
The Wondering Dragon | A Game of Thrones fic

Aegon VI Targaryen never died in the Red Keep, he’s given safely to Arthur Dayne by and was told to take him to Essos to be safe and that Elia and Rhaenys would not be far behind. Though now it turns out that they both died in kings landing. Or at least so they thought, Aegon discovers rumours his sister may be alive. Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any of its respective works, any OCs in this are not worth owning.

TheManUnderTheBed · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

A Well Deserved Rest

In the land of Westeros, a tale absurd and bold,

Ser Barristan the Bold, with a plan quite untold.

To duel Maelys the Monstrous, he hatched a silly scheme,

Disguising as a lady, it was all quite extreme!

Oh, Ser Barristan, the Bold and brash,

A knight with a plan, though it was quite rash.

As a woman he went, armour hidden beneath,

To challenge Maelys, oh, what a sight to bequeath!

With a wig on his head, and heels on his feet,

Ser Barristan strutted around, in a dress so discreet.

He batted his lashes and flirted with a grin,

Hoping Maelys would be too distracted to win!

The duel began, amidst laughter and jeers,

As Barristan danced around, swinging his sword with cheers.

Maelys, confused, couldn't believe his own eyes,

A knight in a dress? What a hilarious surprise!

The crowd erupted in laughter, the scene quite absurd,

Barristan's secret revealed, as he stumbled and slurred.

But in the midst of chaos, he found his true strength,

And defeated Maelys, the duel of great lengths!

Oh, Ser Barristan, the Bold and brash,

A knight with a plan, though it was quite rash.

As a woman he went, armor hidden beneath,

To challenge Maelys, oh, what a sight to bequeath!

So let us remember this tale of jest and laughter,

Of Ser Barristan's boldness, in a dress he went after.

In the annals of Westeros, this story shall be sung,

Of a knight who fought bravely, even when his outfit was wrong!

The men applauded Aegon as he finished his song, he stood up and bowed to his adoring fans, however the person who clapped the most was none other than Penny who loved to hear Aegon's songs and thought that he was genius when it came to crafting them. Though not everyone felt the same, two men stood away from the crowd gathered in the centre of the camp.

"Is that truly Aegon Targaryen?" Barristan asked Arthur as they stood together.

"Yes..." he replied

"Does he always behave this way?" Barristan asked once again.

"I'd say you get used to it, but he has a way of surprising you every time you think you've seen or heard it all" Arthur said with a sigh.

"Has he sung songs about you?" Barristan asked

"To the point where I'm sure I'll be remembered not as the Sword of the Morning but the Knight of the Morning Wood" Arthur said dejectedly, Barristan just put his hand on his brother to try and comfort him.

"This isn't where I thought the two most skilled swordsmen in Westeros would end up," Barristan said with a sigh and Arthur chuckled "Where else can men like us he but at our Kings side, while he is immature and quite annoying at times he is every bit his father and more," Arthur assured Barristan who smiled.

Both Barristan and Arthur had loved Rhaegar. Arthur knew how much Barristan loved Rhaegar which is why he forgave him so easily for abandoning the Targaryens, he had not had the same comfort Arthur had in knowing Aegon was alive.

For the first time in nearly twenty years, Barristan felt alive, he had been living as a ghost of his former self when in service to Robert Baratheon. At the time he didn't know what else to do, he had hoped he would die with his King or be executed, he'd even considered taking his own life. He knew in his heart he should've followed the last Targaryens across the narrow sea but he had known Viserys when he was younger and had seen the spark of madness that had begun to infect him from his father.

He chose to serve his enemy rather than put another Mad King on the throne, and yet he still questions himself every day whether he made the right choice "You must be thinking whether or not you made the right choice to serve in the Baratheon Kingsguard," Aegon said.

Barristan and Arthur both jumped, they hadn't even seen him leave the group but he did and was now suddenly between them "Your Grace," Barristan said as he tried to bow only for Aegon to stop him halfway.

"Come now Barristan I am not King yet please call me Aegon," he said with a broad smile.

"Your Grace I-"

"You may as well give up Barristan, he is quite persistent and if you're not careful he may come up with another song," Arthur said with a small smirk.

Aegon rubbed his chin "Now that you mention it I did have a few thoughts-"

"Of course! If Aegon is what you wish to be called then I shall call you it," Barristan said quickly interrupting him.

Aegon chuckled before the smile melted off his face "Barristan everything you've done has led you here... don't feel as though you failed my family because you're here now," he said the smile spearing on his face again, he then clapped him on the shoulder before walking past him.

Barristan stood still for a moment before wiping his eyes and turning around "Thank you... Aegon, it was good to hear that." He said.

Aegon chuckled "Well you and Arthur were bringing down the mood standing there both brooding, that's not even mentioning my sister over there she broods a lot better than you lot," he said as he gestured behind him to Lyarra who sat with a cup of wine in her hands and a look on her face that screamed murder. Both of the older men shivered as they looked at her "What did you say to her Aegon," Arthur asked.

Aegon raised an eyebrow at Arthur "Why do you presume I am responsible for her mood," he asked.

Arthur just looked at him with a deadpan expression not saying anything. Eventually, Aegon broke and started laughing nervously "It seems she doesn't approve of my behaviour as it's not befitting of a warrior or someone who aspires to be King." He explained.

"And..." Arthur said as he saw Aegon wasn't continuing.

Aegon rolled his eyes "I said how would you know what's befitting when you're neither,"

Both Arthur and Barristan felt their mouths open slightly at the sheer stupidity of Aegon's words. They then looked back over at Lyarra who who was looking at them with a look that promised death "Aegon... you need to go and apologise to her," Arthur said as he looked away from the death glare that Lyarra sent to them.

Aegon waved him off "I'm sure she'll forget about the whole thing tomorrow," he said as he stretched his arms behind his head.

"I don't think she will..." Barristan said nervously as he looked at Lyarra. Aegon frowned and turned around looking at Lyarra whose murderous look intensified, Aegon started laughing nervously "Perhaps I will apologise as her big brother I should take responsibility, though I think you both should accompany me as I'm sure she'd-"

Aegon paused mid-sentence and turned around only to find out that Arthur and Barristan had left. Aegon tutted "Some Kingsguard they are." He said before breathing heavily slapping his cheeks and walking to the avatar of death that hadn't stopped staring at him.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad, I've talked my way out of worse." He said to himself as his signature smile stretched across his face and he started walking across to her.


Daenerys sat by her brother with a smile on her face, she had a cup of wine in her hand that she was carefully giving to Viserys who was still lifeless and silent. Daenerys watched as everyone drank and ate and laughed, she particularly liked Aegon's new pet who was sat eating a large bowl of fruit. On a small barrel, the performer Penny was singing a sweet song while playing a flute with her brother banging a drum just below her.

"Isn't this all so wonderful brother," Daenerys said as she looked around the camp. Though Viserys didn't answer and continued to stare off into space "It's a shame that you can't see it." She continued to talk as the smile slowly melted away from her face.

She pushed him back in his seat and placed the cup to his lips "Why didn't you listen to Aegon brother... things would've been so much better if you had," she said as she started to pour the red liquid down his throat, though she was going a bit too fast and it was making him cough and splutter. Viserys raised his hand to move the cup but before he could Daenerys grabbed his hand "I love you so much more when you're like this brother..." she said in a whisper before letting go and moving the cup from his lips letting him spit out the wine.


Daenerys turned as she heard Aegon shouting, she giggled as she saw Aegon running away from Lyarra who had a crossbow in her hands she was reloading another bolt as she had just fired and missed the previous one. The men laughed and cheered as they saw their brave captain running from a young girl "It truly is wonderful to know we have more family is it not brother," she said not expecting an answer from him.

Daenerys looked at Aegon and felt warm feelings gather in her chest and spread down to between her thighs "Do you think Aegon will take me soon..." she said her voice getting lower and her breathing getting heavier. She had told herself she would wait as long as it would take but it was getting difficult every time he talked to her, every time he touched her, every time he was merely in her presence she felt her breath quicken and her womenhood grow wet between her legs.

She wanted to smell him and lick the sweat off of his body, she wanted him to take her as roughly or softly as he wanted, she wanted to give birth to his silver-haired children "I hope it is soon..." she said as her hands gripped her knees tightly. A smile spread across her face as she looked at Lyarra "I am glad Aegon has such a beautiful sister..." she said as she continued to watch Lyarra chase Aegon.

Meanwhile, Aegon who just avoided a crossbow bolt by sliding under a table flipped it over and hid behind it "Lyarra stop! You almost hit me that time," he said though he quickly ducked as another crossbow bolt flew above him.

"Good!" She shouted.

"Come on there must be a way for me to make up for it," he said from behind the table "I am a king you know or at least will be I could get you a pretty necklace,"


A crossbow bolt punctured through the wood right next to his shoulder "Who is the best fighter between you and Arthur," Lyarra asked as she walked towards the table reloading another crossbow bolt.

Aegon chuckled "Do you even need to ask? It is clearly me," he replied, for a moment he thought he heard Arthur laugh but put it down to his imagination. The table was suddenly pulled away and Lyarra was standing above him with a crossbow in hand "You will spar with me every day until I beat you! And you'll show me any fighting styles that you've learned!" She demanded.

Aegon raised an eyebrow at her "That's it? You could've asked that before you know," Aegon said as he stood up and dusted himself off "It's the least I can do for my little sister," he said with a cheeky grin as he put his arm around her shoulder despite her annoyance.

Lyarra just shoved him off and dropped the crossbow before leaving and grabbing a training sword. Aegon guessed she was heading off to keep training, she'd done that a lot in the time they'd been travelling she was obsessed with getting better.

"My Lord?"

Aegon snapped out of his thoughts and turned around and smiled as he looked down and saw the small form of Penny who was in her cute green dress "You're... Penny aren't you?" Aegon asked and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Well my Lady how can I serve such a beautiful woman," he said with a charming smile that made Penny laugh nervously.

She curtsied slightly while keeping her head down "I wanted to thank you my Lord for keeping me and my brother safe, I do not like to think what the previous captain may have done if you had not gotten involved." She said with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Think nothing of it my Lady, I specialise in rescuing damsels though I wouldn't tell your brother that," he replied making Penny giggle though she immediately covered her mouth as she didn't want to risk doing anything to anger or upset him.

After composing herself she straightened her dress out which had the effect of making her breasts appear bigger "I wanted to request whether it would be okay for us to be allowed to leave at the next city we go to, we don't have much but-"

"Of course," Aegon simply said

Penny seemed stumped as Aegon agreed to her request so readily, as there was so little entertainment in the camp she believed that she and her brother would be forced to stay until they could be replaced. She didn't expect Aegon to be okay with them leaving so easily as most Captains want to keep their men happy "My Lord did I hear you correctly?" She asked with slight confusion.

Aegon shook his head "I'm not sure how the previous captain did things... well I suppose I could guess. But you're not prisoners you can leave anytime you wish to." He assured her, Penny found herself wiping her eyes before quickly composing herself.

"Thank you, My Lord, I do hope you'll sing us another song before the night is over," she said before bowing and turning around to leave.


After a few days of endless feasting and drinking, Aegon sat in the command tent with his legs on the table, Melisandre stood by his side and the rest of his family were in various seats around the table. Barristan and Arthur sat opposite him, they were the most eager to attend the meeting that Aegon had called as they wished to know what would happen next and where they were headed.

Aegon was nursing a headache as he had gotten into a drinking competition the previous night with Penny, and surprisingly he lost "Now I'm guessing you're all wondering where I'm going to take our little merry band of sellswords," He said as he poured himself a cup of watered down wine.

"The thought did cross my mind," Arthur said as he leaned forward impatiently, he was half expecting the next words that come out of his mouth to be completely ridiculous and near impossible.

Aegon smirked "After thinking long and hard I've decided that before we make any kind of long journey we'll need funding as well as weapons and armour, and I happen to know the perfect place to obtain all of that," he stated.

He then took his feet off the table before withdrawing his dagger and stabbing the map that was on the table "Qohor," he simply said.

Barristan frowned "Aegon we don't have enough funds to outfit the second sons, and I sincerely doubt that there would be anyone willing to support us when we aren't even a contender to the throne." He stated.

However Aegon shook his head "We aren't going to trade with them or purchase anything... we are going to sack the city," he said with a manic grin. Arthur stopped leaning forward and sunk back into his chair, it turns out he was wrong it wasn't something nearly impossible... it was impossible.

"You want us to attack Qohor a city defended by 3,000 unsullied with only 500 men and you expect us to sack the city," Arthur said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Aegon nodded "Yes that's about it, though we will also have assistance from the followers of R'hllor who are present in the city," he replied.

"Aegon this is utterly foolish, you'll get everyone killed," Lyarra said as she stood by the entrance to the tent with her arms folded.

"I can't help but concur, your Grace, even ten times as many men would fail in such an endeavour," Barristan added.

Aegon however just waved them off "I ask that you trust in me, I have a plan so there is nothing to worry about," he said as he stretched before walking to the tent and leaving.

Barristan couldn't help but notice Arthur's head was in his hands and he seemed to be mumbling to himself "Arthur? My friend? Are you okay?" He asked as he put his hand on his back. Arthur lifted his head and shook it "Aegon with a plan is almost as bad as us attacking Qohor with 500 men," he said as memories of their adventures flashed through his mind.

Barristan laughed nervously "Surely you jest, it can't be as bad as all that," he said though when Arthur didn't answer his worry only increased.

Daenerys however had a large smile on her face "I believe it'll all be fine, Aegon's plans have always worked well in the past, look at what happened to Vaes Dothrak." She said though this didn't reassure Arthur and only serves to make him worry more. Barristan clapped him on the back once more to reassure him before getting up.

'I'm sure it'll be fine.' Arthur thought to himself unconvincingly.

(AN: So been a while since I've updated this though not to lack of passion just been busy and tbh this one doesn't have as many fans so I decided to focus on the ones you liked more. But I do hope that you'll start to warm up to this one as exciting stuff happens such as the upcoming battle of Qohor.)

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