
Torture begins


"Are you sure you are all ready for this?'' Alby asks us with a calm expression on his face. 

I want to scream at him. Tell him that I have been ready for this since the day I met them. I turn to Rex and he grabs my hand in his, slowly, I reach for Gyles and he is smiling and watching me. 

I should be afraid. It is not going to be easy because we have to appease the goddess. We have to show her that we are worthy of this gift. But I am not afraid because I have Rex and Gyles by my sides. I am not afraid because I am doing this for myself as well. I am not afraid because I trust these two men. 

"I am ready. I have been ready for this my whole life," I tell Alby and he nods, his smile even wider. I guess that is the answer that he wanted. 

"This is not going to be easy. Your patience is going to be tested in there. You have to stay strong,'' he tells us.