
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · Ciudad
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7 Chs

The Hunt

'You are late, "Zeak ". By the way, thanks for taking care of another one of those Wolfer sh*ts'

' My sister...'

'Oh don't worry she is alive, though I can't guarantee if she is alright, fufu' said the voice again.

'Oh zeke, keep on being a good boy and I can assure you your sister's safety'


'hehe, go hunt more of those so called hunters oh ''Golden Death'', maybe next time we might let you talk to your sister, hahahaha'

'you make me sick', said Zeak.

'Oh so you want me to give the approval of her termination?' said the voice again.

'I'll go hunt them as you wish, oh great "Member of the Mid-Night Wolves'', please don't do anything to my younger sister' Zeak replied in the microphone in his ears.

' say my master, and then woof like the little son of a b*t©h you are..., hahaha'

'as you wish my master, woof-woof'

'Good boy' said the voice, again.

Zeak took the earphone out of his right ear with such amount of force that his ear started to bleed.

But he did not care.

He clenched his fist and crushed the microphone in his hands.

His golden fur was shining in the moon light as he stood on the top of a skyscraper.

His face had an unusual expression, one that signified his murderous intent.


'JUST WAIT YOU MID-NIGHT WOLVES BASTARDS I'LL BURN YOUR ORGANIZATION TO THE GROUND' he screamed with all his might looking towards the moon.

With a silver sword in his hands he kept on gazing at the drifting clouds...

Mean-while somewhere else at the same time....

'Wolfer 3, she's headed in your direction. Don't engage, wait for Wolfer 5'

'Seras-uhhh I mean Wolfer 5, turn right, you'll find Johnathan, I mean Wolfer 3 there'

'Assist him and take down the enemy'

'roger' said Seras

'Quit revealing our names idiot, werewolves can hear different frequencies, we humans can't you know ', said Johnathan.

'sorry there sweety I forgot about that, how about I compensate you tonight. I'm sure my roommates gone to the club so how about we-'


Suddenly from the left of the block where Johnathan was, a shadow emerged and leapt on him.

'She's all over you.'

'Yeah I noticed' Johnathan said it while struggling with his predator.

Johnathan pulled out his Knife and stuffed it into the former waitress now werewolf's face.

The werewolf was wearing a skirt and an almost torn t-shirt.

Her arms were well versed, it was clear as day that Johnathan won't last much longer. He had her pinned down but he could feel the intensity of her muscles. Her bloodlust was immense.

And Johnathan stuffing a knife in her mouth only made matters worse.

Suddenly his grip on her arms loosened up a bit and she took the opportunity and plunged over him. Holding his head and nailing it into the hard concrete,

It was a miracle that he was still conscious.

Which he might not stay any longer, considering he was up against a literal werewolf. The woman looked a lot different than she did earlier.

Instead of looking like a cute and gentle waitress,

She looked exactly what she was not looking like as a waitress.

The knife in her mouth had already been taken care of and the wound was now healing.

A monster with green eyes. Ones you'll find popping out on the face of anyone of those bed time story demons.

Her face was human for most part.

Her ears seemed like a wolf's, her fur was a typical shade of grey, covering her back, her tail and her ears. Her hairs were the same shade of back as they were before she took her real form.

Her mouth was lased with her saliva which dripped down on Johnathan.

It was clear she wanted him dead, but for some reason she was hesitant to go in for the kill.

'on some other occasion I would have enjoyed this out, but nah you're a werewolf...' said Johnathan.

The werewolf let go of her hesitation and was about to go in for the kill,when suddenly someone shot her in the back with multiple arrows.

She looked backwards and there stood a lone Wolfer with a huge bow, pink - black hairs and light blue eyes,

'Oh hey Seras, could you unnnh get this cute unnnh this cute lady away from me.'

The Wolf growled and looked at her.

'So you knew about me?, you are the reason I am in this mess. I should have crushed you and that cheeky b*t©h friend of yours right then and - .'

'uggggggghhhhhh', the werewolf wailed

Seras did not say a thing.

The werewolf had been plunged with another arrow.

'but how-'


'I can shoot arrows faster than a werewolf's perception. ' Seras said it without flinching.

She plunged another arrow into the werewolf, and then another, and another.

But the werewolf kept on somehow avoiding her vitals.

In no time Seras was out of projectiles.

The werewolf saw that and went in for the kill,

But before she could scratch Seras a barrage of arrows punctured her back.

From all sides, surrounding her were Wolfers.

13 of them to he precise.

Before she knew it,

She was dead.

'You alive there? Your head looks messed up'

Asked Seras, sitting on the pedestrian.

'yeah' said Johnathan. He looked as if he just had his debut wrestling match against a monster-truck.

His black t-shirt was a mess, his jeans was torn at his knee caps.

His dark blue hairs were a mess.

His forehead was drenched in his own blood.

His eyes were almost the same as his hairs.

Dark blue with a tint of madness.

With tanned skin and a great lovely complexion,

His build was the most toned and masculine in all of the 15 Wolfers.

'Oh sweetie you're alive I thought I lost you for good this time around..'

A voice came in rushing from behind a bunch of teenagers dressed in armours and/or wielding weaponry.

'shut up you damn witch, you never do your one job properly' Johnathan said it with an angry yet content face.

'ah cmon I'll give you a nice nap tonight in my room, I told you my roommate is going out-'


Everyone surrounding Johnathan and Sarah laughed, even Seras.

'I have contacted the patrol team, they'd be here soon to clean up this mess' said Sarah seated next to Seras.

Others were all gone seeing how Johnathan wasn't in the best of his health they all decided to take him back to the cave...

'Seras, why do you always try so hard?, I get its a life and death battle and all, but you just try too hard, why is that?'

Sarah had a cigarette and a lighter out,

'I don't quite get it'.

'it happened 5 years ago, I was 12 back then...., It was a night like any other.

The only difference was what happened that night.

It was the last time we had dinner together.

I was the line survivor, in front of me.

Mom, Dad and My younger brothers were all...'

'I need to find that monster, I won't stop until I find him. I don't care where he his hiding, the hell or the purgatory. I will find him...'

'I see', replied Sarah with the lit cigarette in her hands, As she stayed there on Seras 's side.

To be continued~

Chapter 2, End...