
It’s A Misunderstanding

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At a closer look, the elderly in green had a thin layer of mist around him that blocked all the rain from him.

"Our savior is here!"

"Is that Lord Han?"

"I'm familiar with this. Actually, I'm also a content planner for another game, and I've designed countless game cutscenes. This is obviously a cutscene, meaning that we are safe…"


Before the player could finish his sentence, the ground beside the shed exploded.

The mud burst and flew into the sky before raining onto them.




As the mud gained velocity from the explosion, its impact became harmful, and it accidentally damaged the players in the shed.

The players were already low on HP when they came back from the rain, so the mud and the stones killed quite a number of them.

Terrified and shocked, the survivors were forced backward.

Shi Wuliao crawled and rolled backward until he backed up against the pillar of the shed.

'Where's the safety in the cutscenes?! D*mn it!' he cursed in his heart and looked up.

A moment ago, the elderly in green had been standing in front of the village entrance, but in the next second, he appeared beside the shed with a bang. The explosion was caused by the elderly's landing.

'Are you freaking kidding me? Do you think we players are NPCs?! Things won't last forever. This ought to change one day, and don't you dare bully us players! When I, Shi Wuliao, rise in power, I'll come back to kill you, Lord Han!' Shi Wuliao cursed in his heart. 

The other players also blasphemed at the surprises and the turn of events. All kinds of vulgarities ran through their minds.

However, when Lord Han turned around and looked at them, the players went silent. No one dared to speak a word. Only the roar of the rain was heard.

Lord Han then shifted his gaze forward. The look on his face turned serious and the thin layer of mist became thicker.

"Rain-level Wicked, leave Guyue Village at once! This is my final warning for you!"

Fang Yue nervously shook his head. "Pops! I'm not a Wicked, I swear I'm not! This is a misunderstanding!"

The look on Lord Han's face got colder. He was done telling Fang Yue to leave.


He took a step forward, causing a tiny crater in the muddy ground. Rainwater splashed and a tiny vacuum was created around his left foot.

Fang Yue saw the step that Lord Han took, but that was it. All of a sudden, Lord Han disappeared from his sight.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! 

A dozen more tiny craters were created on the ground, causing all the rainwater to splash about, but Fang Yue still could not see Lord Han anywhere.


Fang Yue was terrified. Before he could even do anything properly, he felt a tremendous force landing on his chest. He was sent flying and landed on the muddy ground.

Fang Yue looked up after the fall and saw the figure in green before his eyes. It was Lord Han!

However, the serious look on Lord Han's face was replaced by shock and awe.

Fang Yue did not care about his appearance. He checked his chest nervously but did not find a single wound, not even chafed skin.


It was then that a damage number popped up above his head. It was one point higher than the damage from the rain, but it was still an awkward number. Fang Yue regenerated the damage in an instant.

'Hmm? That's it? That's all from the attack? Was I this strong all the while?"

When he regained his senses, Fang Yue looked more arrogant than before.

Then, he saw Lord Han put the wooden sword away and place both his hands on the ground.


The ground shook strongly as though a magnitude 10 earthquake was happening.

The rainwater on the ground was splashed into the air together with the mud. Then, the water and mud were sucked away by a strong vacuum force.

The ground sank all of a sudden, forming a large crater of 6 meters.

As Fang Yue fell to the ground, the arrogance on his face disappeared.

Things went quiet for a moment. and he looked at Lord Han with a terrified look.

In turn, Lord Han shot Fang Yue a confused expression.

Both of them were speechless for a while. It was so quiet that the rain sounded deafening.

Fang Yue was still losing HP rapidly in the rain, but Lord Han was immune to the rain damage.

"I get it now. You are not a Wicked," Lord Han said.

'Wait, after all that flashy skills and movements, this is the conclusion that you came up with?'

Fang Yue was annoyed. "Of course, I'm not! I told you I'm human."

Lord Han looked hesitant as he said, "I can tell you are not a martial artist but…if you are not a martial artist or a Wicked, how can you travel in the rain?"

Lord Han's wooden sword was no ordinary sword. While it was powerful, it was only effective against Wickeds. Its effect would be negated if it was used to attack a non-Wicked target.

The awkward damage that Fang Yue had received was the damage from the fall.

Lord Han used the wooden sword to kill Wickeds and another set of weapons to kill humans.

However, he came out in a hurry when he heard that the target was a Rain-level Wicked, so he simply pulled his wooden sword out. Who would have thought that his target would not have been a Wicked?

"Say…Pops, you are also moving freely in the rain."

"It's not the same." Lord Han shook his head but did not explain why. He reached out to Fang Yue to offer a helping hand.

Lord Han's hand was cold, and there was even a layer of frost on his palm. Fang Yue shivered when he held Lord Han's hand.

"Young man, you sure are unusual. What is the purpose of your visit to Guyue Village?"

Even though the hostility had faded, Lord Han wanted to find out more about Fang Yue though he tried to be subtle.

"My purpose? I…want to be strong!"

"For training and cultivation, I see. It can be done. Given your talent, we at Guyue Village welcome you…Cough!"

Before he could finish, Lord Han looked terrified and covered his mouth with his hand. He coughed heavily, and when he moved his hand away, it was painted red with his blood.

It should not have been a big issue, but when Fang Yue saw the damage number that appeared above Lord Han, his eyes almost fell out of his eye sockets.


'F***! A thousand HP monster!"

Fang Yue stood straight nervously and adjusted his attitude. "Lord Han, forgive me if I offended you…"

"It's fine, uh…"

"Lord Han, you can call me NightDawn."

"N-NightDawn? What a strange name."

NightDawn was a strange name? Fang Yue was annoyed, but it was the truth because no one would call themselves NightDawn.

"That's just my normal name. Lord Han, you can call me by my nickname: Night."

Lord Hand skipped the courtesy. "Okay, Night. You are talented, but you lack the knowledge in cultivation. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

A real beginner's guide to the game! A legit NPC!

Fang Yue's eyes shone in excitement.

"Thank you, Lord Han! I do have a lot of questions! The refugees called me a Rain-level Wicked. What is that? And how do I become stronger through cultivation?"

Lord Han smiled. "A Rain-level Wicked are powerful Wickeds who can move freely in the storm. Normal Wickeds have to take shelter from the rain after a while.

"The counterpart of a Rain-level Wicked would be a Rain-level Martial. There are only a few of them in the area, and none of them are within Guyue Village."

"You are able to walk in the storm at night without any tools. You didn't even light up a Human Soul Lantern. Therefore, it's expected that others would assume you are a Rain-level Wicked. They won't see you as a human."

A slight pause later, Lord Han continued, "As for the training and cultivation, I'll make the necessary arrangements after we go into the village."

"I see. So, what is a Human Soul Lantern?"