
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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27 Chs

[Looming Catastrophe]


"Charls! There's two more on your right!"

It has been a few hours since we set off to Phase 1. Unlike Phase 4 where Kenny and the rest are headed, Phase 1 was a tad bit further than the rest of the districts. It also did not help that the road are packed with various beasts and monsters.

Given our current condition and situation, I would have proposed to retreat and call for backup. However, doing so would be the same as letting my family die, if they are still alive. Despair made way for caution as we continue to embark in this dangerous journey.

Charls kicked a monster on the face and use the momentum to jump upwards, then he sent a wave of 'Demolition Fist' at the monster. While in the air, he used another attack to redirect his direction, and push himself towards another monster.

He grabbed the monster by the face and slammed it onto the ground before using another 'Demolition Fist' to finish it. Charls has a rather barbaric way of fighting that disregards his own safety for absolute domination of the battlefield.

I sensed another monster creeping up behind me, so I quickly lept forwards to gain distance. The monster lunged at me, but I managed kick it in the stomach. However, my feet just went straight through the creature's body as if it was made up of liquid.


A few seconds later I could feel my flesh slowly beginning to heat up. I look towards my foot, and was surprised to see that my pants had been melted. I quickly use 'Electra' to destroy the creature but it was not enough to completely kill it.

After regaining my footing, I stepped backwards before launching another attack.

"Lightning Beam!"

A ray of pure blue light eradicated the slime monster. 'Lightning Beam' is an attack that uses both pure mana and the affinity of Lightning. I got the idea of this skill from Charls' attack which uses pure mana. 

It uses more mana than just plain Elemental skill but the destructiveness and firepower off the skill was definitely off the charts. I don't think that even the thing we fought yesterday would be able to block it.


Suddenly, a frighteningly loud roar reverberated throughout the entire district. It was so loud that even the windows of the nearby houses broke. The scarier part, however, was that it was not even amplified by mana.

Speaking of mana, after the roar came a massive gust of dark-red mana. It felt so sinister, like an evil energy of some sort. It was the first I felt mana like that. The hair on my body stood up, and I felt two eyes watching me.

Charls was already prepared for any sort of attack that may come towards us. However, even after a few seconds had already past, there was nothing except silence. Charls and I slowly retreated with caution, and after deeming that we have retreated far enough, we finally talked.

"What the hell was that?"

Charls took the initiative of the conversation. I, for one, also wants to know what the hell is that thing, but my instincts are telling me that if I will be dumb enough to return there, I will surely die.

"I have no clue, but whatever that thing is, it's surely bad news."

'That sinister mana that I felt... it's the first time I felt something like that. Even when we fought the monster yesterday, the amount of danger that I felt was not the same as earlier.'

If the monster we fought yesterday could be considered powerful then whatever being created that roar is surely more dangerous. Hell, we have not even seen whatever it is but its energy alone was enough to deter us.

'It was like I was in a presence of a ruler... a king.'

"What do you want to do? Your home is still a little further ahead."

I contemplated for a moment. It's hard to choose to retreat especially after everything that we've been through just to get here, but I'm not suicidal enough to choose to still go. 

"Let's retreat for the meantime."

'Even if we want to go, there's no guarantee that my family is still alive. Especially with that thing in there... if that being was really a monster then every human in the vicinity is definitely dead.'

"We'll return here once we rendezvous with Kenneth and the rest."

"Got it."

'Just wait for me, guys.'

With that in mind, we quickly left Phase 1 and head out to return.




"Ahh. Nothing beats eating noodles."

Not many knows it but I'm actually a really huge fan of eating pasta and noodles, especially those that are paired with soup. Despite being able to cook a lot of dishes, I often just eat varieties of instant noodles. 

It's delicious and is also very convenient and easy to cook. It saves me time rather than preparing all the ingredients needed to cook something like Peanut Beef Stew. Still, I know that instant noodles are not healthy at all.

Fortunately, our bodies are strengthened by mana, so we are not easily susceptible to any forms of diseases or illness. Not only that, but our natural senses are heightened as well, like we evolved or some sort. A superhuman, if you will.

I'm curious if those monsters can also catch illnesses as well, or are they some kind of invincible being that only physical and magical attacks can kill them? I wanted to test and experiment everything, but I have no subject to test to.

'Should I kidnap a monster?'


As I was thinking, I heard Ramielle calling out for me. It may sound weird, but I'm currently eating on the roof of Angel's room. Ever since I gained this mana thing, it has been my hobby to watch things whilst on the roof. What can I say? I just like the air up here.

"Where are youuu?!"

Because i was up in the roof, Ramielle was unable to find me. She kept circling the entire academy, trying to find my whereabouts. It was a little funny to see her rambling all around.

"How long are you going to tease her?"


Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. It was a very familiar voice, although I albeit hear it.

'Samanta? I didn't even notice her...'

I know that Samanta's mana purity is higher than mine, and her control over her element is better than myself as well. However, if there was one thing that I was confident of beating her in, it would be my senses.

Unlike her who is more sensitive to sensing mana, I am more sensitive in sensing the five natural senses, well maybe except sight. But my hearing and instinct is definitely above her, so the fact that she could get close to me without me noticing is just absurd.

'Did she use any cloaking skill?'

"Who knows? When I get bored probably."

Samanta remained quiet for a moment. I didn't bother to talk as well, since I was too occupied in eating. I was about to resume my thoughts about experimenting on a monster when suddenly; she kicked me off the roof.

"That's what you get for being lazy, dumbass."

"AHHHH!! You crazy woman!"


"Ray. I've finally found you. Where have you been all this time?!"

Ramielle was enraged when he found out that I've been hiding from her on the roof. I could not refute, since Samanta was there to act as a witness. 

'This two are definitely teaming up on me.'

"Why? What is it? Is there something you need from me?"

"I may have some bad news."

When she heard the words 'bad news' Samanta jumped off the roof.

"What is it?"

"A few hours earlier, I sent Ralph to scout Phase 4 to try and look for more survivors, and perhaps Kenneth as well. However, not only was there no people, there was also no sign of damage."

'No sign of damage? Did the people there evacuate or something?'

"Could they have escaped somewhere else?"

Samanta followed up with a question. Hiding outside of their home would not be sensible, especially a movement that big. Monsters would surely notice them and would attack them.

"That's the thing. There were no signs of any evacuation nor any fight. It's like the people magically disappeared. The entire Phase 4 district is akin to a ghost town right now."

'Where could all of those people went?'

Phase 4 district is where Kenneth's family is, should this news reach him, I don't think he would take it calmly.

"And one more thing... Ralph also found this."

Ramielle handed me something.

"What is that?" 

Since Samanta was not really that close to the boys of Grade 10, she would have no idea what this is. But for me who spent almost a decade with them, I could tell with one look.

"This is Kenneth's bracelet..."

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