
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 3

Lilan's POV

"I want to run away---" What the--?! No, no that's not what I planned to wish for. I planned to wish to harbor another element and be able to master that element as I did with the air element. But is that really my true heart's desire?

"Follow your heart Lilan." Phoebe was right. What I just said are words my heart has spoken. Should I follow it? Mother and Grandma always said to follow my heart's desire because it will lead me to a better path and it's something the goddesses of elements have destined for me.

I looked around the crowd and they all gasped. I guessed I can't take it back now, huh? Okay then, I have decided. "I wish to be dispatched to the mortal world as a part of the Mortal Magic Dispatch Team until I am needed to fulfill my duties to the throne and to the kingdom," I said, full of determination. Again everyone gasped, something I expected.

The mortal world is the world of beings without powers... every magic user dispatched there are those who are not capable enough to protect their families or those who have failed to protect them or orphans who grew up in the orphanage enough to marry but could not find a mate. But there was also the Mortal Magic Dispatch Team or the M.M.D.T, a group of people keeping a close eye on the magic users sent there and also on those who used black magic to get there, their job is to send back any magic user who has violated the contract they signed before being sent there or have violated the mortal world or the laws of our world.

"Very well then." The leader of the ministry of magic replied after regaining himself as he as well was flustered with what I had just said.

"We will send you there on the next full moon before then please finish any unfinished business of yours and I am sure there are a lot of them you're princess after all." And he smiled at me, a somewhat understanding smile which eased me down even just a bit.

"I understand, and thank you, your highness," I said saying thanks to the head of the ministry of magic. He just smiled at me again and went on his way back to his workplace. And I as well went off the small podium and made my way through to get to my family with a sorry smile on my face but I was flustered to see their smiling faces.

"Mother, Father, Grandma may I ask why you seem happy when I feel like I just caused some ruckus and extra work for all of you?" I said very confusedly. "Hahahaha, it's fine Olivia. What's best is that you followed your heart's desire and wishes that what the survival competition means, after all, to grant one's true desires." Grandma explained

"But I just said I wanted to run away and---" I said once again confused by their reaction. "Is there anything wrong with escaping reality once in while? I also ran away back then and that's when I met your Mom" This time it was Father who said encouraging words for me.

"Here we go again with your Father's 'back in the day' stories" Mom teased Dad which made all of us laugh at their small bickering which made me start to loosen up as well. Mom and Dad still like to act like this even after years of marriage, they still act like teenage lovers instead of a married couple. One of the reasons why I love this family.

"But what if I chose not to ever come back?" I said worriedly. "We know you'll come back 'cause that's how much we trust you." Mother said in an easing and understanding tone.

"I understand, Thank you," I said though still a bit flustered. "Hahaha, come here pumpkin!" Father said, engulfing me in his bear hug. "Dad I'm not a kid anymore stop calling me that!" I said while still my arms around for a hug from Father.

"Hahaha, and even if you chose not to come back then we'll just respect your decision," Father said in an understanding tone. "Thanks, Dad," I said thankfully. "You're welcome, pumpkin. Anything for you." And Dad wrapped me around a very tight hug.


"Olivia you have a visitor!" Nanny called out. "Yes, Nanny. I'll come down in a minute!" I said rushing downstairs. When I got down I saw Ryan waiting for me in the living room. I could say it's still awkward between us since our last conversation was the one at the arena

"Hey, Launa! What brings you here?" I said greeting Ryan in our own nicknames for each other. "Oh, hey Wind! Why can't just come by, huh, my future Luna?" He said in a teasing manner which made me frown. I just still find it weird, really. From childhood friends to a future married couple.

"Oh really? Yeah sure, I believe that shit and believe that you're not actually here to stop me from going to the mortal world. Yeah, yeah, I definitely believe that." I said sarcastically, which just made him scratch the back of his head. "Oh come on, Launa, it's not as if we haven't known each other that long to not know each other's antics, I mean really, we've been friends for as long as I can remember!" I said exasperated.

"Was I really that obvious?" He asked in his sexy deep accent. "Indeed!" I said copying his accent which just made both of us laugh.

"So, um, since you already know, goddess, why am I being awkward around you since I found out that you're my mate, really!" He said as I realized we were now at our secret hideout just on the outskirts of the woods near my house. It was just a river leading towards the forest.

"You're not alone, mate!" I said while making air quotes when I said the word mate, and again we laughed, at least just for a short moment after that big revelation it felt like old times when we joked around and laughed our hearts out. Even with how much I wanted to blame someone or just anyone for being the reason that we became awkward with each other I just can't, I'm not the only one having a hard time here, even Ryan is having a hard time nor can I blame the Moon Goddess for this because this relationship might be something both of us wished for in our past lives, so I really just don't know.

"Hey, Mate is there something bothering you?" Ryan asked worriedly. "No, it's not something like that. It's just that I want to blame someone or just anyone for making things awkward, but really there's no one to blame for this one." I said.

"It's fine, mate. I understand you, don't worry." He said as he wrapped me around a hug. Every time he hugs me it felt like home. But one question has been bothering me since that revelation. Do I really not love him? Or have I just gotten used to the feeling that I didn't notice it?


an's POV

"I want to run away---"

What the--?!

No, no that's not what I planned to wish for. I planned to wish to harbor another element and be able to master that element as I did with the air element.

But is that really my true heart's desire?

"Follow your heart Lilan."

Phoebe was right. What I just said are words my heart has spoken...

Should I follow it? Mother and Grandma always said to follow my heart's desire because it will lead me to a better path and it's something the gods and goddesses of elements have destined for me.

I looked around the crowd and they all gasped... I guessed I can't take it back now, huh?

I have decided...

"I wish to be dispatched to the mortal world as a part of the Mortal Magic Dispatch Team until I am needed to fulfill my duties to the throne and to the kingdom"

Again everyone gasped, something I expected.

The mortal world is the world of beings without powers... every magic user dispatched there are those who are not capable enough to protect their families or those who have failed to protect them or orphans who grew up in the orphanage enough to marry but could not find a mate. But there was also the Mortal Magic Dispatch Team or the M.M.D.T, a group of people keeping a close eye on the magic users sent there and also those who used black magic to get there, their job is to send back any magic-user who has violated the contract they signed before being sent there or have violated the mortal world or the laws of our world.

"Very well then." The leader of the ministry of magic replied after regaining himself as he as well was flustered with what I had just said.

"We will send you there on the next full moon before then please finish any unfinished business of yours and I am sure there are a lot of them as you are a princess after all." And he smiled at me, a somewhat understanding smile which eased me down even just a bit.

" I understand, and thank you, your highness."

He just smiled at me again and went on his way back to his workplace. And I as well went off the small podium and made my way through to get to my family with a sorry smile on my face but I was flustered to see their smiling faces.

"Mother, Father, Grandma may I ask why you seem happy when I feel like I just caused some ruckus and extra work for all of you?"

"Hahahaha, it's fine Olivia. What's best is that you followed your heart's desire and wishes that what the survival competition means, after all, to grant one's true desires." Grandma explained

"But I just said I wanted to run away and---"

"Is there anything wrong with escaping reality once in while? I also ran away back then and that's when I met your Mom" This time it was Father who said encouraging words for me.

"Oh dear, here we go again with your Father's cheesy 'back in the day story'" Mom teased Dad which made all of us laugh for their small bickering which made me start to loosen up as well. Mom and Dad are still like to act like this even after years of marriage, they still act like teenage lovers instead of a married couple. One of the reasons why I love this family.

"But what if I chose not to ever come back?"

" We know you'll come back 'cause that's how much we trust you."

" I understand, Thank you."

"Hahaha, come here pumpkin!"

"Dad I'm not a kid anymore stop calling me that!" still coming in for a hug from Dad

"Hahaha, and even if you chose not to come back then we'll just respect your decision."

"Thanks, Dad."

"You're welcome, pumpkin. Anything for you." And Dad wrapped me around a very tight hug.


"Olivia you have a visitor!" Nanny called out.

"Yes, Nanny. I'll come down in a minute!"

When I got down I saw Ryan waiting for me in the living room. I could say it's still awkward between us since our last conversation was the one at the arena

"Hey, Launa! What brings you here?"

"Oh, hey Wind! Why can't just come by, huh, my future Luna?" He said in a teasing manner which made me frown. I just still find it weird, really. From childhood friends to a future married couple.

"Oh really? Yeah sure, I believe that shit and believe that you're not actually here to stop me from going to the mortal world. Yeah, yeah, I definitely believe that." I said sarcastically, which just made him scratch the back of his head.

"Oh come on, Launa, it's not as if we haven't known each other that long to not know each other's antics, I mean really, we've been friends for as long as I can remember!"

"Was I really that obvious?" He asked in his sexy British accent.

"Indeed!" I said copying his accent which just made both of us laugh.

"So, um, since you already know, goddess, why am I being awkward around you since I found out that you're my mate, really!" He said as I realized we were now at our secret hideout just on the outskirts of the woods near my house. It was just a river leading towards the forest.

"You're not alone, mate!" I said while making air quotes when I said the word mate, and again we laughed, at least just for a short moment after that big revelation it felt like old times when we joked around and laughed our hearts out. Even with how much I wanted to blame someone or just anyone for being the reason that we became awkward with each other I just can't, I'm not the only one having a hard time here, even Ryan is having a hard time nor can I blame the Moon Goddess for this because this relationship might be something both of us wished for in our past lives, so I really just don't know.

"Hey, Mate is there something bothering you?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"No, it's not something like that. It's just that I want to blame someone or just anyone for making things awkward, but really there's no one to blame for this one."

" It's fine, mate. I understand you, don't worry." He said as he wrapped me around a hug. Every time he hugs me it felt like home.

But one question has been bothering me since that revelation.

Do I really not love him? Or have I just gotten used to the feeling that I didn't notice it?
