
Chapter 3

Annalise made her way down the great hall, studiously ignoring the portraits of her ancestors following her with their eyes. She reached the ornate double doors too quickly, and she nodded to the guards to open the doors. Her mind was a buzz with plots to ruin the match. Which role would she play today, she pondered. The doors swung open before her and she made her entrance. The chatter that filled the throne room quieted as she entered, but soon rushed in again like a mighty wave rushing to meet her. She mostly ignored it and made her way through the crowd to bow before her father.

" You summoned, your majesty," she drawled with a wink to her younger brother sitting beside her father.

"Yes," her father answered gruffly, " I have brought another suitor; he is from the mountainous kingdom of Kedon," he paused and the court held their breath. "You will have a week to make your decision, and if you don't decide on a suitor by the end of the week. The decision will be mine."

She shook my head vehemently, blanching. No, she thought, he can't be serious." I cannot decide anything in a week, father. I need more time." She begged. He can't have run out of patience already.

" I'm afraid you are all out of it, my dear."

Before she could argue, the doors opened again and the courts murmuring crashed like another wave upon them. The man from the stables made his way through the courtiers. His simple embroidered tunic, looking more homely among the overly bright colors and expensive fabrics of her court. Nevertheless, he wore it well, she thought begrudgingly. He made his way to stand beside her and she quickly hid her surprise as he bowed and turned to her.

"Awe, welcome back Prince Rolland," her father greeted him merrily, " did you enjoy your tour of the grounds?"

"Very much," her suitor answered with another glance towards her, " it was fair lovelier than I expected."

Suddenly, annoyed at his blatant flatter, she huffed quietly to herself. The prince studied her thoughtfully, before turning his attention back to her father. Did he recognize her, she wondered.

" I hope to see more of it during my stay." He continued unruffled. He must not, she thought relieved. He would have said something if he had. It's not every day, one sees a princess ride bareback.

Her father dipped his head in acknowledgement of his request, and nodded to his daughter. "I would like to introduce you to my lovely daughter, Princess Annalise."

She nodded obediently, but her eyes held the same fire of disbelief from moments before. Her smile a grimace, she dipped to a small curtsey.

"It's my pleasure to finally meet you, your highness." Rolland said, bowing gracefully at the waist. She sighed internally. He definitely didn't recognize her from the stables. He must not have heard what her ladies maid was calling her. She replied stiffly, but politely, "The pleasure is mine, Prince.

She turned again to her father. Silently begging to be allowed to leave. Mercifully, her father waved his dismissal.. "You shall get better acquainted tonight," he said. " I'll see you both at dinner." Looking at his daughter, he silently repeated his promise. One week was all she would be getting. Annalise hung her head in defeat, and retreated quickly from the throne room. What was she to do now? She always knew she would have to marry eventually, but she thought she had more time. Sighing with frustration, she kicked her skirt in front of her.

A husky chuckle reminded her of the Prince's presence. She spun scowling. Looking for a target, for her frustration she advanced on the smug faced prince. How dare he chuckle at her misery? How dare he look so good? He was just another pretty cage. He was just like all the others.

"What's so funny," she seethed at him.

" Oh, nothing," he said, eyes dancing with mischief. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better over dinner, your highness." He made his way past her. " I especially look forward to hearing about your horse." With a parting wink and chuckle, he made his way down the hall and out of sight.

Shocked, speechless, she watched him go. So, he did recognize her. But he hadn't said anything to her father. Maybe he looked forward to trying to break her himself. Many suitors had tried. It usually hadn't ended well for them. This time was different though. She was out of the luxury of time. She must break this suitor quickly, so he would leave, and she could convince her father to give her more time. Why did he have to be so beautiful? She thought to herself as she made her way to her room. She needed to blow off some steam before dinner or she might accidentally take off the smug Prince's handsome head. She caught the eye of her long dead great great grandmother, judging her from her stately painting. She cursed quietly and rushed out of the hallway, to her room, and shut the door.