
The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Superpowers descended upon the world. This was a world where everyone awakened to superpowers. Some people awakened to abilities at the lowest F rank. They could only work the most difficult jobs for their entire lives. Meanwhile, some people started off with S rank powers and skyrocketed to fame. In this age where talents determined everything, Ling Feng awakened the clone ability, which was ranked second last in the F rank powers. The crowd mocked him, “That is one of the most useless talents. After one awakens this ability, they can create a clone of themselves. However, their strength is halved in the process. Aside from running errands and making deliveries, it is useless.” However, very soon, Ling Feng discovered that something was off. That was because his talent could level up from the lowest F rank up to the SSR rank! He had unlimited clones and unlimited evolution! Many years later, half of the superpower users in the world were Ling Feng’s clones.

Urban Cloning Power · Ciudad
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205 Chs

Attack on the Surface of the Water

Traductor: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ling Feng took out his flying device and left the academy, flying towards the dense forest.


As soon as he arrived above the forest, he heard the cries of many wild beasts.

Ling Feng remained expressionless. He found a place to land and then transformed into an attribute clone.

Other than a few ice clones, the remaining clones were all five-element clones.

"Five elements clone, form the five elements formation, and annihilate the enemy.

"Ice clone! Pin him down!"


The order was given, and all the clones ran in that direction.

Ling Feng himself found a safe corner to hide in and placed his consciousness on one of the avatars.

This ice clone followed a five-element clone to a pool.

Tall trees surrounded the pond. In contrast, there were bubbles in the pool. When the water clone of the five elements clones saw this, it immediately ran to the bubbles and released a water attribute attack.
