I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.
Jess' POV
Okay, I've almost arrived. I can sense that I'm closer. It seems that whoever is surrounding my family has the advantage in numbers. That is not a good sign.
These Magic Liberators are so annoying. They aren't liberating anything, they hurt people and capture innocent people, which is the exact opposite of what a "liberator" does.
Well, villains always like giving themselves noble titles. Heck, just think of the Chinese Great Leap Forward. Very noble and cool sounding name, until you consider the fact that it starved millions of civilians to death.
I just need to get my family out of there. I don't exactly know how I am going to do this, but I gotta think of something.
"Look who is finally here."
Oh no, it's a generic villain, and that evil leader of theirs still won't show himself. Well, I guess he is a wimp. I probably shouldn't say that out loud, unless I wanna be absolutely massacred.
"Yeah, I'm here, you can release my family now."
"Did you really think it would be that easy?"
"First off, no I did not. Secondly, it was worth a shot. Now, can you beat me? Are you gonna let yourself get destroyed by a high schooler? Could your fragile little ego handle it?"
Trash talk, probably the best way to get this loser to lose his composure. I need to do everything I can to beat him.
I need information, he has probably been told about the spells people have seen me use. He knows at least a couple of my weaknesses. On the other hand however, I know practically nothing about him.
First I need to make the first move, the moment he uses his magic, I should have an idea about what I am up against.
First I will make him float into the sky then I will...
"Time to crank the gravity up!"
Drop him out of the sky! That had to knock the air out of him! Huh, what is that in his hand? Why is there a glowing ball? There seems to be a whole lot of energy coming out of it!
"You don't seem to understand your situation. This ball you see is created by the fission of atoms, specifically uranium-235."
"Wait, aren't those the radioactive element used in nuclear bombs! Where did you even get uranium-235? Our country's energy is generated through magic, not nuclear power plants, and I'm sure they don't just sell that stuff on E-bay! Actually, you never know with E-bay..."
"My magic is Fission Magic, the ability to split things. This isn't limited to atoms, so if you want to find your family in one piece, and this city not a crater, you better just surrender now."
Does he really not know my magic? Gravity is the bend of space-time, I can literally create blackholes... Does he really think I'm afraid of his fission?
First of all, if the bomb in his hand had gone off, I would be doomed because all the energy would have been too spread out, but he was dumb enough to brag to me, with 'Singularity' I should be able to take ahold of that bundle of untapped energy.
Second, I can easily immobilize him with gravity, making him suffer more and more G's until he passes out. Did he really only come with the plan to threaten me with this bomb?
There is only one problem with this plan, I can't dispel 'Singularity' until I've released everything in the spell, for the obvious reason of the law of Conservation of Mass.
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, if I closed the spell with mass still contained in the 'Singularity' I would be destroying both energy and mass, and I obviously can't do that...
After this fight is over, I'll just hand over the bomb to Osiris, I don't see why not. He's a crazy scientist, he'll probably like it.
"Where did my bomb go? What did you do!?!"
"Are you an idiot? I stole your bomb."
"But how? That shouldn't be possible!"
"Well, I would say next time don't hold all that power in one place, but there won't be one. Do you really think I didn't call the cops on the way here? I'm not some stupid protagonist who doesn't call the cops even though a bazillion laws are being broken."
Well, I'm holding him in one place with gravity so he'll be arrested when the cops arrive. For now, I gotta go find my family.
Seems like they are somewhere around here, but something is messing up my detection. I can't seem to find them.
"Did you really think that it would be over that easily?" And now there is someone else behind me...
No, no I did not think it would be that easy, it's never that easy. It can't ever just be a simple solution, it's always gotta be convoluted.
"Who are you?"
"You don't need to know."
Thanks, that was helpful. Oh well, I guess I'll just beat this guy too. What could possibly go wrong?
Mister No-Name here seems to be flying, I'm guessing he's applying Wind magic, but you never know. All I know is that I have the means to pull him out of the sky. Cranking up the G's he's under and problem solved.
Or... so I thought. Turns out this guy is annoying and has solidified the air he is standing on. Basically created a pillar of air that holds him up. Turning up the gravity will just push him more into the pillar, not bring him down.
However, this guy must be an idiot, because that doesn't change anything, I can't pull him out of the sky, but I can still crush him under his own weight... not killing him obviously...
Seriously though, did these Magic Liberators really think these two noobs could beat me? I thought they would send someone better than those two. I know they have the manpower. Are they underestimating me?
I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen. Something is off here.
Why must I always be right about this stuff? Of course, this isn't over with these two losers. Who's next?
Wait, is that a mecha? Yep, that is definitely a mecha, and an evil one at that. Well, it looks cool, but what do they expect that scrap metal to do against me, I can literally just crush it, unless...
Yeah, that's probably where my family is... great... this is gonna suck.