
The World Beyond Catastrophe

On the day of his graduation, Ray's peaceful life suddenly took a turn for the worse when his world was invaded by supernatural beings. Follow him as he unravels the mystery of other worlds, and how he will survive in this new world beyond catastrophe.

Asuray · Fantasía
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28 Chs

[Another Dimension?]


"This is Kenneth's bracelet..."

I could tell it was his, even without the Elemental signatures on it that screams his mana loudly. Despite being away from them, I often think about how my old friends are doing right now. 

It's been three days since I last saw them, and after today it would be the fourth. I wish I could have joined them on their journey, but my presence would be really needed here. Now, that we found his bracelet without encountering any sign of him... it just mean that something happened.

"Where did Ralph find this?"

"At the bridge separating Phase 4 and the other district. Ralph also tried to find Kenneth or anyone from their group, but was unsuccessful."

'Kenneth is not the type to just leave his belongings somewhere... there must be another reason. Did they encounter an enemy? If so, then there should be a sign of battle, but Ralph said there was nothing at all. Was it a very powerful monster? Something that could him in an instant?'

As I continued to ponder, my aura started to escape from my body. Because, I contain most of my excess mana, as a form of a thin barrier, my aura appears to be somewhat normal. However, doing this is not an easy feat. It's like you have to constantly control the amount of mana you use, lest that it overflow and results in an explosion.

"Calm down."

I suddenly felt a hand on shoulder. It was soft, like a pillow in a gentle dream where one can sleep for eternity. As if it was magic, my overflowing aura began to slowly withdraw. Despite being one, if not the most powerful Elementor, it still a mystery how a single woman can tame the wild beast in me.

"Kenneth and the rest are strong, and together they are formidable. It should not be that easy to kill them, especially not without them putting up a fight. There must be something else going on."

Samanta was right. I witness their strength first hand. They won't be that easy to take down, especially with France with them. They must be missing because of another reason. A reason that I have to find out.

"Ramielle. I'll be going out for a bit."

"Are you going to find them?"

"Yeah, I'll try to. But if by the end of the day I still can't find them, I'll return here quickly."

"Alright. Be careful."

I quickly prepared my things that I need for this journey. Since, I won't take that long, I only took some bottled water and some snacks. I don't know how far will I go, but as long as the sun is still up, I'll continue searching.

As I was fixing my things, I caught from the side of my eye a figure leaning on the wall. Despite fighting and sleeping together with her, I still have no clue how I should treat this woman. 

The woman whom both gave me hope and despair. The angel that my inner demons kept trying to reach. My moon in the cold night, whom I watch from afar. Even though the world had already changed a lot, that is something that might never change.


"You... you really don't plan on bringing me with you?"

I stopped for a moment and turned to her. As my eyes met her, I could feel the thoughts that are running on her mind. Wistfulness that is laced with uncertainty, and passion mixed with bravery. And also a bit of worry. I could not think of an answer, so i just smiled and decided to dodge the question.

"I would only be gone for a few hours. It should not be that dangerous. Also, your strength is needed here. This is our last bastion; our remaining home. Can I count on you to protect it?"

'Sorry. Let me be selfish just this once.'

I know that Samanta wants to make use of every opportunity to go outside and explore. She hopes to find a way to bring her family back to life. She won't find that here and I know it, so I can understand why she wants me to take her with me..

But if the two of us were to leave together, who would protect the academy if a strong enemy show up? I know it's selfish of me to just make her bear this responsibility, but I don't have a choice. She's also not even that familiar with Kenneth and the rest, so I don't think that the responsibility of finding her also falls to her hands.

"Got it."

That was all that she said before she turned around. However, she was a bit slow in moving that I managed to see her wiping a drop of tear. 

'Sigh... The things I do for love.'


Dashing like the wind, I quickly arrived in front of her just in time to see her reddening eyes. I swear that I would never expect this woman to cry in front of somebody like me. The world truly is vast.

"Fine. Let's find them together, crybaby."

"Who are you calling a crybaby? I'll freeze you to death!"

"Meh~ a crybaby could never defeat me."

"You bastard!"

Even though she might act cold, I swear that she has a warm and kind heart. 



Ramielle who was inside a classroom watching everything that unfolded between the two had a smile that reaches her ears.

"Those two should really just be honest."


"We'll be back soon."

"Come back quickly, okay?"

Samanta and I quickly darted on to Phase 4. Since the road was mostly cleared of monsters, our journey went smoothly without encountering any single enemy. And because of our speed, we quickly reached Phase 4 district before we knew it.

"It really is like a ghost town."

Samanta stated, and I also agree. The town was like a shallow piece of a region without any sign of human life. Hell, there was not even a mana signature of any monster at all. It's like the place was curse by some kind of evil spirit that disable the people from living there.

We started to walk as we observed the surroundings. Ralph was right there was no sign of any damage or destruction at the place. However, there was one weird thing; all the doors were open.

'Could they really have left?'

We took our time to check each house for any irregularity, but to no avail. Phase 4 district was empty, and Kenneth is not here. That is the result of our investigation. 

Lastly, we searched the bridge separating Phase 2 and Phase 4. However, even that didn't give us any clues. Just as we thought we wouldn't find anything here, I suddenly heard something.

'Hmm? Did something crack?'

As I turned behind to look, I saw the air in front of me began cracking. It was a scene I would never ever thought would have happened. This shit breaks the laws of physics.

'The space is breaking!'


Samanta was a step ahead of me as she had already raised an ice wall as a form of barrier. The crack in the space opened, and we suddenly fell a powerful pulling force trying to suck as inside the cracked space.

'Is it another rift?' 

I haven't had the time to think when suddenly Samanta's ice broke.

"What? My Elemental powers was nullified?"

Even Samanta was baffled about what just happened. Samanta's ice is probably the strongest and the most durable thing that an Elementor can construct right now, even beating Kenneth's Earth affinity, so it was only given that she would not believe that her ice wall was broken that easily.

With nothing to block the cracked space, we quickly got pulled inside. Leaving the Phase 4 district vacant once again.


"Ughh... Where am I?"

I slowly opened my eyes to a scene that I would only see in a fantasy movie. I was currently laying in a piece of floating rock, amidst the vast darkness. Above us were thousands of other floating stones, akin to the asteroid belt.

In front was a giant spiral staircase that was also floating from nothingness. The staircase was also damaged with some steps already broken. Samanta, for some reason, was currently lying in front of me. She seemed to be sleeping; I must have woken up early.

'Where could this place be?'

The only source of light was at the top of the staircase where a spherical light made of pure mana was placed. The sphere was huge, at least the size of a skyscraper, or something similar.

It seems like the two of us were transported into another dimension. If it was me a week ago, I would shocked beyond relief, but to me who is already accustomed to this changed world, something like this is not that unbelievable anymore.

'Kenneth and the rest of the people at Phase 4 must have also been pulled inside here. Still, there's no sign of them here... did they climb up?'

"Sam. Wake up."

Because of the unfamiliar surroundings and the danger it might pose, I quickly wake Samanta up. 

"Nggh... Five more minutes..."

But it seems like she doesn't want to.

"Wake up or I'll tell everyone that you're a crybaby."


"Who are you calling a crybaby?! Wait, where are we?"

"I also have no clue. We were pulled inside the cracked space, and when I woke up, we were already here."

"Is there a possibility that we are already dead, and this is the afterlife?"

"Nah, we won't die that easily."

Samanta and I already knew that we were still alive. Call it intuition or some sort, but we could feel the life force from each other. 

"What's up with that spiral staircase and that big thing up there?"

"No idea, should we check it out?"

"Well, do we have any other choice?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Let's go then."

Samanta used her powers to create a bridge of ice that connected the floating rock to the massive staircase. We trecked carefully, trying to reach the staircase. After a few minutes, we finally arrived.

"There seems to be nothing special in here."

"Let's check the sphere above."


As we climbed the spiral staircase, we saw that it was decorated with various paintings and murals. The murals seemed to depict something about a kingdom. There was a mural about a king sitting on the throne, with an orb in his hand. 

'I guess the orb is the giant sphere up there?'

After several minutes of walking and observing, we finally reached the top. Above, there was only a crumbled seat resembling a throne. Behind the throne was a pedestal where a stone slate was placed.

"What is that?"

"It looks like a throne."

"I know about the throne, dummy. I'm talking about the thing behind it."

We both approached the slate closer to read what is inscribed on it,

[The eyes will see the stars, yet are blind to the truth.

The ears will hear the bells, yet are deaf to the screams.

The hand will slay the beast, yet unable to feed the poor

The heart will love the lost, yet will hate what remains]

"What does this mean?"

'Is it some sort of code?'


I asked Samanta, but she didn't answer. I quickly turned to look at her, and she was only staring blankly at the slate. 

"Sam! Samanta! Hey, what happened to you?!"

I tried shaking her out of it, but it was futile. It was like she was hypnotized and was not in herself. I was about to try using mana to awaken her when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Finally, the rightful king has returned."

I looked above to see whom the voice belonged to but the light emanating from the sphere was too bright for me to see the being.

"Welcome. Prime Elementor."

'Damn it! What the hell is going on?'

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