
the wolf that walks amongst the herd

alright so this is a pet project that's just needs good criticism buy good criticism I mean that type that's a little bit Moline to the malicious level my idea came from lots of lucid dreaming when I was a younger child so I gathered all the memories or everything that I could find and created a character based off of it and then through so many obstacles at him that he just decided to do with what he can

Joshua_Burritt · Real
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33 Chs


"Gabriel Carver male seventeen years of age muscular build, two leg prosthetics, 6 feet tall, he is wanted for multiple counts of murder, manslaughter and grand theft auto if you have any knowledge of his whereabouts please contact your nearest security post" says the daily inquire, everytime that goes off, its so loud that it wakes me up from a dead sleep looking around all there is to really see is Landon at his post watching for are mark to make his move, we're only in Seattle for one person with is odd for us were usually sent on jobs that requires us to kill multiple targets, but if it gets me away from my girlfriend trying to kill me, I could care less, Landon sees that I've awoken. We have worked a couple dozen jobs together, for being thirty years he is just as agile as me, he taught me how to properly scout out an area that your target is located in before boxing them in on their own territory, he also keeps trying to act like my father since I never knew my own, every now in then he catches himself from saying something that could be offensive, it doesn't really matter though my father was supposedly just some deadbeat who got lucky with my mom, even though after she had me  she sent me away to military academy before I could even go a wall she's trying to make amends for what she did in the past now that she has grown into money with her new husband, she thought the best way was to send me to an elite school, there I figured out that people always want something from you either it be so convelulted or me simple and stupid, like if someone numbed into you intentionally, then you have to apologize or you'll get the speech that your family is nothing compared to theirs. In the end school is way to easy, so enjoy the simpler things, such as working alongside my fellow mercenaries under the flag of the white skulls, are leaders name is Isla Adams under her is Klaus Hunngeir then there Landon Guisse, Bill Taylour, myself, Nina Heine, Mike Strotousky, Caleb Miller, and two other men that I haven't got the chance to work with because they only work with Isla on special mission, me and the others are just a small strike force that can carry out curtain Operations, when Isla found me I was just ten years old trying to kill her with a spoon, she then took me under her wing showing me all types of military tactics, close quarters combat, infiltration techniques, as well as infiltration she said I remind her a lot of her son. She would tell me a lot about him, but now a days she doesn't speak much of it because he died in a plane explosion on the alpha facility, thinking on it, that facility was only used for one thing, and that was to support the effort of someone known as the wolf who is a known legend for killing thousands of people, leading the fight against cults, government, and the anarchy that created this dystopian society we have, as a joke my fellow comrades call me the pup because I aspire to be him. After getting up to then get dressed really quickly because we are about to get a video call from one handler who usually calls around eleven pm, it's mostly for me in the end, as a way of understanding our target as well as the city we are in, also she send me my homework that was given to me for the days I've missed, her name is Cloe she's the same age as me, she was brought into out little strike force to help oversee operation, but in the end she just ultimately helps me since Isla was told to have someone watch me specifically because I remind a curtain woman named Jasmine of a very dangerous individual who had a lot of depression, all that I was told about the guy was that he was mentally unstable due to his depression, but he was dangerous due to the fact that he could control his own emotions  and carry out any mission without caring about the repercussions. When it comes to me though, I'm not depressed, but the fact that enjoying the work, disturbs others. Beside the fact being able to execute an operation with one hundred percent guaranteed success also bring up a red flag, although it's only considered a red flag by Isla she would read my reports on the missions success also the report written by the member of our squad that would be working with me, her attitude to the reports has been more or less aggressive as if she reminded by something that brings her great pain. Asking the question on why she has been acting this way, only gets me the answer "it's best not to worry about it" the only real time that allows me to ponder such things is only when I'm reading the dossier about are target, what grabs my attention is the age of the target, he is fifteen years old, he has control over the distribution of illegal and weapons from the states to Canada, he has two dozen guards watching him at all times. Seattle police chief won't touch him because he has fallen for the fake that the kid created to cover his tracks, also he doesn't believe that a fifteen year old child is capable of such crimes. We have an apartment overlooking the building that he does most of his business in the only thing that could go wrong on this op is his main bodyguard , her name is Meganshe has no real last name but she is recognized by the scar over left eye, she is 42 years old, graduated special forces training for the United States military at twenty four, she then out of the blue served with the wolf in the turmoil, because of him the partnership only lasted eight months instead of the predicted three years that is was set to take, that was eighteen years ago, there is so much information on her due to the fact that she worked for alpha century, which is the organization that currently employs me, she worked with Isla, now I work with her so does the rest of my squad, my first priority is megan while Landon takes care of the target "get your helmet on we Oscar Mike, in two" Landon says that as soon as I grab my gear. It tells me that our target is moving and there is a two minute gap for us to make our move on the targets location, immediately as I place my helmet on Landon points out that our target is in his sights, without a second thought he fires two into his chest while then following up by shooting the grapple gun for me to use to confirm the kill as well as kill his bodyguard Megan while on the grapple my hgun hand fires pot shots nailing most of the other guards, Landon doesn't fire upon them so they think it's only one shooter when hitting the ground I finish of the rest of the guards, one of the guards radio goes off saying that the rest of their units on converging on my position, I go to check the body, it is the target, though still having to analyze the body, because there is a special birthmark on his left arm,it doesn't seem to be there, then after wiping his arm off, it appears, where is Megan though, someone tries to attack me from above, its her, her red hair is that of blood after she emerges she raises her blades striking me in very quick motion,  using my wrist gauntlets allows me to dodge her blows, she is fast, after being able to counter her, I then take her down, before killing her, she tries wrapping her body on to mine as she take one of my knives, shooter her in her left arm unveiled that it was augmented, she steps back but then stops moving suddenly as she examines my blade, then looks at me top to bottom, she says the name "James… " very sullenly before I move towards her disarming her then stabbing her with the knife in her hands. She wasn't the main target unlike the guards I killed to get to my target she arrived after my mission success, and personal I don't kill unless I'm getting paid for it. After throwing a tear gas grenade, Landon then pick me up using the vermilion with is a vehicle that uses reflective panels to create a type of camouflage, also it extremely quiet as well as fast l, while leaving in the vermilion Landon asked me "what's wrong (she called me James?) huh strange" with that in mind we drove off to then fly back to Amsterdam to report back to Isla, on arrival back at are main operations in Amsterdam Isla then scolded me for not killing her, she said it would bite back at me for not being thorough.


It is become a standard gimmick to continuously treat me as a child at alpha centuries headquarters in Amsterdam as it has become a regular procedure for Isla to scold me after ever of,  even in her fifties she continues to keep fighting, and keep nagging me for not killing my enemy which in this case was Megan, my argument was (I don't kill unless I get something out of it, if I killed Megan all I would get, would just be more blood on my blade) after making that comment she then suspended me from all operation for the next month we then argue for the next two hours on my suspension, before being interrupted by another member of the Alpha century, he stands above me at six two, but his body looks heavily augmented, he has augmented arms and legs, but he seems to be wearing some type of helmet with some fragmentation on it, she approaches me, looking straight at his face I can't tell for sure but it seems he is scanning me, after about two second of him standing before me, he then grabs my neck lifting me up immediately saying "what is a pup doing here" in a robotic voice, though not even. Minute passes before Isla yells "H put the boy down now!" he then loosens his grip to see that my pistol was pointing straight at his gut, for a second there after he spotted the position of my pistol I thought he laughed, but it was hard to hear after he switch to grab my collar to then carry me out the door. While outside the door, I try to understand what the fuck just happened before another augmented individual appears before me, its a women though, she helps me off the ground, though other then him, her ring finger is some type of gold magnet, she then grabs my face, she forces it to look straight at her, her hands are as cold as ice,  though her helmet recoils into an earpiece as if it was distracted from that device, but that technology hasn't been created yet, my brains stops thinking as her face is that of pure beauty she has Pearl white eyes with short white hair, and over her eyes is a small crack inbetween the metal, her lips are red as roses, she turns my head while still squishing my cheeks "you look just like him" words try to come out of my mouth, but it is hard to speak when she squishes my cheeks, she realized this then let go "oh I'm sorry you just look like my husband (it's fine, don't worry about, who your husband) curious one aren't you (well you did bring it up) well he's some one who has the ability to be dramatic (is that so… well it was nice meeting you miss?) Karma but you can call me K, I have a feeling will working together real soon" with that said she then heads into Isla's office. I have know idea what just happened, in my line of work sometimes the unexplainable can happen as well as the impossible in some cases , like on one of my old missions when my target shot my helmet and it reflected the round back at them killing them immediately, but like when that happened I decided not to think about it and accept what just happened. Which that in mind I head to bed to go to school the next day, and deal a whole different monster that being my personality, I chose a personality of that of a geek, which is what my associates call it, allowing myself to get bullied enables me to hide my true identity, it works for the most part, sometimes I take off my glasses and change my hair and clothes to apprehend my bullies from doing harm to anybody else though for some reason my Clark Kent personality had gotten the attention of Cloe black the most beautiful girl in school daughter to infamous Mr.Black who is very well known for being a war photographer, I've never seen him or heard of his work, but everytime someone brings her up he then becomes the topic of conversation between student at my school. To everyone Cloe is a beauty from the Goliath,  she is kind, smart, and very good at sports, she is regarded as extremely reliable, and is respected by every student even the seniors, to me she is the devil, she won't stop following me everywhere I go, and where she is her possey, cult, groups following, etc etc, whatever you call it follows her, all it does is grab attention I don't need, it all started when she followed me to one of my eating spots where no one could bully me also so I could read the dossier on my next target through my glasses, her footsteps were so quiet the my ears couldn't even hear that she was right behind my, earlier that day a jock spilled his protein shake on me, so while being at one of my eating spots where there is usually no one there I take off my shirts to change into a spare in my bag but then a hand braces itself on my back (ahh what the) when I turn to see who it was, to my surprise it was Cloe (wh--wha-what are you -da-doing here) she then looks at me and does that iconic smile that everyone praises her for the at that moment I come to realize that my shirt is off so it's revealing my tattoos as well as some of my scars, putting it back on she then says "there is no need to put on that act infront of me (wh-what act) stop stuttering it doesn't suit you, also your not really nervous your more or less confused (how do you know) well first off I know that you're not really defenseless and you're not really that weird kid that other people say is just a bug on a windshield (I asked how?) hmm you're not aggressive either… get it you're just bored (ugh can you leave) so you are just bored (I didn't say that) well I guess until you tell me, I'll just keep bothering you (why me) my dad always taught me to seek out the truth (I bet he also said there more than what meets the eye as well) yes he did" from that day forward she would never stop bothering me, she follows me everywhere then somehow she got my phone number from the school records and would start texting me. What's worse is that I can't stop thinking about her my only friend Theo tells me that it love, that concept foriegn to me, he derives some type of euphoria watching me suffer, everyone in the school wants him to date her, he is the schools golden boy, star athlete, he's also very reliable to all the students needs as well as the teachers, the way we became friends was something out of a movie. On my first day at school he sat by me, then little by little we slowly became friends, but so far this year is his last year so he has been too busy to even talk to, all we have is that small five minutes walking to school before he is stolen away by the female posey  that fawns over him every second he's around, though they'll never get what they want from him because he's gay, sometimes I believe that is the is the only reason we are friends he told me after one of his swimming meets, after he lost he broke down, his old friend beat him in the two hundred meter butterfly, though I wasn't there for him, there was a young drug dealer who was there selling a new type of drug that carried some illegal pathogen that kills the user after a quick high, as I was killing the target in the locker room, he soon walked in and started cry as my arms started choking the target to death, he admired his old friend even loved him, but their falling out was due to the fact his friends parent would never accept their relationship, then I appears out of the locker room as soon as the target died, I didn't really know what to say so I called Cloe on what I should do, all she said was "be there" then hang up on me so I patted him on the back then he proceeded to cry and hug me. Sometime in my head there is a pondering thought that roames my mind is the idea of these two people finding out what my job is, for some reason it terrifies me.