
The Problem With Lifespan

Traductor: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

BreathingFox did not answer Fang Yue in person. Instead, he sent Fang Yue a message.

"Brother Night! This old man is very strict. I can't talk to you since I'm his disciple. I can only contact you through messaging. What happened to you? Did the NPC poison you or something? I'll call the brothers to avenge you!"

'You little…You are the loudest one, but when things happen, you are the fastest.'

Fang Yue remembered that BreathingFox had said he would sell potions and support him, but it was all talk without any action. 

BreathingFox did not contact Fang Yue after he got into the village. This was their first time meeting since the village entrance.

While Fang Yue was messaging BreathingFox, Dr. Hong had finished taking Fang Yue's pulse.

"Night, your meridians are messed up. You've been crippled, and there's nothing I can do. As for the severe injuries, I can give you some medicine for them. Take them daily, and you will be fully healed in 10 to 14 days."

'It takes 10 to 14 days to heal the Severely Injured condition!?' Fang Yue was shocked.

He thought that healing a Severely Injured condition was easy, something he could do within a breath or two, yet Dr. Hong was telling him to rest for at least 10 days! He did not even have that long of a Lifespan!

BreathingFox continued sending Fang Yue messages. He was shocked when he heard the doctor's comment.

"Holy sh*t! Brother Night, you've been crippled? What happened? What crippled you?"

Fang Yue was embarrassed to tell others that he had gotten himself into this situation because of his qi deviation during cultivation.

After getting the prescription from Dr. Hong, he sent the two of them out and spent some time alone on the bed. The consequences of qi deviation were much more serious than he expected.

His only hope was [Night Breathing], the high-tier Human-level skill. If [Night Breathing] was unable to cure his messed-up meridians, he would have to consider starting over.

After drinking the medicine from Dr. Hong, the damage numbers above Fang Yue's head finally slowed down.

According to Dr. Hong, any healthy young man would be able to live long enough to finish his medicine and cure severe injuries. No one would die because of worsening conditions.

Of course, if the patient was not healthy from the start and his life was hanging by a thread. Dr. Hong would have changed the prescription to something stronger. However, it was not necessary for Fang Yue's condition.

Fang Yue lay on the bed. He felt that the pain on his body had eased up, but if he walked around, he would still make things worse for his body and lose HP in the process. Therefore, he could not move for the time being.

Since he had nothing else to do, he closed his eyes, called up the menu, and logged out of the game.

Back in real life, Fang Yue opened his eyes. His room was dark as if it was still late outside.

He got up and opened the curtains to find that blinding sunlight shone through the window. He squinted his eyes to adapt to the sudden change of environment.

Grumble! His stomach was grumbling.

"I'm starving."

He only had some instant noodles last night, and it had been a whole night since then.

Fortunately, with the game watch on his wrist, it guaranteed him a good sleep, therefore he felt quite refreshed. He went out of his room and wanted to make more instant noodles for breakfast, but then…


To his surprise, snores came from the room beside him.

"Sister Yuan is back."

The beautiful Sister Yuan had an amazing body, but it came with a bad habit: she snored in her sleep, and it was loud.

It was not a big deal though, and Fang Yue had gotten used to it. With the watch on his wrist, he was not affected by the snoring.

Not overly concerned, he went to the kitchen, put some water in the pot to boil, and took out a pack of instant noodles.

He then returned to his room to open his PC, and when the water boiled, he poured it into his noodles together with the seasoning.

He habitually opened up Dragon Play and logged in. Fang Yue was shocked when he saw his account.

[Dear user, your account No. 5203 just received 0.10 yuan. Your current balance is 13,011.50 yuan.]

"13 grand? Where did the money come from?"

Fang Yue looked through the transaction history and realized that the money was from the thread he had posted last night. He had made it a premium thread with a price of 0.10 yuan.

He went to his thread and noticed that it was trending with over 130,000 views. In short, 130,000 users had paid him to read his thread.

He went in and scrolled down but was rendered speechless by what he saw.

Most of the replies were not there to thank him for the information he provided. Instead, they were there to roast him. After all, his name did appear in the global announcement last night.

The thread was basically free, so the viewers found a place to vent their anger on him.

"What a sh*tty thread! Why are you explaining the basics?"

"HP is your Health Point? What kind of rubbish is this? Am I in a kindergarten teaching 1+1=2?"

"Insulting! The one who drew first blood is nothing but garbage."

A person's reputation was as important as the roots of a tree. Even though Fang Yue posted a thread to earn some pocket money, he was still roasted badly by the viewers.

However, there were still quite a number of viewers who sharply captured the points of Fang Yue's thread.

AmazingNature said, "No way. Don't tell me you guys can't see the value of this thread. Oh, so you guys are blind? Fine then."

AlmightyXiongBa said, "Control and Block? Now, I finally understand what they do. No wonder my character isn't strong at all. I've been using them in the wrong way."

UnforgettableLove commented, "You people are too irrational. This thread is actually quite helpful, especially the explanation about Control and Block. My friend and I tested it in the game, and as the OP said, the damage received varies according to your Block. It's only 0.1 yuan, so it's worth it!"

Despite some of them supporting Fang Yue, his information was only useful during the early stage of the game. Once the game matured, everyone would know, and his information would be worthless.

If he had set a high price, no one would have come in. Unless it was from a super high-level account with a reputation, no one would have accepted a high price.

Regardless, Fang Yue made himself 5 figures overnight. He cashed it out and wired the money into his bank account.

He was overjoyed. It had not even been a day, and he had recovered his cost. Choosing Blue Ocean was probably the best choice he made.

He exited his thread and started scrolling through the forum while eating his instant noodles.

Fang Yue found out that there were two trending topics for the day. The first one was about how to kill a Wicked. The second was about how to increase Lifespan.

All the players started the game with a day's worth of Lifespan. Therefore, it had almost been 12 hours since midnight because it was almost noon. Most of the players should be left with more or less 12 hours in their Lifespan.

All the players should be anxious, but Dragon Play was a gathering spot for pro gamers.

They might have been anxious, but they were able to calmly analyze the situation. They sought after methods that could increase their Lifespan and even posted a request with a reward.

Everyone had different methods to increase their Lifespan, and some of the methods started to circulate around the forum like a myth.

Fang Yue spent some money and went through all the threads, finally coming up with a conclusion for himself.

At the current stage, there were only three known methods to increase Lifespan: pills, killing a Wicked, and missions.

The pills referred to all kinds of pills in the game from herbs to rare pills from secret spots.

Someone said that he accidentally ate some strange mushrooms and got a few hours of Lifespan, thus he even opened a thread to boast about it.

Someone else claimed that he jumped off a cliff and got a strange pill. He ate it and got more Lifespan.

There were even players who started the game with a lucky gift of a rare herb, then they received increased Lifespan after taking it. It was authentic because there were several real examples of the herb.

However, the methods to acquire them completely relied on luck. Other than maniacal gamblers, no one would put their hopes on a bet.