
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 20

To all Asian children there, you most likely already know what happened to dear Xander. *sigh. When he didn't have anything to do, he was forced to kneel with his arms raised above his head. Poor Xander. These days have been quite similar. Though we were, thankfully, excluded from the whole private between-us-only relationship. Once Xander was done with his duty we would always go out on dates, and maybe a few make-out sessions here and there.

I've been staying a lot at Xander's place. So much so that at least half of my clothes are at his place and I already have my daily necessities there. It's like I'm already basically living there. But there are things that have been concerning me these days. Not in the mortal world but rather back home, the world of hex and myths. The wind, it's whispering, it's anticipating war, blood, and cries of pain in my home. I need to go home. I don't know what to tell them. Whether I should tell them the truth? How I should tell them the truth?

I just couldn't help but sigh at the thought. What am I going to do with my life?! I'm not ready for this revelation I'm about to do with them, but time is running thin. I have to go back right this instant. Okay. This is for the sake of your kingdom, Lilan. Best way to approach this is talking to them one by one.

"Hey, Clarise can we um, talk??" I said nervousness obvious in my voice. "Huh? Yeah sure, of course. Let me just finish this." She said sounding worried. I can't blame her. I'm not the type to do the talking thing, I usually want problematic stuff to be settled on my own accord and decisions.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, again worried, when she was done with her work she was doing earlier. "I actually have something to tell you..." I said taking a deep breath before continuing. "It's about my family, well you guys are also my family but..." I said blabbering. "My real family. My biological ones." I said already resigning my fate to what ever comes next. "Yeah. What about them?" She cautiously asked. I took a really deep breath before speaking again.

"Actually my parents are still alive, even my grandmother is still alive. And I actually didn't come from this world. I came from a world of hexes and myths. So basically I also have powers. I'm the crown princess to one of the main kingdoms, which is the Kingdom of Air. And I came here to have some clarity of mind while also catching illegal transmigrators from our world that came here. And now the wind gave me a very concerning premonition about a war that's about to break back home. So now I have to have to transmigrate back right this instant and I felt bad that I had to leave without even telling you my reasons because you've been nothing but good to me since I came here. I know you may not believe me and I may sound like a total lunatic to you right now but believe me I'm telling you the whole naked truth." I said as fast as I could and now I am wheezing for some air to fill my lungs.

"Wow. Okay now let's calm down for a second." She said trying to help me while I was almost dying and in instant need of Air. "Are you okay now?" She said, still sounding a bit concerned, to which I just replied with a nod. "Okay. So, actually I already know about all of that. That you have powers and that you're from another world and that you have to do this daily job to be able to stay here." She said so calmly when my whole face was so full of shock.

"You knew what?!" I said, exclaiming a little bit too much. "I accidentally heard you and Ophelia talking when we were in that mall downtown. That's when I found out. And yes, I actually thought at the start that you two were part of some cult or were on drugs or something but then I saw you use your powers once I think that was when you were doing your job, so I just slowly started accepting that fact."

"But you invited me to your house just right after me and Miss Ophelia talked. What if I was actually a part of some cult or was on drugs?!" I said. "But you weren't." She stated. "What if?!" I exclaimed again. "I invited you to my home because that's how much I already trusted you." She said in a mellow way that's soothed my once in-craze nerves. "Okay." I said already calming down after what she said.

"So you've already accepted who I actually am?" I asked and she just slowly nodded. "Okay. One down one more to go." I said sighing in relief. I just have to talk to Xander now. Our relationship just started and now I have to leave him. I just tried to cheer myself up. You've already given up the chance for your kingdom to have a great king like Ryan, you can't give this one up again just for Xander. This is on a whole different level. This is a up-coming war we're talking about, Lilan. Its a mother fucking war.