


I stop in front of the car and reach for the handle of the boot. My hands tremble as I open it. There is this energy that comes from being close to the book and I can feel it. I have made up my mind to open it. To ask the book for help.

I know this is a big risk but I need to do this. I need something fast and effective. The connection that the book has with the spirits should make this easier. It should be willing to help. willing to show me how to fix everything that has happened in this place. If Analise killed all the elders, then things are worse than I thought they were.

I see the book in the trunk, it is like a flash of temptation and I have already made up my mind to give in to it. The fear that had for it, is still there but there is determination in my heart. The kind of determination that will make me do anything.

I just want this to be over.