
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 28

Xander's POV

"Welcome back, my son!" The dark lord, my father cheered. "W-where? How? Why?" I stammered. I had so many questions I don't even know where to start. I cleared my throat before continuing.

"First and foremost, I want, no, I need you to stop the war right this instant. Lilan, my girlfriend, is fighting in that war right at this moment." I said. "Wait, wait. Lilan? You don't mean Her highness princess, well now Queen Olivia Lilan Wind, right?" He said seemingly confused. "Yes, that's her," I confirmed.

"Damn it." I heard him cuss under his breath. "How did you get mixed up with her that you ended up becoming her lover?" He asked. "We met back on Earth. She worked intern at a police station. And things just kind of happened." I briefly explained.

"Well, would you look at that? My sworn enemy's daughter might just become my daughter-in-law. How ironic." He said sarcastically looking bitter like he just tasted venom. "That bi-- that kid, she's always been an annoying know-it-all squirt. And to add the irksome gloat his father always wore every time she said something. An annoying bunch." He grumbled. "Your sworn enemy?" I asked curiously.

"Well, yeah, something like that. My mate, as you could say, is Queen Lilan's mother, the queen dowager, Marie." He explained and I stood there mouth agape at the revelation. "Wow," I said not knowing what else to say. "Yeah, wow. Anyways, Richard! Tell all our men to surrender now." He said ordering what seems like his personal guard and aide. "Understood your highness." He said then quickly rushed to do what was ordered.

"So, how's your mother doing?" Turning back to me to continue our conversation. "She's um, fine, I guess. She's in the hospital recovering from liver cancer. All those drinkings got to her really." I said, remembering mom's state made tears brim my eyes but I still tried to keep it together, it's not the first time anyway.

"Your highness,---"

" Oh, please call me, dad, daddy, father, papa, or whatever. Your my son I want you to be comfortable with me. Oh, um, well with our current position talking that would seem awkward, right? Well then follow me." He said. He led me up to his personal office. The room looked beautiful.

The walls had shelves lined around them, shelving probably thousands of books in his high-ceiling room. In the middle of the room was an antique oak table paired with a wooden chair that was shaped like a throne for elven royalties. In front of the table seated two loveseats facing each other and a glass coffee table with a black cloth with sophisticated embroidery covering it.

"Your highness-- I mean, um, father, I have a question," I said cautiously. He eyed me to go on while situating himself at his table and motioning me to seat on one of the loveseats in from of him. "Why did you leave? Why did leave both of us, both me and mum?" I asked looking at him in the eye.

"Oh, um, I see your mother never told you anything. Wait, if your mt]other never told you anything how were you able to come here? Oh, you followed Olivia here, huh?" He said seemingly amused. He collected himself preparing to tell me his reasons or excuses.

"Well, I didn't have a choice. I had to go back by fortnight every year. You see once you become a ruler you are tied to your throne until you pass it down to the next one. It's like a curse you could say. No matter what I would do, if I don't go back to this world within a fortnight of leaving, I will be dragged back instead. I always visited your mother for years but she couldn't handle it anymore and didn't want to see me anymore. That was maybe a few months before she found out she was pregnant with you." He explained. I sighed, so that's why. I just nodded and changed the subject quickly.

We chatted some more, caught up you could say with our lives. A few hours later, Richard came back bearing terrible news. "Your highness, I'm so sorry to inform you but..." He said looking awry and looking at me with pity. I instantly knew something must have happened, Lilan! No please don't let it be it. " Her highness, Queen Olivia Lilan Wind of the Air Kingdom used a forbidden spell and sacrificed herself while we were all trying to surrender." He reported.

My face fell. The look of disdain and grief filled me. My father looked at me with pity and shame. No! Not when I could finally have her in my arms, safely. Not when I could finally be with her wherever she is. Not when I could finally become someone she will be proud of here in her home world.

"Which spell did she use?" My father asked when I lost myself in my train of thoughts. "An element commandment spell sire." He replied. "Then I believe that shouldn't be that bad." My father said. "What? What do you mean?!" I roared.

"That means she used up all her mana and will be banished to the mortal realm. Worst case scenario, she might even die from this. And even though she used a forbidden spell, she used it for a good cause and a lot of people will probably defend her, especially the leaders that were in that war. If she has even an ounce of mana left that means she can stay but the chances of that are slim to none. And with the type of spell she used, there's at least a 15 percent chance of her dying." He explained. "Well then that means she just has to recover her mana back right then she can come back again," I said.

Both my father and his aide shared a look at each other. "Son, it is very rare for someone to regain back their mana. And it's especially unheard of when the mana was used up for a spell. And most of them chose to stay on Earth instead because the mana flowing on this world is overwhelming for their body and just ends up causing them pain." My father once again explained. He looked at me full of pity as if I have finally lost this battle.

I knew what he meant. But, she probably wouldn't die yet, right? I mean, she Lilan, she strong. I know she is. But why do I feel so scared? Goddammit, I knew I was fighting a losing battle but, *sigh*... I also can't leave this world now because father has overstayed his throne I can't let him suffer much further.

What do I do now?