
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasía
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32 Chs

Chapter 16

"My decision is..." I sighed before I continued. "Xander, can I and Ryan talk for a moment privately?"

"What? I-- Okay then. I'll just be at the café up front, got it?" I simply nodded then he walked towards the said cafe. When I know he was finally out of ear reach, I faced Ryan.

"Lilan, is something wrong? Why couldn't you say that you are engaged and can't be with him? This, this engagement, you know the great impact it will bring to your kingdom with whatever decision you're going to make right? I mean, there isn't even a decision you have to make here. I'm your mate! We have our mate bond. Our very own special bond, just between the two of us." He said. I sighed. He knew what was going through my head already. When I said my last words, he already knew what the decision was.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan. I really am, and this pains me as much as it pains you..." I said teary-eyed already. "NO! You don't know just how painful this is! You don't because you know you have someone to catch you after this! You have fallen in love with someone when you were already mated! Of course, our dear Lilan has once again done something extraordinary! You contradicted the moon goddess' fate for us!" He shouted at me. And I just looked at him sorrily knowing that I can't do anything to ease his pain. It pained me to look at him in that state, not just as his mate, but also as his best friend.

"I, Olivia Lilan Wind, painfully and regrettably refuse you, Ryan Launa, as my fated mate..." I said already feeling the hot liquid reeling down both of my cheeks in a painfully slow manner.

"I'm so sorry... I really am..." I said already sobbing. "May the moon goddess bless you with another mate that is far greater than I am for you..." That was all that I said and we both left. Me going towards Xander across the street and Ryan towards the shadows where no one will see him shift. After a few moments, I could already hear his howls of grief and sadness.

'Oh, Ryan. I hope that you find it in you to forgive me and may we still retain our friendship after this...'

I didn't want to go inside the store all messed up from crying. Thankfully, Xander saw me instantly and rushed outside as fast as he could with the crowd inside, while still carrying all those boxes of cold pizza we were supposed to bring back to the station.

The moment he got out of the café, he placed the boxes on the concrete ground and then hugged me as tight as he could, just so I could feel the comfort he was trying to convey. And I felt it, I was so overwhelmed with everything that had just happened. If it were somebody else, I would've felt suffocated by their hug, but since it's Xander, I just loved it. I cried and cried until I could no longer cry in his arms. Until I grew numb from the restricting pain I could feel in my heart. I cried for the loss of a special bond. For the loss of my love. And for the overwhelming grief and regret that I was feeling. All while still in the arms of the man that made me contradict fate, the man I have grown to love.

When we got back we were greeted with dozens of scolding on why we were so late, that the supposed afternoon snack ended up becoming our dinner. And boy, when they opened the pizza it was another load of scolding on why the pizza got cold, and stuff.

When we were asked for an explanation, Xander stepped up, he glanced at me first then said, "There was a little mishap. I got a run-in with my ex, when we were on our way back, pizza still hot, she got a run-in with her ex, wait it's an ex now right?" He said asking for confirmation, to which I replied with a simple nod. After I replied to him, I could see that little happy smirk he got playing on his beautiful lips. I felt my whole face go beet red again when I remembered what he did earlier. When he glanced back again to me, that little smirk he had earlier, now turned into a full one not shy of letting anyone see it.

After a few discussions on what Xander and his ex-girlfriend talked about. As expected, it was my turn next. The officers that weren't attending to anyone at that moment scolded me, once again, for not telling them that I had a boyfriend. Lizzie and Clarise actually scolded me really hard. Lizzie, for not telling my bestie, which is her, that I had a boyfriend. And Clarise scolded me for even having a boyfriend.

In the weirdest way possible, amidst their scolding, I felt like everything was once again, back in order. But even so, I still needed confirmation on what we are now, what I and Xander are.

I walked up to Xander and asked if we could talk. We both walked towards the little hallway going towards the sleeping quarters. "Hey, are you okay now?" He asked with such genuine concern written all over his face. "Yeah, I am now. Thank you for asking." I said with a small smile on my lips. "Okay, great." He said again sighing in relief.

"Um, I just wanted to ask," I said collecting myself before continuing. "What are we now? Are we finally in a relationship?"