
You make everything better


"Glad you came to your senses,'' Russ confidently whines in the car. It took me about five minutes to get ready and I already have regrets. I don't even want to be going out. I just want to stay in bed and wait for him. After our movie, which basically took about two hours, we start the journey back to the house.

"I am so hungry. Can we get something to eat before going back home?''

Russ glances at me "For food?'' he asks confused.

I nod.

"You know, in all my years of knowing you. I have never heard you say you are hungry. In fact, I have never seen you eat real food before. What is going on with you?''

"None of your business,'' I snap at him. I am being extra mean to him today. Maybe it is because I don't even want to be here, out in the sun. I would rather wait for Beau to come back at home, in our bed, than be outside with him.

"Why am I still friends with you when all you do is treat me like shit?''