
The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Superpowers descended upon the world. This was a world where everyone awakened to superpowers. Some people awakened to abilities at the lowest F rank. They could only work the most difficult jobs for their entire lives. Meanwhile, some people started off with S rank powers and skyrocketed to fame. In this age where talents determined everything, Ling Feng awakened the clone ability, which was ranked second last in the F rank powers. The crowd mocked him, “That is one of the most useless talents. After one awakens this ability, they can create a clone of themselves. However, their strength is halved in the process. Aside from running errands and making deliveries, it is useless.” However, very soon, Ling Feng discovered that something was off. That was because his talent could level up from the lowest F rank up to the SSR rank! He had unlimited clones and unlimited evolution! Many years later, half of the superpower users in the world were Ling Feng’s clones.

Urban Cloning Power · Ciudad
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205 Chs

In the ultimate, not far from the academy, a green figure was in a stalemate with a hundred-meter-tall beast.

The beast had a two-meter-long horn on its head, and beside it were two smaller horns that were one meter long. Around its neck were fan-like wings that were half a meter long.

It had a huge body that was over a hundred meters tall and several hundred meters long. There was a row of bone spikes on its back that looked like extremely sharp swords. It was very similar to the prehistoric triceratops but had a more ferocious and terrifying appearance.

The beast bared its teeth and carefully stepped back.

Upon closer inspection, there were many wounds on his back and legs, and blood flowed out.

The person who was fighting with him was calm and did not show any signs of fatigue.

Suddenly, the man raised his hand.

"Take my sword!"

He roared and raised the sword in his hand.