
Chapter 38

  Back in Clan BloodBane, Niya is about to go out for a light workout when she hears a commotion outside. She quickly puts on her jacket and runs down the stairs to find a crowd gathered under the tree right across her cottage. As she gets closer she notices a few Clansmen aggressively addressing Remy and Juno who are standing at the center of the circle. While Juno is trying to calm the males down, Remy’s body language is promising violence.

  “How can we ensure our safety?” A he-wolf wearing simple clothes yells at the princes standing. “Today Dino is dead; tomorrow anyone of us can die. We have faith in you but there is always a sense of secrecy regarding everything here. The Alpha is weak now and the enemies got the scent of weakness. We need a new Rex; we want Prince Chase to take the throne!”