
The wolfs mate

Max locks the door behind them and crouches down next to Marcy they are both shaking. Max lifts her phone and notices that Dexter hung up. The girls are locked inside with no way of knowing what is happening outside of the bathroom door. They know the wolves have arrived, they are there to try and protect them because they can hear howling and screaming coming from right outside the door. Marcy held Max as she cries quietly into her shoulder and they both slide down the bathroom wall to crouch on the floor. The screams and banging continue from outside the door and it sounds like the whole house is going to cave in at any moment. After the girls huddle there for what feels like hours the house suddenly goes quiet. Marcy looks at Max and asks "where is Ian, do you think he knows?" Max hugs her tight and looks around the bathroom as if she is trying to figure out their next move. "Max" Dexter yells from downstairs. Max slides herself across the bathroom floor and places her hand on the door. "It's gonna be okay" max says and lifts herself off the bathroom floor and then swings the door open ready to Sprint down the stairs to Dexter, but Max is met with Ian's gaze instead. His eyes no longer an emerald green they are now a dark mossy color filled with hear and rage only enhanced by the hunters blood on his cruel twisted face. "I'm gonna go see who needs my help" max stammers as she ducks around Ian who was looking through her and right at Marcy any ways. "Marcy" Ian says as he moves twords the woman who is still curled up shaking involuntarily in the corner of the bathroom floor. He reaches out his hand to help her up "are you okay?" Marcy looks up to meet his gaze and nods her head reaching up to his extended hand. Ian pulls Marcy out of the floor and can read the shock on her face. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

Taylor_Cornish · Fantasía
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39 Chs


* * "maybe" Marcy said. * *

Marcy looked up at Ian waiting for a smart remark. "Well... You look amazing" Ian finally said no longer able to make eye contact with Marcy. Almost looking like a school boy with his first crush. This was the moment that Marcy realized she had an effect on Ian too. As Marcy inches herself closer to him feeling the stadic build between them. That's when they both noticed the headlights coming up the driveway. It was Max she was home, early. Max got out of the car and looked up at Marcy and Ian clearly not registering the tension between the two of them. Max looks back at Marcy " da** girl, look at you". "Thank you" Marcy replied hoping she didn't realize that she had totally killed the mood. She obviously didn't because she held up the pizzas and giggled "who's hungry as she walked past them and threw the front door. Marcy and Ian glanced at each other and breathed a sigh of relief thanking that they weren't caught, doing what Marcy wasn't sure but she knew it was something and that she was just lucky that her new found friend wasn't very entewative before fallowing Max into the house.

Ian kicked the door shut behind them startling Marcy who was already in the kitchen helping Max open the pizza boxes. "A bit jumpy aren't we" laughed Max still blissfully unaware of the facts that both Ian and Marcy were on edge from the electricity that still shot back and forth between the two of them. Ian reached over Max grabbing a slice of pizza shoving the whole slice into his mouth at once. Max slapped his arm "stop it you pig" she frowned "sorry, my brother is an animal". This caused a glare from Ian Marcy just laughed at the siblings bickering in front or her, making her feel more at home than she had in all of her lifetime. Max smiled back at Marcy "do you wanna watch a movie?" She asked once again letting her excitement the the best of her. Still rambling Max insisted "I like comedies but Ian loves horror flicks, it's your choice". "I like supernatural movies" said Marcy, at this Ian nearly choked on his mouth full of pizza causing both Max and Marcy to giggle. Ian swallows the rest of his pizza and asks " what kinda supernatural movies" watching Marcy intently for any type of response. "Anything really. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves and witches supposedly there are witches in my family tree somewhere so I find it all fascinating" Marcy says so nonchalantly. Ians eyes wide at her response grabs the pizza box with one hand and heads the the living room. "Your pick" he calls out as he leads the way into the next room with both girls hot on his heals. After much back and forth the girls settle on a classic vampire werewolf movie with a romantic twist that Ian just rolls his eyes at. Knowing the corny movie will surely have both girls on edge he accepts this as entertainment enough.