
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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27 Chs



A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, typically performing in a dangerous situation. It is often idealized as a figure who will save a person in times of need.

Truly a heroic figure.



'I'm going to die.'

That was the thought running through my mind as I slowly watched the giant arm that is slowly descending to beat me into a pulp. I could hear my teammates shouting for my sake. I thought, what the fuck are they shouting for? They should me moving to save me, not scream at the top of their lungs.

That won't do shit, and I know it. However, I wasn't feeling mad at all. I knew that ever since I awakened this power of mine, the day will come where I will also perish at the hands of the monsters I am supposed to kill. I just... didn't expect it would be so early. Perhaps I was too careless, too complacent about my ability, that I didn't value my safety.

'Mom, Dad, just wait for me. Your daughter will be with you soon.'

Closing my eyes, all the moments I spent on this world appeared in my mind like some kind of PowerPoint slideshow. I did my best to live my life as my own. I have no regrets. It's just a shame that I won't be able to journey with everyone in this new world of ours.

It's truly a pity to die early.


Suddenly, the gorilla's arm exploded, and flames bursted out from it. The gorilla rolled over in pain as it tried to put out the flame from its arm. However, no matter how much it tried, the flames just continued to burn as if it was endless.

Soon, the bright red flames completely engulfed the gorilla. Maddened and in pain, it went into a frenzy, and destroyed its surroundings. By this time, I had already retreated towards everyone's side. After a few seconds of rampage, the gorilla didn't even budge a bit anymore; it was dead.

The gorilla that we risked our lives just to try to defeat was just killed in front of our eyes while we stood, watching intently at it as it burns out of existence. Just when I thought that we are the ones who will protect everyone, something like this happened.

The world truly is unfair.



'What just happened?'

I was a wielder of flames, so it was easy for me to determine how powerful a fire is. Everything in this world has limits on how much fire it could endure. May it be a human being, an object, or even a five-meter violent gorilla.

"Ramielle, are you okay?"

Despite how those normal people think, using an elemental power is not as easy as they imagined it to be. It takes a lot of willpower just to conjure a handful of flames.

"Yes, I am. Who used that fire attack just now?"

It takes a lot of mana just to burn a single chair, let alone a huge built gorilla, and even if you did manage to create a fire that big, the heat of the fire wouldn't be enough to make it like that. Burnt like a crisp.

"Who else, if not Prince? He's the only fire user among us."

It is just now that I realized that there are people somewhere out there who can potentially kill us Elementors. We, who are supposed to be humanity's guardian were not as powerful as we think ourselves as. Lying to others differs from lying to oneself; the latter is just too difficult.

It wasn't me who killed that damn monkey.


'Damn, I killed it.'

I only planned to destroy its arm, allowing Ramielle to retreat and save herself. That would also make the rest of the fight easier for them. However, I didn't measure how much mana to use, and so burned the entire monkey alive.

'This power is dangerous.'

The ability to just burn somebody or something while being tens of meters away is more than fucking dangerous than a gun. Not only is there not any sound, but you won't be able to pinpoint the location of the person who did it. A perfect technique for assassination.

Leaving the matter aside, I quickly jumped down and left the crime sc- area of the fight. It is not me who is supposed to gain recognition for killing that monkey. It is better for them to be acknowledged as the ones who killed it. At least with it, the morale of the people will be better, and they will have something to place their hopes for. That something is definitely not me.

On my way back to the room where I previously experimented with mana, I found Angel peeking through the window of her room. She must have hidden herself as well just in case her brother and his power rangers lost.

"Ray? Why are you not hiding?"

Upon seeing me, Angel quickly beckoned for me to go inside and hide as well. I didn't have a reason to refuse, so I just complied and hid with her as well. I found it amusing since there was nothing to hide from, anyway.

"Did they win?"

Whilst watching through the window, Angel suddenly muttered. At first, I thought she was asking me, but seeing her biting her fingernails while watching worriedly made me figure out that she was asking herself.


Then suddenly, the sound of the entrance gate opening was heard all over the campus. I hated the sound of the metal scraping through the cement on the floor. Everyone watched intently as they wondered who, or what, will be passing through that gate?


The air was filled with cheering noises as the people rejoiced upon seeing Prince and the others return victorious. It's another increase in the morale of each individual. Even Angel was in tears upon seeing the glorious smile on the faces of the Elementors.

"Sob...They've done it."

Whether they are a student or an adult, everyone can save a life. Especially in this accursed world where one can die at any moment, a single soul can bring hope for many.

'It's a joyous occasion, indeed.'

Although they needed a bit of help, in the end the four of them still managed to survive and remain standing against a monster that strong. Surely it wouldn't be so bad.

To give our noble heroes a warm welcome.



"Charls, I knew I shouldn't have followed you."

"Shut up, Kenny! Wasn't it you who wanted to find something to kill?"

"Well, judging by how lost we are, we will be the ones getting killed."

Kenneth and Charls decided to journey together outside of the academy to train themselves. The two of them have been together since pre-school and often associated each other. They both possess competitive spirit, and don't like it when one is better than each other at one particular thing.


"Perfect. See? Now we can finally fight for real."

A four-meter-tall silver wolf was waiting for them on the road. It had two white with a mix of silver tails, and fangs as big as an ordinary carrot. Truly a vicious beast that will tear apart whoever it deems as its prey.

The wolf, upon seeing the two of them, quickly stood up on all fours, and prepared to lunge at the two unfortunate men, who found their way onto it.


"Kenny, you go defend. I'll be the one attacking!"

"Why is it always you who gets to be the offense?!"

Kenny tried to complain. However, Charls didn't even bother to give him a reply and began charging against the wolf as well. Given his personality to not give a fuck about everything, he had already learned how to manipulate mana to increase his physical capabilities.

With unparalleled speed, Charls quickly closed the distance between him and the wolf. The wolf, seeing a man dares close to it, pounce onto Charls, trying to eat him alive. However, before its mouth could reach Charls, a giant stone boulder suddenly hit it on the face. The wolf staggered and was sent flying down a few meters by the impact.

"Damn you, Charls! That was suicidal!"

"HAHA! I knew you won't let me down, Ken!"

With a laugh, Charls once again charged before the now whimpering wolf. While it was still disabled by Kenneth's attack earlier, Charls saw this as an opportunity to finish it. He jumped on to the air, retracting his fist for a powerful punch.

"Bye, bye, doggy."

Mana gathered at the front of his fist. It emitted a light, bluish aura. It was so powerful that it quickly garnered the wolf's attention. However, before the wolf could notice him, it was already too late to dodge.

"Disappear! | Demolition Fist!"

Charls punched the air, and a massive wave of blue mana came out of his fist. The wave of mana directly hit the wolf, creating a giant explosion.


"Cough... Damn. There's dust everywhere."

"Are you sure you didn't overdo it?"

"Meh, it was that damn wolf's fault for being too weak."

When the smoke of dust cleared out, the two of them can see the aftermath of Charls' attack. The four-meter wolf, despite its size, had a gaping hole in its body. It was completely pierced by the wave of mana that Charls attacked it with.

"I told you this would be easy."

Being a known Elementor doesn't necessarily mean being strong. Some powerful individual can be out there, screaming at each other while killing a four-meter beast of a wolf.

Their story is something worth looking forward to.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.