
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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27 Chs



The irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain an organism. It is the state where the loss of life occurs. It could be caused by many variables, such as diseases, murders, old age, as well as many more.

Someday, somehow, everybody will succumb to its grasps, and when the day comes, I hope we are prepared.



"...How are the food rations looking?"

Sitting by one of the still intact chair of the now ruined academy, I asked one of classmates who managed to survive. Miel, full name Ramielle, she is an enthusiastic woman, full of energy and felicity.

"...Found almost a hundred pieces of canned goods in the cafeteria."

She answered my question. However, I was too caught up in the sudden changes of our world that I didn't listen.

"...Uh, Angel... Are you okay?

"Hm? Ah yes. Alright, that should wrap up things for now. Thank you, Miel.

"...No problem. You know, you could always count on me."

After finishing her report, Miel quickly left the room. I sat there quietly, contemplating whatever the fuck this is that is going on right now. I'm tired. I felt I haven't got a sleep since ages.



Suddenly, a faint groan made me wide awake. I've been looking out for him for nearly ten hours now since we found him unconscious. It was a miracle that he was even alive, but none of that matters anymore.

What matters is that Ray is awake.


It was unclear to me what happened after I sliced the mantis' head off. Did I survive? I don't have a clue. I'm in a state similar to that of a comatose patient. I could somehow hear voices, although I don't know who it belongs to.

It has been so long since I felt comfortable like this. Like I am floating somewhere in space, lost in the endless vacuum of freedom, without needing to think about trivial matters. If this is death, then I would gladly accompany him.

But I know that I'm alive. I could feel, sense it. I don't know how, but something or someone managed to save me just in the nick of time. A clutch moment delivered by god. I'm alive. I swear the word alive suddenly felt much important now.

Slowly opening my vapid eyelids, the vision that greeted was a beautiful woman. I've seen her almost every day, but she didn't exude this much charm before. Like a lily in a pond, her aura screamed gracefulness and serenity. A divine figure sent by the heaven. An angel.

"Ray. How are you feeling?"

She crouched down and asked me. I was laying down in a kind of old and dirty mattress, but there was nothing to complain about. Starting today, commodities wouldn't be easily acquired.

"Angel. You're aliv-."


"Don't get up yet. Your wounds are still not healed."

I tried to sit up but a muffle groan was all that I did. Seeing Angel made me forget about my wounds for a moment. I followed her instruction and just lie down on the mattress.

I was genuinely ecstatic to see her alive and kicking, since it just meant that my heroic deed, if I dare call it that, was not worthless. I managed to save a life, her life.

"What's the situation outside?"

I inquired about the current state of the affairs of the world. Even though I managed to beat the mantis, there should still be countless monsters roaming the academy looking for humans to devour.

"You might not believe this, but the monsters that fell onto the academy are eradicated already."

"What? How is that possible?"

'They managed to kill beings like those?'

Unconsciously, the image of the mantis appeared in my mind. It nearly took my life just to take that mantis down, and you're saying that they managed to kill hundreds of beings like those? Bullshit.

"Let me explain."

Angel spent several minutes narrating what happened after I passed out.

After I miraculously killed the mantis and lost consciousness. A student found me laying down in the puddle of my blood. Worried, that person quickly took me to Angel, who, like me, received a power-up as well.

Although, unlike me, who got a boost in physical capabilities, the blessing that Angel got was something more powerful, special, and that same power was the reason that I am still alive today.

That power was the ability to heal. She was not sure how it works yet, but it uses some kind of energy from the atmosphere to speed up the rate of cellular recovery. In simple explanation, it speeds up the natural healing process of a wound or injury.

"My power only let me heal superficial wounds like cuts and stabs. That's why I can't heal your severed left arm... sorry."

"Don't. You've done me a huge thing. If not for you, I wouldn't be alive anymore."

"I guess that makes us even now."

"Angel, what about the others? Did they... acquire powers like you as well?"


It turns out that I was not that special after all. I thought that what I did was something spectacular. I mean, I was able to kill a fucking mantis as big as a house. However, it turns out that there are people more special than me.

People who not only awakened their powers but also killed monsters similar to, or even worse than that mantis. These people can use the same energy that Angel used to heal some of my wounds. They call them Elementors.

Beings who can garner the power of elements of their own volition. They are held in high regards and are seen as the last bastion of humanity. The worlds' newly awakened heroes.

"My brother, Prince, is one of them. He can harness the power of fire. He is also the leader of the only elemental squad."

Angel spoke proudly while telling me about his powerful brother and his newly formed team of power rangers. I can't blame her since in this catastrophic world, power means everything. The fact that there are people who can fight those monsters does relieve some fear out of everyone's hearts.

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock on the door stopped our conversation. Soon, the door opened, and a man walked in. He was dressed in our school uniform, but there were patches of dirt in it. He is Prince, the same Prince that we were just talking about.

"Sis, I've heard that your... friend had woken up already."

"Yeah, just earlier. Why? do you need something?"

"It's not a big deal. I just want to ask him some questions."

"Can it wait for a bit? He just woke up and needs to r-"

I raised my hand in front of her. That made her stop. There was some tension in the atmosphere while they exchanged words. I didn't know why, but the situation is not as peaceful as it seems.

"It's fine. What do you want?"

My voice sounded bitter and lacked empathy. I didn't know why, but I had a hunch that whatever he was going to ask me, I bet I will not like it.

"Sis, can you wait outside?"

Prince beckoned her sister to leave the two of us alone. Angel wanted to refuse at first but submitted to the pressure of rising tension in the atmosphere. Before she left, she sent me a worried look.

'There's nothing to worry about.'

I just smiled at her and sent her on her way. Now Prince and I were left alone. He sat in the chair where Angel was previously sitting at, and I could feel his sharp eyes looking straight at me as if he was sizing me up. Of course, I didn't back down the staring contest. I sat down, despite my wounds still aching, and pressed my back against the wall.

"What was your name again?" He asked me.


"Right. I just have a single question for you, Ray. Who took down that mantis?"

The thing that he wanted to know was who killed the mantis. They must have no clue that it was me since everybody was too focused on hiding. With the knowledge hand at my favor, I did the things I'm always good at. Playing dumb.

"What mantis?"

"Don't play dumb. It won't do you any good. I'll ask again. Who in the world managed to kill that motherfucking mantis?"

His temper seemed to be rising. I already expected it, but he was looking down at me. Maybe it was because he managed to awaken superpowers that he thinks he is above civilians now. Arrogant. Just like a prince.

"Ahh, that mantis? No clue."

"What did you say?! Was it not the mantis who put you into that miserable and worthless state?"

"Relax. It is indeed the mantis' fault why I am currently in this condition, but I already passed out. I didn't even know if it was exterminated or not, let alone who managed to kill it."

Thankfully, my words managed to put some sense in his morose mindset. I lied, it was a dishonest on my part, but I can't just trust anyone. Having gained nothing, Prince stood up and was about to leave the room with a sullen face.

"What do you plan to do to the person who killed it?"

"That's none of your business, but for the sake of your friendship with my sister, I'll tell you, anyway. That mantis was the first monster to be eradicated, so that means that whoever killed it was the first human to awaken elements.

The mantis was also the biggest monster to be eradicated, and I can only surmise that it was also the strongest out of the bunch. Whoever killed it is some strong piece of shit, and I want to recruit that person. For the betterment of the world."

After that, he left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sat there looking at the lifeless ceiling, thinking about everything that was just told to me. I went through a mixture of emotions today. Surprise, amazement, envy, as well as excitement.

As someone who managed to slew the first monster in this new world. I felt kind of weak, discontented with my strength. It took all I had just to beat a single monster. That won't do. I have to get stronger. To be more powerful so that I can slay more of those beasts.

'HAHAHAHA! This will be amusing.'

Somehow, I felt like I was in a sort of game and was competing with everyone to stand in the zenith of the world. A new motivation sparked inside me. My will to be the very best was set alight. I felt like I had to reign supreme.

I have to be the strongest for the betterment of the world.

@2023TheWorldBeyondCatastrophe. All rights reserved.