
The Witch of Clevwood’s Ruins

Alex has just woken up in the cell that had held her prisoner for weeks; she decides to explore the outside of Clevwood's prisons expecting armed resistance to take her back to the dungeons, but instead she comes face to face with the desolation of a destroyed village. Alex decides to find a new place to stay, with no ties of any kind, but during her journey she meets the culprits of the village's destruction ... what will her reaction be when a warrior princess stops her on the way?

Moroseland · LGBT+
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: "The Past and the Present"

I thought it was an unknown inn! How did they find me already? I'm sure it was that shady man who followed me all the way through the woods: I should have killed him when I had the chance!

"That's the witch! Kill her! "

Screamed a hooded figure as he ran towards me with a pitchfork in hand. Come on... how stupid can they be? Do they think they're stopping me like this?

The weather was really bad, it seemed that the universal flood was happening, the one from my pursuers' religion, written in their sacred scriptures.

Well, I couldn't believe it was a real religion, more like a cult, with weapons disguised with a thin veil that was stained with blood every day but was wiped out of sight.

Did people really think it was right to kill only because "the holy scriptures condemn them"? That's crazy and stupid. I am surrounded by blind and ignorant people.

I would destroy all these villages if I could prevent the hustle and bustle I would create, attracting my enemies.

"Take her! In the Lord's name! "

Voices chased me everywhere, they didn't stop tormenting me even at night and I hadn't slept for long, too long, my eyes must have been bloodshot, my lips chapped from the continuous nibbling and my hands encrusted with blood from the continuous climbing on the mountain. In the midst of nature I could find a shelter, but I wouldn't have survived long among the rocks.

Unfortunately I wasn't invincible: this was the cruel truth that I had learned in the worst way. Every witch's weakness was…

–(End of flashback)""

"I won't ask anymore about this weakness… anyway, it's not in my interest to hurt or threaten you for power. I want to be a better person than my family, I have people to lead and I will not behave like a tyrant."

"Perfect. I didn't want to have anything to do with a new Ferguso. Not only did he have an ugly name but also a bad temper."

I couldn't see Zeyana's face, but, even if she was with her back to me, I was sure I had caused at least a slight smile on her plump lips.

I trusted her words, but I was too cunning to be content with just one plan, so later that same day, I found Keira on the sidelines and tried to make up for my mistakes. As I imagined, she let me speak and explain the nature of my relationship with the princess; the soldier woman became more relaxed as the minutes passed.

" We are not linked by a feeling but only by business. I wanted to tell you, since the other day… I didn't really make a good impression and... after what you saw! I'm so embarrassed!"

"Why were you... kissing?" She blushed and I had to force every muscle in my face not to laugh. Apparently she too had already thought that she couldn't escape the princess when she was found eavesdropping on our conversation.

"It'll seem strange and maybe I shouldn't even talk about it, but you are the only person I trust here, so…" I had to charge the tension to have a more sensational reaction!

"The princess revealed to me that she always wanted to kiss a witch and I agreed to her desire in order to strengthen our alliance. She really amazed me when she expressed her weird curiosity, but I'd never judge her for that. For a mere kiss! "

I was about to die of laughter, but if the princess had heard me at that moment, she would certainly have killed me.

"Alex, why are you lying to me? "

I opened my eyes and frowned. Keira looked rather pissed off and not as amazed as she should have been! I didn't understand her reaction; why was she talking like that? As if she knew something that...

Could it be that she knew about that night in the tent?!

"The other soldiers have talked about it. The princess made you stay in her tent the first night."

"Only to let me rest! What do they go around saying? I could never spend the night with someone I've just met. She's too surly for me!" I said with contempt, hoping that she would believe me, but Keira surprised me even more.

"Alex, enough... I heard part of your conversation when I saw you"she looked down at her hands, resting on her lap. She was sitting on a fallen tree trunk, while I kept moving back and forth, because of my restlessness. We weren't far from the group; they were checking the map to make sure we were following the right path and not risking vulnerable positions on the road.

Words came back to my mind, that I had said to the princess: "By chance since you had me that night you can't stop wanting me all to yourself..?"

It was my turn to blush. How stupid I had been!

"Keira I can explain, I'm not the woman you think"! "

"You don't have to explain anything and I don't think you're an easy woman if that's what you're thinking... after all Princess Zeyana is well known among the kingdoms of the continent for her ethereal beauty, moreover power has its charm." She rested her chin on the palm of her hand and looked at my reaction with a renewed calm.

"I would be a liar if I denied that I wanted to spend more time with you or that I don't really find you desirable, but I could never compete with the princess and I honestly don't even want to create completely avoidable problems."

"W"what? "

"I won't leave you alone, if that is what you are afraid of, but I advise you to be more honest with others and especially with yourself Alex" she got up from the trunk saying these last words; she caressed my shoulder in a friendly gesture, then walked away from me, back to the group as if nothing had happened.

Not only had I failed at something that had always been easy for me, manipulating and pleasing people, but I even felt guilty and confused over her words!

Honest with myself..? Competing with the princess..? She didn't get at all our relationship!

I couldn't stand Zeyana and she didn't tolerate me either.


What do you think about Keira's words?

Should Alex be more honest with herself? Then...

About what exactly..?

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