
The Will Of The Unknown

A woman in her 20s, getting chose by the will of the unknown to be a god and make her own multiverse

Alpha_09 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: World Creation

Kyoko: "First system what are your function?."

<Answer: My Function are helping you for whatever you want to do and i can help you monitor your world. and i can show your stats if you want.>

kyokou: "Oohh show me my stats!"


Name: Kyoko Hanzaki

Title: The Successor Of @$#$, God's of God

Race: Unknown

Hp: Infinite (Basically can't die)

Energy: Infinite

Str: Infinite

Agi: Infinite

Int: Infinite

Chr: Infinite

Luk: Infinite

Ability: Creation, Original Aura>

(A/N: I don't have an idea about the other)

Kyoko: "Okay great. Now let's make a sun first." Kyoko imagine a very big ball of fire.

The big ball of fire formed and expanded.

Kyoko: "Oh, i forgot to make a physical body. let's make one now." Kyoko imagine a body that has a golden hair, sharp golden eyes, extremely beautiful face, and tall about 5'11.

A light then materialize and Kyoko's soul merge with the body.

Kyoko: "Okay, now that is done lets make the earth. System teleoort to 93.000.000 miles from the sun."

Then after that Kyoko imagine a big ball of dirt with trees, rock, Water, sand, atmosphere, bacteria and all that needed for a perfect planet.

Kyoko: "System Fast forward to 1 million years."

<Fast forward in 3.2.1>

Then the planet spinning very fast and finally slowing down.

Kyoko: "System report what happens in a million year."

<Answer: In 1 million years the bacteria have evolved into fish, birds, and other animals.

Kyoko: "Okay now it's time to make some humans."

Kyoko descend to the planet and imagining a male human with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and a female human with balck hair and black eyes.

Kyoko: "Okay that's good enough. For the name it will be steve for the male and alex for the female."

Then two being formed in front of Kyoko, then open their eyes.

[Steve POV]

I open my eyes and see a beautiful being in front of me with a domineering aura around her. I immediately knew that she was my creator.

[End of POV]

Kyoko: "Now that is done. time for me to do another thing, you guys just live a happy life, making kids or anything. I already give the two of you the necessary knowledge." after saying that Kyoko teleported back to space.

Kyoko: "Now let's make some monster to make it more interesting"

Kyoko then create monster like goblin, orc, ogre, slime etc. and put them in their own space.

Kyoko: "I'm gonna make the other when i wanted to. for now let's just see the world grow by itself.
