
Chapter 1: The Middle Finger

"Hey, what are we going to do when we get back home?" John inquired.

Simon rolled his eyes and sighed, "Of course we're going to League, dumbass."

"Guys, can we pleeaaase find other games to play? It's getting boring and cringe, I'd much rather play Minecraft than run it down mid," Wang Yan retorted.

"Come on Wang Yan, League is not that bad right?" Kano questioned.

These four people were close friends in an elite school, Super Pro High School. This school only accepts the most outstanding students, and seeks to make its students excel and perform.

Regardless of how excellent the general students were, the four were actually rather well known in school for their toxicity, noisiness, and most importantly, their individuality.

John was smart, handsome and popular with girls, but he's known for rejecting every single girl who had confessed to him, no matter how beautiful she was. It was very peculiar of him, and people suspected that he swung the other way.

[Tsk, how infuriating that only normal looking people exist. For the sake of humanity (myself), I shall create genetically engineered monster girls!]

In other words, his sexual preferences and genre were very sus, e.g. centaur girls, arachne, and cyclops etc. If his tastes were ever leaked out, he would be banished into the humiliating world of kink shaming. This was a kept secret that only the other three knew. Of course, the group judged him for it. Despite all the criticisms he'd received upon revealing his preferences, he firmly believed in monster girls, and that it's extremely sexy to have monster parts.

Simon was smart and extremely studious, as proven by the fact that he held the highest scores across all subjects in his cohort. He also appeared to be rather attractive, with his only shortcoming his short stature. However, he is a vulgar and cowardly man who shrinks in the face of immediate difficulty. Also, he indulged in insulting people in the simplest yet damaging manners. There was once where someone accidentally tripped him over and caused him to gloriously faceplant down onto the concrete floor. He demanded an apology, but the perpetrator was unwilling to apologise for it. That was perhaps a Chad move, but Simon was no simple man. Simon must roast this man alive in front of the public.

"Did your mother not teach you manners when you were young? Your parents must have been siblings to have given birth to a defective little boy. Simon thinks that you should go fuck yourself."

Upon spitting venomous lines, the offender got extremely offended, and started to chase after Simon. Of course, as cowardly as he's ever been, he ran.

Next up, we have Kano. He was extremely athletic, handsome and was a national high school basketball player. Regrettably though, he does not enjoy thinking very much. He was only able to enter Super Pro High School due to his excellence in basketball and sports. In other words, he's dumb. However, because of this trait, he was actually popular with the boys, not the other way around. He faced difficulties head on, trained basketball to his hardest, and often helped his friends whenever they were in need. There's hardly anyone who could dislike such a simple and earnest man.

Last but not least, we have Wang Yan. His surname is Wang, which means King, while his given name is Yan, which means Fire. The two words combined turn his name into King of Fire when translated literally. As if proving that he was true to his name, he enjoyed cooking as his hobby, and often distributed it amongst his peers. However, his cooking skills were actually horrendous, frequently dishing out foods that were overcooked, charred and tasteless at best. Friends would eat his food occasionally as a show of consideration, but would never eat it at their own accord. It was a surprise how he was unable to tell that his own cooking was bad.

The four of them vastly differ from each other, so it was quite a wonder that they still managed to form such a tightly bonded group. People began giving the clique different names. The few nicknames that stuck by the most were "The Four Musketeers", or as the "The Four Retards". The latter name was invented simply because listening into their conversations can lower the general public's IQ by 1 every minute.

School just ended at 5pm, and they were simply heading back home, eager to start their gaming as per usual. They continued walking down Street 69, which was filled with students looking to rush back home just like the four Retards.

"Come and look at this vacuum cleaner! Selling at a 50% discount only for today!"

"Owner, just reduce the price by 50%! Who are you even trying to scam?"

Sounds of discount sales, price bartering and feet shuffling around could be heard, making it a buzzing and lively place.


While the four were bickering down the crowded Street as usual, the sky started warping and changing into myriads of different vibrant colors. It didn't take long for the people around to notice the phenomenon as it started to create small cracking sounds.

"G-guys, look up at the sky, are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" A nervous looking man stuttered to his group of friends within the crowd. People gradually stopped in their footsteps and tilted their head upwards.

Simon was the first of the four to raise his head up upon hearing his statement and unwittingly opened his mouth in shock.

"...What the fuck is that?"

"Haha holy shit, this looks cool. Is this the aurora beralis that Simon was talking about yesterday?" Kano laughed and remained seemingly unfazed.

"Bruh, it's called aurora borealis, and no, the phenomenon happening above is not it. Also, is it just me or is there a small blue palm hovering above the sky?" John smirked.

Everyone was confused by John's statement, and squinted their eyes at the chaotic sky. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that there was indeed a small blue palm in the sky. Not just that, it's also getting larger by the second. The azure palm gradually got bigger and bigger, and sharp whistling sounds were soon heard as it pierced through the air at an unimaginable speed.


While the high school kids were still flabbergasted at the sight of the descending azure palm, Wang Yan was the first to recover from the shock," Boys, I think we need to escape this area fast, Jojo style."

His words woke the rest of them out of their reverie, and they nodded their heads vigorously. In a split second, they started sprinting and weaving through the frozen crowd that were still captivated by the sight of the sky.

They persistently ran for a good 10 minutes, and exited the immediate vicinity of the descending palm… or so they had thought.

"Huff.. puff… guys, we ran for such a bloody long time, why is the bloody palm still above us? It can't be targeting us right? We're just 4 humble retards, I can't deal with this shit no more!" Simon exclaimed, panting breathlessly from the run.

"Haha, there's no way it's chasing us, because if it is, we're either main characters of a new and upcoming story, or we're dead!" Kano chuckled.

As if the azure hand heard Kano's retort and got irritated, it started descending even faster, and its size expanded to become as large as a football field.


Simon growled,"Kano you blockhead, you just cursed us to oblivion! Please for the love of God, o the sacred azure hand, can you please forgive my friend's nonsensical rambling and head on your own way? We promise that we shall not offend you any longer!"

The hand actually stopped moving! It seemed to be able to hear their conversation! It gave the impression that it was contemplating something while the four Retards' feet were planted on the ground with their heads tilted up, jaws gaping wide open as they looked at the hand in disbelief. 'What on earth is happening?' All of them thought so simultaneously.

Soon, the azure hand appeared to make up its mind, and changed from a palm form into pointing a middle finger! The middle finger tilted downwards vertically and fell at neck breaking speed, intent on using the finger to destroy the four Retards.


That was the last word that Kano muttered before the hand crashed down on them.


Their vision turned black, and their sense of hearing and touch was numbed. Waves of exceedingly painful headaches came striking onto the back of their skulls as they felt the urge to vomit. It was similar to a hangover, except that they were blind. This excruciating process felt like an eternity to them even though it actually happened within the span of a mere hour.

"Ahh… I wish that I could've at least banged someone at least once in my life.."

"Ughhh how did we end up in a situation like this? Kano should have just kept his mouth shut…. I guess it can't be helped."

"....ouch, this hurts."

"If I do survive this ordeal, I hope that at least my hands wouldn't be severely damaged so that I can remain cooking…"

While the four of them were having their last thoughts prior to their "death", their surroundings were filled with twisting energy, and they were warped out of existence.

'Mmm, so I've caught them… What am I going to do now? Should I just let them off? I didn't intend on chasing them down, but once they started running away for a straight 10 minutes, I couldn't help but chase after them. I just wanted to give them a scare afterwards, but once that one brat suddenly started begging for forgiveness, I couldn't help but slam my palm down onto them. Kekekek!'

The retards were laying down unconscious, seemingly having been transported into a world of abyss. The naked eye could only see the color black at the horizon that seemed infinite.

A translucent azure figure that was infinitely bigger than them was floating up and down staring at them with his hands scratching his chin. After a brief moment, his head cocked up and a light bulb appeared beside his head.

'Alright, I'm going to freeze them for 50,000 years! I might be reprimanded by the other Gods for messing with the lower realm, but I don't really care. I shall see the courses that they will take during their lifetime; if they are useless and uninteresting then so be it, but if they actually become powerful… then maybe I can finally…'

Clang clang crack!

His thoughts were interrupted when another green voluptuous divine figure entered the abyss with force.

"Loki! Stop messing around with my world! I have spent 2000 years assimilating Earth to be suitable for mana, and getting humans to worship me. I am not going to let those two thousand years go to waste from your mischief!"

"Woah woah, Gaia, you should relax for a moment. Of course, I'm not going to ruin the fruits of your effort. I just want these 4 earthlings."

"NO! I've seen your deeds in one of the realms; you gave a certain group of people unimaginable talent and power, made them drunk on power and caused a great multi-realm war. I cannot allow that to happen again."

"Alright alright, I will not bless them powers. I'll just freeze them for 50,000 years and see how they react from then on. I will not directly interact with them nor influence their decisions. How about that?"


"....I'll give you a drop of Origin Divine Essence."

Loki summoned a mysterious glowing item with a tear-dropped shape. Gaia's eyes widened in shock and stared at it intensely.


"I'll starting counting down now, 5, 4, 3-"

Gaia snatched the item away from his hand, and the item landed in her hands. She closed her palm, and once her hand reopened, the item was gone.

"Kekek, it seems that even Gods are not immune to the temptation of power."

"...Let us form a God's contract with your previously mentioned statements."

"Seriously? I've already let you rip me off for four random Earthlings, and you still want me to form a contract?"

"Shut up and just do it!"

Loki then slowly floated towards her begrudgingly, and a shining golden paper was summoned on Gaia's hand. The two of them cut their thumb, and glistening blood respective to their body's color started spilling out onto the paper.

Characters started forming on top of the paper. It looked ancient and cryptic, and it does not seem to belong to any of Earth's languages. After the characters stopped forming, the shining effect vanished, and the paper subsequently disappeared.

"Are you satisfied now Gaia?"

"Of course! I can't be inhospitable since it was so generous of you to donate your Origin Divine Essence for such an easy and weird request. Why did you do that though?"

"Keke, I was just feeling bored. I shall be taking my leave and coming back in 50,000 years. You can place them wherever you want. I'll see you soon!"

After that final statement, Loki froze the four Retards and encased them into four ordinary looking ice cubes. He then turned around and disappeared from the world of the abyss.

"Sigh… I hope this incident doesn't complicate things for my realm. I'm going to place them in hidden areas to at least ensure their safety for now."

Her fingers started dancing around, and the four ice blocks started levitating. They were then warped out of the abyss and crashed into a jungle. Just like that, 50,000 years passed by in a flash.

'Ughhh my headache is killing me and my vision is so blurry… am I dead?'

John was lying on a lush grassy area, but he sat up with great difficulty. He began trying to ascertain his area by glancing around, but his vision was still impaired, and wasn't able to make out what was around him apart from seeing a blurry pigment of green. He heard birds chirping energetically, the trees rustling, and the breeze gently caressed his cheeks. He pinched his thigh and felt the familiar tingling sensation of pain.

'Mmm, I'm probably still alive. Anyway, what's wrong with that blue hand? It seemed to be taunted by Simon's words and rushed at us. It seems like our luck was bad that day.'

As he sat there deep in thought, he gradually regained his vision, and the creases on his face became more and more pronounced as time went by.

'W-what the fuck am I seeing right now?'

Giant bird-looking creatures the size of elephants loomed across the skies, with giant mountains that pierced through the clouds in a distance. The monstrous trees surrounding him were 30 meters tall. Everything about what he's seeing is screaming "Fantasy" into his brain.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His eyes glanced around blankly at the surroundings before his mind went into overload, and he fell unconscious once again.