, Ramielle complied nonetheless. The reason why I sent her instead of going myself is because of her element. Wind is a particularly fast element, and I assume that she could also move very fast because she possesses that element.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not arrogant enough to think that I can face the beast alone. That's also the reason I ask Miel to call Samanta, because I need her to win this fight. The attribute of ice can counter this guy's affinity.

It was still eating the remaining monster flesh, and although I wanted it to finish eating so I can buy more time for Ramielle, my body can't wait anymore. I want to fight that bastard already.


Releasing my mana so that I can gather its attention, I slowly descended from the tree and jumped down on the ground. Of course, this act also gathered the beast's attention. 

"Come, dog. Play with me for a bit."




I sent a ball of flames against the beast, but it didn't even damage it. It was clear that it had a certain resistant to fire-attributed attacks. 

'This might be a little troubling...'

The creature swung one of its leg to which I jumped over. However, while I was in the air, the creature attacked again, and I was forced to reinforce my body with mana.


I was sent flying by the attack, hitting and destroying several trees from the impact. Fortunately, because I coated myself with mana, I didn't sustain any serious damage.


The beast didn't even let me have a time to gather myself when it suddenly lunged and tried to bite me with its giant fangs. It opened its maw to try to eat me whole.

"You're underestimating me!"

'Let's see if your insides are also resistant to fire.'


I directly used my strongest flame to attack inside the beast's mouth. It was blasted away by the strength of the firepower, clearing away a section of the forest. Despite hitting a direct attack, I didn't dare become careless.


A tree suddenly went flying on to my direction, which I destroyed easily with just a normal punch. After which, a sudden gust of flames came, following the tree. I immediately coated my body with mana, but was not arrogant enough to think that I can withstand the flames. I jumped behind a few steps, completely dodging the flames.


The creature was still standing strong, glaring at me with vicious eyes. I couldn't see any major injury or wound caused by my attack. 

'It didn't do any damage?'

Muspelheim was an attack strong enough to destroy an entire school campus. It is an attack of pure destruction that will leave nothing but ashes in its wake. Not even the Overgrown Centipede managed to survive it despite having resistance to mana attacks.

However, the beast in front of me just took the attack internally, and is still standing fine. Just how strong is this beast that not even my strongest attack couldn't damage it. I was slowly beginning to realize how grave the situation I have gotten myself to.

'Was I too arrogant?'

Maybe it was because of my sudden increase in strength that I didn't think I would be fighting someone or something stronger than me. I thought that I was fairly strong in this world, especially now that I can use the element of fire.

The creature rushed to me again, but this time it didn't open its mouth. Instead, it used its legs, or hands, to try to crush me into a pulp. I kept moving, barely dodging the strikes, and waited for an opportunity to attack, while also trying to think of a way to beat it.

'Should I use my fist?'

Unlike my fight with the Overgrown Centipede, I didn't consider using my fists against the dog beast. The reason for that is that the beast's offense is too strong for me to endure with my body. In our fight against the Overgrown Centipede, I could still tank its attack with mana reinforced body, but just one hit from this beast's legs will be enough to flatten me.

So, I decided that I would only fight with my fists if there's no other choice left. If none of my ability worked and I couldn't think of a way to beat it, then I will opt with the barbaric way of fighting to the death with my hands.

'There must be a way...'

Pulling out an entire tree, I swung it against the dog beast that sent it rolling away. I pulled out another thick tree and used it as a bat, swinging the entire thing at the monster. Now, this kind of fighting might be the trick, but it's too difficult.

I need to find an alternative way to defeat it, one that does not use my surroundings. Hell, I'm not even sure if just swinging trees at it would be enough to kill it. I don't think it's sustaining any lethal damage at all.

'I have to use another element...'

I kept hitting it with trees after trees, not giving it time to recover from each impact. While doing this, I scanned my head for a way to finish it once and for all.

'I need a reference... something that will serve as a blueprint.'

Using mana also uses imagination. Most of the abilities created by an Elementor or Awakened came solely by their imagination and will. Take my Muspelheim attack, for example. It uses my mana to ignite the combustible air in a particular field or area, thus creating a massive explosion.

The same goes for Samanta's Niflheim. She uses her mana to lower down the surrounding temperature, completely freezing the area, or in the case of our previous fight, freezing the opponent completely. 

How you will your mana is up to your mind.

'I need something deadly, something lethal. An ability that will quickly kill it,'

Now, in terms of killing, a certain ability came to my mind.

'It's worth a shot. If this works, this will be another trump card of mine.'

With a plan in my mind, I quickly set out to action. First, I needed time to test if it is even possible. So, despite being wasteful in mana, I again use Muspelheim to blast the motherfucker away. After that, I quickly focused my mana in the surrounding air. 

Imagining it forming a single piece of line, I slowly converge the air into a tiny piece of blade. Slowly, I reinforce more mana and air into it, making it larger. Sweat tickled from my forehead as I focused on containing the compact air with mana.


The creature had already recovered from Muspelheim and was one again charging at my direction. However, this time, I am prepared for it.

"Die. | Gale Slash."

I sent out the compact blade of air into the charging beast. I watched as the two slowly collided with each other. This recent attack is a prototype, an incomplete skill. I'm not even sure if it will work. I sure hope it does.


"Fuck yeah!"

Gale Slash sliced one of the creature's head off. Even though it was a poorly and rushed made ability, the power of the skill still can't be underestimated. However, just as I thought, that would be enough to kill the beast. I didn't remember that it had three heads, and for a beast like that, unless you cut all of them off, you typically won't be able to kill it.


The remaining two heads let out a breath of flames onto me, and because I was caught off guard, I wouldn't be able to dodge on time. I quickly coated my body with mana, but I don't think it would be enough.

'Damn it, I was too careless.'




"Why do you prefer being alone? You rarely work with anyone."

"It's not that I want to stay by myself always. It's just that I work better and more efficiently when I don't have to think about anyone else."

"Oh, so you don't work with anyone because you think they'll be a burden to you?"

"Nah. I'm afraid it's quite the opposite. I prefer doing things alone, so I won't be hindering anyone in case I failed. I don't want to disappoint anyone. I already disappointed myself a lot, you see."

"But wouldn't you be unrecognized for your achievements? No one will witness the things that you do."

"I'm fine with that. I don't want to shine in the spotlight. I prefer being in the shadows, pulling strings behind the scenes."

"I'm sure someday you'll find a person that you won't need to hide yourself from. A person who you can tell every story that you contain. Someone who will seek you out from the shadow that you deeply hide yourself in."

"Does such a person exist?"

"Of course, you just have to believe."


"This is why I told you not to wander off alone!"

A giant block of ice suddenly appeared in front of me that completely blocked the flames. Steam rose in the sky as the wave of fire collided with the frozen sculpture. A woman was standing at the top of the frozen block, looking down at me.

"Well, how is fighting alone, Ray?"

"Samanta. Did you bring me a juice?"

"I did, but I dropped it when I was rushing my way here."

She leapt off the block of ice and landed in front of me. Her eyes that were as dark as the night, hair that flows like a silk woven from the finest threads, and a face that was as if it was sculpted by angels, shone brightly amidst the dark forest.

"If I was a second too late, you would have been a barbecue already."

"Surely you jest. I was clearly doing fine without your help."

"Yeah, yeah, of course you were."

"Why do I feel like you don't believe me?"

"That's just your imagination."

"No. You really don't believe me."

"Did you think I did?"

While we were talking, the beast once again charged in our direction. It was a bit stumped to see another person intervene, but it was still energetic. With fervor it its mind, it quickly lunged at us.


"Shut up, dog! | Shut the fuck up!"

We both punched the beast with a mana coated fist that sent it tumbling upwards. With it in the air there's no way that it could dodge. It was the perfect timing to finish it.

"You owe me with this one, got it?"

"What do you mean, I owe you? You owe me for yesterday, so we're quits now!"

"Whatever, cheapskate."

Mana gathered in the surroundings as we channeled our energy for our finishing attack. I wanted to use the fire element but it would be useless, so I am just going to try a new attack.

'I swear, the affinity of air is so fun.'

"Glacial Storm! | Tempest!"

A giant tornado mixed with rains of blocks of ice bombarded the beast, leaving it to perish in the natural calamity. 



"Huff... Where is the monster?"

I asked Samanta who was fixing up her clothes. Ray was laying down underneath a tree, deeply asleep, so I didn't bother to ask him lest he wake up.


Samanta pointed in a direction somewhere inside the forest. I dashed that way to try to catch a glimpse of the enemy that we are about to face. 

Or I thought we were about to face.

'You've got to kidding me.'

The beast laid in a puddle of blood on the ground. It had many shards of ice stabbed all over its body. Its three heads were all severed, and it had a giant wound in the stomach. I thought that it was a creature that will bring hell upon us. A true monster of catastrophe. Clearly, I was thinking wrong.

Those two were the monsters.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.