
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 4

Do I really not love this man? "I love you, Mate, and I don't know if this is part of me having you as my mate or what." He said, while still hugging me. "Hmmm, yeah sure whatever. Wait, What the----?!" I said trying to pull away from his hug.

"Hahaha, I knew that would be your reaction but your reaction was still priceless! Hahaha!" He said making weird surprised faces while laughing so hard enough for him to hold his stomach from all the laughing. I just frowned since I'm used to him making fun of me and his usual mischiefs, but from time to time like right now Find him cute laughing like the funniest thing in the world is just right in front of him, which is, most of the time, me.

"Okay, now that's enough, Ryan. Come on." I said annoyed at him. "Hahaha, Okay, okay, I'm done, but still the look on your face, mate was priceless." He was just about to laugh again so I had to glare at him to make him stop, but was he still holding back a laugh or two.

"Hey, Ryan, I'll be transported to the Mortal world in a week's time and with an uncertain return time, and, well, I'll miss you, but I need this, Ryan. I need time to think some stuff through, and, and---" I said remembering what I had to tell him, and started panicking.

"I know, I know, Mate. I understand, don't worry. I'll wait for you okay, Hmmm, don't worry. And I meant what I said, I love and I'll always be here for you okay?" He said as he hugged me. "Okay, thank you, Ryan," I said hugging him again.

"Hmm. I'll miss you my Luna."


On the day of the full moon~

"I shall go now, Mother, Father, Ryan," I said as I looked around them only the moon providing light for us. As I turned for the circle that'll transport me to the mortal world the leader of the ministry of magic greeted me to help me with the ritual process.

"Princess, here is a magical amulet, keep it with you at all times this is the only way for us to contact and find you in case you are met with danger because even with how much immense power you are magically you still don't have the training of an M.M.D.T., Princess and your safety is still important where ever you are, for the future of the Air Kingdom."

"Yes, I understand your highness," I said to the head of the Ministry of Magic. "Then, shall we start the ritual?" He asked motioning me to go to the middle of the ritual circle. "We shall." When the ritual started I was blinded by a light and then the next thing I knew was that I'm on the busy streets of the mortal world. Wow.

Just like in the stories it is indeed very much different from our world. The streets are busy and it seems like it's still dawn here. Their transportation machine bustling here and there and from the looks of it, this world is definitely the opposite of our peaceful and quiet world if I do say so myself.

Wow. What are those?! It looks like their way of transportation, but they don't use horses or magic to get it moving they use wheels. And the people, what are they wearing?! Women wearing something so inappropriately short! and men are those cigarettes?! and their drinking in broad daylight?! and the black smoke coming from those transportation types of machinery and the chimney of some large structure. They're basically trying to ruin their own world!

Did I make the right decision to come here? 'What do you think, Phoebe? Did I make the right decision of running into this world to find the answers I'm looking for? I asked telepathically to my Elemental dragon counterpart, Phoebe.'

'Well Lilan, in my opinion, it's both right and wrong.' Phoebe said. 'Right and wrong, why do think so?'

'Well, for starters, wrong because I hate their species, because as far as I know, this world was made like our as well, the only difference is that our world has magic while theirs doesn't, but they destroyed a once so magnificent world that one would think it was made from magic. Next, right because you need a different point of view, another species' or a mortal's point of view since everyone in our world would definitely say the same thing, the normal thing in our world, and that's the farthest thing you need right now, what you need right now is a different one, an opinion may not be so possible in our world but an opinion that you want to hear.' Phoebe explained.

'An opinion I want that I hear? and what is that?' I asked confused.

'That it's fine to escape or maybe that it's fine to go back to our world and just not do the marriage and find someone you really love. Or maybe just someone pinpointing to your face that you could also feel the effects of mating, that you yourself are starting to fall in love with Ryan.' Phoebe explained again.

'What the hell, Phoebe?! Really, you too?!'

'Yeah, so what? I mean, that would really be reasonable since you two, whether you two like it or not, both of you are mates and will actually end up falling for each other.'

'But still, you know that since I was just a mere little kid, I wanted to be wedded to a guy I actually fall in love with, and by love, I mean true love, not a love that bloomed because of our instincts for our mate nor because of our powers.'

'Alright, I understand what you mean now then what about trying to fall with each other so that it'll be love not out of mating but a real one, what you people call true love. If that makes you happy, then I'm with you all the way Lily, don't worry.'

'Thanks, Phoebe, that meant a lot to me.'

'You're welcome, Princess.'

'Huh? wait look, Luna look. isn't that mother? That mortal! She looks exactly just like Mother!'
