
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 29

Third Person's POV

The instant Xander and his father, the dark lord, heard the devastating news they instantly ordered the dark lord's chariot to set out towards the battlefield. Once they arrived, they were instantly met by the piercing gazes of the kingdom leaders, all of which were Lilan's close friends. The worst of them was Lilan's best friend and former mate's glares.

"You!" Ryan growled. "What the fuck are you doing here, much less with that asshole who, more or less, ordered Wind's death." He shouted. Grief and anger were much evident in his expression. He was trying hard not to just shift and kill the dark lord.

The dark lord whistled in amusement at his fury. "Now, now. Ryan how about let's all calm down and be civil here? I did not come here for a fight, I come in peace. I'm just escorting my son here." The dark lord said gently, asserting Ryan's anger. "Be civil?! How can you fucking say that after you fucking started a war that killed thousands, if not millions, of sorcerers? Lilan couldn't stomach seeing people around her die one by one that every single night she cried by herself, she couldn't even sleep because of the fucking trauma and guilt you inflicted on her." Ryan growled angrily.

"This--" He motioned towards Lilan and the battlefield. "This was her last resort to that problem. Sacrificing herself and her happiness for her people." He said tears brimming his eyes. "And you!" He pointed at Xander. "You should've still been on Earth ready to catch her, to help her. Because you being there on earth was probably the only upside she could think of when she thought about this whole thing. So what are you fucking doing here?!" He shouted. At this moment, Ryan has grown numb to all other emotions except grief, anger, and sadness.

"I followed Lilan here," Xander said meekly. "You what?! You followed her? Because of what, curiosity? Longing? Because I am pretty sure that Lilan told you about the war before she left, did she not?" He said accusingly. All Xander could do was nod as emotions started to flood him. His legs betrayed him and gave up on him he kneeled there in the middle of the battlefield staring absent-mindedly that Lilan's unconscious and unmoving body.

"Is-- is she at least okay? I mean, alive?" Xander asked cautiously, slowly looking up towards Ryan. Ryan sighed and collected herself for a moment. "Yes, thankfully she is alive. But she lost all her mana that even I can't feel it anymore." Ryan said looking at the ground sadly.

"How did you know I'm not just a normal human?" Xander asked. "I felt your mana. We, wolves are sensitive to one's mana, you see. And I also put two and two together and guessed that you must be the dark lord's long-lost son." Ryan explained.

"Excuse me, but, we must perform the ritual and spell of memory alteration before her highness, Queen Olivia Lilan gains consciousness." An aide of one of the high elders interrupted, to which all three just nodded.


When morning came, Lilan woke up in her bedroom in Clarise's house. Her head was throbbing so bad that she felt like she had drank gallons of alcohol last night and if memory serves her right she did. It's been a few months since her 'accident' and every chance she gets she either buries herself in studying or parties as if there's no tomorrow or wallows herself to sleep. Her days have consisted only of that unless Xander visits her every month.

Ever since Xander was stationed 'somewhere else', their visiting time has been limited to his days off only. Lilan continued her studies in military medicine and as every other student's wish, she also wants it to end instantly.

"Goodmorning mom." Lilan greeted Clarise groggily, kissing her on the cheek. "Goodmorning to you too sweetheart. Now sit beside Callista and eat breakfast before you go." Clarise motioned. "Morning. Got anytime later today? Let's go shopping downtown at XX mall." Callista greeted. "Yea s-- fuck. It's starting again." Lilan exclaimed.

"Are you okay? I'll call your doctor one second." Clarise said and dashed out of the room to get her phone. On the other hand, Clarise called the leader of the ministry of magic to tell him about Lilan's constant headaches that started a few weeks ago.

"For now, give her those pills I sent you before. And if her powers start to fluctuate call me instantly, it seems like she's regaining her mana, but we still can't be entirely sure if she can handle coming back here." The leader instructed. "Okay." Clarise sighed knowing there was not much they could possibly do yet, she felt so hopeless.

"I'll instruct Ophelia to keep a close eye on her when she goes out so don't worry." The leader said sympathetically. "Okay, I understand. Thank you very much, your highness." Clarise said. "No need to thank me, Clarise. I care for Lilan just as much as you care for her. That's why I don't want you to worry." The leader said calmly. "Okay then. Thank you goodbye." Clarise bid farewell.

"Lilan, because they still can't determine what's wrong they said to just continue drinking your pain medicine." Clarise explained. "Okay, then. Well, I got to go now or else I'll be late for class." Lilan said. They suddenly heard a doorbell. "I'll get that on my way out." Lilan said."Oh, hey Ophelia!" Lilan greeted at the smiling Miss Ophelia at their door. "Come in---" Lilan said when a strong gust of wind suddenly came out of nowhere. So it has started, Ophelia thought and smiled at the thought of Lilan finally recovering.