
The witcher : An other story

WARNING : This story was created by me but the original story, the context, the world,the different capacity and everything belongs to the true author of the witcher's world it's just fanfic of a fan to this world Our story begins beyond the seas of the land of the original story continent where war rages on we find ourselves on a large island surrounded by mist with monsters guarding it. Our protagonist daichi kasai lives in a territories of the 108 clan territories waging war for the road to the shogunate but what he did not know is that an event turned his life upside down and led him to way of revenge

Shin_sekai01 · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs


Hana and Daichi continue to walk with the lot of monster corpse behind them, they continue to climb the floors but the night was starting to fall on the 30th

- let's find a place to rest, you lived here since you were a kid so do you know a place where we can stay?

- Yeah! There is a bedroom to the left and a kitchen a little further

- Good, go first i follow you

- okay !

Hana go and Daichi follow her

- There's no monster... say Hana

- Yeah...

- what do you think they do ?

- I don't know...

- You are witcher aren't you ?

- yeah but it's really uncommon to have to fight a evolved

- really ?

- yeah an simple evolved can beat 4 clan without have any wounds, if there have not witcher of course

They enter in the kitchen and Daichi take some ingredient and start to cooking

- you don't want to let me cook ?

- why ?

- because you know you are a witcher, so cooking might not be your strong suit

- don't worry when i was kid, i was like to cook every day


When Daichi have finish, she see a beautiful dish but she say to himself ' taste is more important than sight'

- Itadakimasu !

She eat the food and she scream

- that's delicious !

She continue and finish to eat everything, she look Daichi and raise her thumb for say that was incredible.

- You eat all of this... and you didn't get any kilo... thought Daichi

Hana get up and go to the bedroom and Daichi follows her but in the front of the door she says while being all red :

- Wait we have just only one bed so...


- We going to sleep together !?

- No...

- where did you going to sleep so ?

- I going to meditate because it allows me to stay on my guards and rest in the same time meanwhile you sleep in the bed

- okay, you reassures me. She said lying down on the bed

Daichi enter meditation posture and Hana say - I can't sleep

- Why ?

- Because i have something to ask to you

- okay so tell me you questions

- First I've seen lots of witcher but you're the first one who can use signs this way

- what do you mean ?

- When you use that, how can you give me your shield? I thought the witcher could use simple spells

- They just can use simple spells...

- ???

- Just i have something special, but this power cost something, have this cold expressions everytime for an exemple

- What ?

- When a man become a witcher he has an extraordinary calm but they still have the other expressions, but for me it's different, i have a great affinity with the sign, but that took my emotions and it's not like a won something ! This power have a other cost, if i use too much of this, i have a repercussions, for an example igni or like i call it, HI

I can use it but that take my oxygen so i must to breath a lot but that take more than i breath so i can have a hyperventilation.

Quen, i call it IWA, if i use it when i am on my limit of what it can absorb it's like you give me a great punch in my stomach and if it's too much i received the hit 4x but i can protect other people and myself in the same time 7 max.

And the other have they advantages and there repercussions.

-This is...

- ???

- My father told me that people who become witchers come from the lower classes and are orphans for a good part of them, is it the same for you?

- No... I became a witcher without having choice ,without my consent they make me a monster hunter. I was a kid with a mother, a brother ... a father and I should have been the new head of our clan but fate has seen otherwise.

- you should have been a chieftain?

- Yeah...

- Which clan ?

- My name is Daichi... Daichi kasai

- Kasai ! The clan who have one of the most prestigious school of witcher under their wings ?

- Yeah... I from the school of kitsune and you dad too

- My dad ?

- He never told you ? your dad worked as a witcher

- But a witcher can't have a child !

- That because he wasn't not

- Huh ?

- I told you this story an other time

- why ?

- Because me too i have a question... one question

- ???

- Where is you old sister ?

- How you know... How you know i have a older sister ? Say Hana to Daichi with a dark-look

- Because you have 18 years old so you are born when you dad and mother have 18 years but i saw she was pregnant when she has 16 so where is she ?

- I don't know... Hana sits up wrapping her arms around her knees. She disappear when i was 14 year old without let some trace

- How ?

- I don't know, we were inseperable like the 2 fingers of one hand but one day, I was follow her to the garden and in the labyrinth i saw her talk with a man, she tilted her head towards that man. Suddenly he looked at me and black smoke appeared and like a tornado it enveloped all around us and i passed out after that day i didn't see my sister anymore.

- And you father ?

- He try to found her after i explain all of this story but we didn't find her...

Daichi look Hana and some tears start to fall in the eyes of her

-Just... I want... I want to found her...I want to see my sister again...

Hana cry... Cry a lot and Daichi fought what should he suppose to do ? He take Hana in his arm and say :

- Don't cry, I swear that we will found you sister...

- thanks Daichi..."

After that words Hana fall to the knees of Daichi who are in meditates position, Daichi look her and saw that Hana sleep he look up start to think.


Hana wake and see Daichi she get up rapidly she look Daichi who open his eyes and who say :

"- good morning...

- How you can say good morning with so much calm !

- I told you last night...

- Hana sight... This is not what i mean

- Hana...

- Yes ?

- After killing this evolved, I will go.

Hana look Daichi with being curious

- Would you like to come with me?