
The Will of Sand

Note: This is AU Naruto in Warring States period. Other anime characters will be introduced. This is Harem. MC is strong, but not destroying balance strong, at least he won't be soloing some Otsutsuki so soon. This is Harem. This is Harem. This is Harem. Please read that carefully, I don't want some a$$ that would give low review just because he didn't bother reading that. Also, not my first time writing, but definitely the first time where publicized it so I'm a little nervous about the feedback. Anyways, hope you enjoy the book... I just remembered, I haven't put some sypnosis, but eh, whatever.

Daoist_Single_Dog1 · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Asahi took off his hood and stared at the rundown large temple made of sandstones. At the center of the temple, Asahi can see an enormous tanuki with dark blue markings all over its body, sleeping.

He was surprised that the temple was actually quite close, just three days of walking, it's just one couldn't see it on normal days due to sandstorms shielding it.

Taking a deep breath, Asahi took a step forward. And his body shook as the tailed beast opened its eyes and stared at him.

Asahi was no Hashirama nor Madara, he's just a Kage-level shinobi. Though his strength is at the upper tier, he paled in comparison to the likes of tailed beasts.

He knew, from this distance, Shukaku can fire a wind bullet that would not only kill him, but would tear his body apart.

However, he still decided to approach.

And much to his confusion, Shukaku didn't do anything and just stared at him.

It was then that he remembered; this Shukaku was still not the one who was suppressed, sealed, and weaponized by the Sunagakure. He hasn't reached the point where he'd kill every living thing he sees.

Probably, the Shukaku now just treated humans as an eyesores and would probably only attack if provoked.

After all, Asahi once read in the documents of a clan he raided, that ancient people used to worship a certain god of beasts that could command the "earth" and "wind".

The description in the documents about that "god" matches Shukaku's appearance.

So considering that Shukaku was once worship, it's safe to say that he wasn't that bad before being sealed and treated as a tool for years.

Slowly, Asahi approached Shukaku under the watchful eye of the beast.

Asahi stared at the Ichibi's eyes for unknown amount of time before he got annoyed and roared, shaking the temple and even causing a sandstorm.

Asahi closed covered his face but remained in place. After the awhile, the sandstorm dissipates and Asahi can see the look on Shukaku's face was one of interest.

"You are probably the only human my esteemed self have met to dare stare at I and not pass out or even outright die after my roar." Shukaku smirked at Asahi.

"Yeah? Well, I guess I'm built different." Asahi smiled wryly. "By the way, I have actually been searching for you."

"Hm?" Shukaku lowered his head, "And why are you looking for my esteemed self?"

Asahi stared at the Ichibi, he's really huge. Possibly around 50-60 meters, around the size of the Colossal Titan, and with its huge body and enormous chakra that eclipses a hundred Kage combined...it's safe to say, Hashirama is really a lunatic for capturing these creatures and selling them off.

"Well, actually I built a town quite close here, but I read a document about a certain god the locals worshipped and sent some people to confirm it just to make sure we don't offend anyone and fight."

Shukaku put on a proud look. He remembered that humans used to worship him back in the day while he was helping them keeping the peace and order of the what is now the Land of Wind.

Unfortunately, while the Bijuu's were on their annual meeting, Shukaku had an argument with the Kyuubi that lasted for months, and when Shukaku returned to his home, the city that used to worship him were completely destroyed, leaving behind this ruined temple.

Ever since then, Shukaku opted to remain in this place and sometimes even not bothering to attend the annual Bijuu meeting.

"At first, I never really thought much about the documents, but now, seeing you...You are definitely no less than a god."

"HAHAHAHA! I'm glad you understand the greatness of my esteemed self! HAHAHA!" Shukaku erupted into laughter for a few minutes before settling down.

He stared at Asahi and asked, "Now that you know that this esteemed one is real, what are you gonna do?"

Asahi shrugs, "I just want to introduce myself actually. So that no misunderstanding will occur between my village and you. If you want, we can offer you some foods and entertainment in exchange for a treaty."

"My esteemed self is more interested in entertainment," Shukaku looked at him eagerly.

After all, Shukaku has been alone for millenniums now, and is bored out of his mind. Aside from training himself to surpass the Kyuubi, he basically just sleeps all day.

Asahi smiled, "Well, how about I invite you to my mindscape and show you the beauty of Dark Souls..."


At the same time, all over the Land of Wind, the news that the Kaijin clan is planning to hold a meeting and is inviting all first class forces to participate has spread.

At a certain camp, a middle aged man was sitting on a tent while looking at the letter on his hands.

He is Reto, the chief of Kazefune Group, a group of desert dwelling shinobis that Reto himself subdued and made his underlings.

They weren't a clan, but more like a mercenary group. However, this group was far more dangerous. They have two Kage-level shinobi in their ranks and dozens of elite Jounin.

They have enough power to compete with some first-class clans.

The letter on his hands is an invitation for the upcoming meeting with Kaijin clan.

Reto still have lingering fears with the undisputed strongest clan in The Land of Wind due to what happened in the past.

One should know that the Kaijin is the largest provider of alcohol, fruits and seafoods in the Land of Wind, and Reto along with the Kazefune decided to intercept one of their caravans that was selling some fishes and fruits.

They succeeded, but their happiness was short live as the Kaijin quickly dispatched a Kage-level shinobi with ten Elite Jounin to teach them a lesson.

Kazefune was greatly weakened at that time, and Reto was left severely injured but managed to escape. However, he kept a scar on his chest to remind him of that day.

Even though the Kazefune now is much stronger than before, Reto is still afraid of the Kaijin clan.


Reto snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing someone calling his name. Turning his head, he saw a bald man with locks of brown hair at the back of his head, with green eastern tattoo on his head and face.

"Shamon, what is it?" Reto greeted. This person is also a subordinate of Reto and is the other Kage-level shinobi of their group.

"We received some news that the clans who were invited have started moving towards the Kaijin clan, presumably for the meeting. What shall we do?"

Reto glanced back at the letter, hesitated for a moment, before sighing. "Pack up, we're heading to the Kaijin. Even those first class clans are moving, if we don't go....I don't know what'll happen."

"Understood." With that, Shamon left.

Reto sighed, "I just hope there's no conspiracy here."