
The World As We Knew It

Sample: Something in my chest tightens from seeing my fathers old work building half in shambles, and for the first time in two years, I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away angrily and focus back on the screen. Right now she’s warning everyone to stay indoors. “I’m standing just outside of Biotech Breakthroughs Inc., where an explosion happened moments ago. There’s toxins in the air. We don’t know what else may have escaped.” They don’t know what else escaped? What does she mean by that? Whatever’s going on, she looks scared. Her blonde hair is in a messy bun like she hadn’t expected to be called onto the scene, and her black skirt holds wrinkles like she forgot to iron her business suit. I don’t blame her. If someone unexpectedly called me to a scene where a dangerous explosion happened, leaking unknown chemicals, I wouldn’t want to be there either. Streaks of orange and red flare up in the sky. There’s something behind her in the distance. I don’t think she notices it. “What the hell is that.” A student says while biting on their nails. “No cursing!” Ms. Darcy snaps her finger in the air, but her eyes are glued on the T.V. I lean forward and push myself into a stand, moving closer to get a better view. The clouds pull back, it’s a-. “It’s a plane!” Rose gasps, taking the words right from my thoughts. It is a plane. It’s coming down fast and heading straight for the reporter. “Oh my god.” Ms. Darcy barely whimpers out. The nosey people gathered around the explosion site, starts screaming and running away. I see the reporter turn to look up. But it’s too late. A bright light fills the screen with flares of red, black and grey, then the signal goes dead. ————————————————————- Seventeen year old Ian has always felt like an outsider, ever since his mother lost her mind and his father disappeared two years ago while working at a mysterious corporation that conducts experiments for the future of the world. He lives with his little brother and their adoptive father, who doesn't understand Ian and often argues with him. One day, after a heated confrontation, Ian is dropped off at school, where he faces his bully who taunts him about his mentally ill mother. Ian loses his temper and starts a fight, but their brawl is interrupted by a loud explosion outside. The teacher turns on the TV and they see that there is an outbreak of some unknown virus. Ian realizes that this might have something to do with his father's disappearance and the corporation he worked for.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasía
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18 Chs

6.| Fight Or Die, You Choose

Before The Fall


I feel a knot in my stomach as I join the rest of the class around the T.V. We watched it yesterday too, when the news broke out about the explosion at the Biotch Breakthroughs Inc. In Arkum city. They were messing with some kind of virus and now it's loose.

The president is on the screen, looking somber and serious. He has two secret service agents flanking him, dressed in dark suits and sunglasses. They have earpieces and guns, ready for anything. And the United States seal lays proudly on the floor in front of the desk they're standing beside. 

"My fellow Americans," He says, "I am speaking to you today to declare a state of emergency for the entire nation. As you may have heard, there has been a massive explosion at the Biotech Breakthroughs Inc in Arkum, where we've recently learned they were conducting unauthorized experiments.

"The virus has escaped the facility, and whereas it has spread to several nearby towns, causing severe and fatal symptoms, it is no longer airborne but may be bloodborne or passed on through direct contact. We don't know much about the virus, except it is highly contagious and deadly. We are working with the World Health Organization to find a cure and contain the outbreak, but we need your cooperation."

He pauses and takes a deep breath, and somehow I can tell he's about to ask us to do something we won't like. When everyone thinks the world is ending, which I'm pretty damn sure it is, people don't care about rules or morals. They only care about survival. And that means chaos.

"I urge you to stay indoors and avoid contact with anyone outside your household. Do not panic or horde supplies. We will be delivering food and water packages to every home as soon as possible. Please follow the instructions of local authorities and health officials whenever you receive a phone notification. Do not believe any rumors or misinformation that may circulate on social media or other sources. We will keep you updated on the situation as we learn more."

He looks at the camera with a solemn expression, nods, then turns to leave. But then he stops. There's a loud bang in the background, followed by screams and shouts. The secret service agents move quickly to shield him from whatever is going on.

The camera shakes and cuts to black, leaving only the words "State of Emergency" on the screen. 

I'm left staring at the T.V in shock, feeling a cold sweat on my forehead. 

That's not reassuring at all. Exactly what kind of infection is this? How many people are infected? How do we stop it? I have so many questions, but the president has no answers. He looked like he was on the verge of collapsing before the camera cut off. 

I glance at Rose, who's clutching her phone in her hand. She's pale and shaking, eyes wide with fear. She must be thinking about her mother, just like I'm thinking of Ivan and Jack. 

The rest of the class is either whispering or sobbing. They're scared and confused, and we're all trapped in this school with no idea what's going on outside. 

All I can hear is Zeke's words echoing in my mind over and over again like a broken record. 'You can't take everyone. There's not enough room.'

But I also wonder, what if Ivan was one of those people left to die and someone else other than me was choosing who to leave behind. I only have two bars on my phone and that's not enough time to decide who lives and who dies among the people I've known for years.

I can't make that choice. I won't.

I walk to the center of the room and climb on top of a desk. "Listen up!" I yell over the whispers and the cries, making everyone in the room look at me. "We can't stay here. I'm sure you're all hungry and worried as much as I am. If we stay here, no one will come for us."

I make sure to look around, trying to meet their eyes. I want them to see that I'm serious. 

"Crying won't get us anywhere. Fighting won't either. We have to work together. Rose." I call her name. 

She stuffs her phone into her pocket and steps forward. "Yes?"

"Gather the broom and break off the end so we can use it as a weapon. For the rest of you, find anything we can use as shields. When we leave here, we leave as a group and in formation. Are you with me?"

There's silence, and they all look at each other. For a moment I can tell they're doubting me, but I ask them again, louder this time and they all nod and hurry to find anything we can use to get the hell out of here. 

I jump down from the desk and rummage through Ms. Darcy's desk, grabbing several rolls of tape. We're going to need that for protection. The last thing we need is someone getting bitten and turning. Honestly, that's what scares me the most. 

I wrap my arms with tape as much as I can, then pass it to the next person.

Rose comes back with the broken broomstick, then sits down on the floor in front of me with a big grin on her face. 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that, nerd?" I tease her. 

"Nothing, I just thought I'd never see you take the lead, and everyone else is following you." She points to our other classmates. They're hauling ass and breaking the desks apart to use as shields.

I shrug. "Me neither. Who would listen to the son of a psycho?" It's not a funny joke, but sometimes I like to make one to lighten the mood. 

She shakes her head. "I missed this." Rose says. 

It's been a long time since we laughed together, and I miss it too. 

"I don't miss my face hurting." I say, giving her a mock glare. 

"Do you think the president is okay? What happens if he turns?" Her brows furrow in worry.

"Martial law would happen next. That's never a good thing, so let's hope he is okay." I pull out my phone and check my facebook to see if there's any news from my brother.

On the front loading page, there's videos of someone recording from a window while someone outside is being attacked. There's a woman on the ground screaming and trying to get this man off of her, but he doesn't budge. He gets the best of her, clawing at her face and gouging her eyes right from their sockets. 

"What the fuck is going on?" The person filming says, and when the man on top of the woman tears her nose off, I hear the person filming gagging and vomiting. 

The video ends, and I don't dare check the others that are popping up all over the front page of facebook. Instead, I open my the chat between me and my brother.

There's one new message and my heart pounds in my chest.


Facebook Messenger: 

Ivan: Im ok , me and dad made it to the safe. We cant come out cuz two mad people broke in. | 2:00 a.m,

Thank god or whatever deity is looking over us. They're Alright. As long as they're in the underground shelter Jack made, they should be fine. For now that is. 

I text him back. 


Facebook Messenger: 

Ivan: Im ok , me and dad made it to the safe. We cant come out cuz two mad people broke in. | 2:00 a.m,

Ian: Tell jack im trying to find a way to get to you guys, ill come as soon as i can. |2:25 a.m


Several dots appear, letting me know he must have been staring at his screen waiting for me to respond. I wait eagerly, practically chewing off my damn bottom lip from how bad my nerves are. 


Facebook Messenger: 

Ivan: Im ok , me and dad made it to the safe. We cant come out cuz two mad people broke in. | 2:00 a.m,

Ian: Tell jack im trying to find a way to get to you guys, ill come as soon as i can. Im so srry for snapping at you earlier… | 2:25 a.m

Ivan: even though youre an ass of a brother sometiems i wouldnt have it any other way | 2:26 a.m


I can't help but grin at his words. We've always called each other names, got mad and said things we didn't mean. But I would go to hell and back for my brother. He means everything to me. 


Facebook Messenger: 

Ivan: Im ok , me and dad made it to the safe. We cant come out cuz two mad people broke in.| 2:00 a.m

Ian: Tell jack im trying to find a way to get to you guys, ill come as soon as i can. Im so srry for snapping at you earlier… | 2:25 a.m

Ivan: even though youre an ass of a brother sometiems i wouldnt have it any other way | 2:26 a.m

Ian: thanks for making it hard to apologize lil shit <3. You doing ok? Fr though? <strong>| 2:28 a.m

Ivan: yeah..dont laugh but Im scared. What if you don't come back? | 2:30 a.m


My heart drops and I think of our father. All these years of him pretending he was okay, he was suffering the same abandonment issues I've had. But I wasn't our father. I'd never prioritize my life's work. I would never willingly leave him. 


Facebook Messenger: 

Ivan: Im ok , me and dad made it to the safe. We cant come out cuz two mad people broke in. | 2:00 a.m

Ian: Tell jack im trying to find a way to get to you guys, ill come as soon as i can. Im so srry for snapping at you earlier… | 2:25 a.m

Ivan: even though youre an ass of a brother sometiems i wouldnt have it any other way | 2:26 a.m

Ian: thanks for making it hard to apologize lil shit <3. You doing ok? Fr though? <strong>| 2:28 a.m

Ivan: yeah..dont laugh but Im scared. What if you don't come back? | 2:30 a.m

Ian: i won't, you will see me again, get some sleep | 2:32 a.m



I realize Rose has been talking to me. "What'd you say?"

"We're ready."